New World | Taking A Look At Housing


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One of my goals in New World was to acquire the most expensive house I could in the major town my faction was set up in. I wanted some of the perks that came along with housing such as being able to expand your storage capacity in the town and a free teleport to the house every two hours. What I was not expecting was a large amount of effort and cost of getting that house.

On the server I’m on the faction I’m in took things over and turned Everfall into their central hub. As a crafter and gather by trade in New World I was all too thrilled that the economic hub for the server I was on was also the main area for the faction I was in.

Acquiring the highest tier of the house in New World requires having territory standing of 30 for that area. While I did complete all quests in Everfall. Along with, making it my main hub for crafting among other actives such as hunting. I was quite short on this mark.

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As a result, I hit up the town project board to take on as many missions as I could for 250 to 750 territorie standing each. Some of them were quite easy to complete since I had a lot of crafting supplies on hand and making mana potions or delivering steel bars was easy. While other things such as having to go out and loot chests took up much of my time.

To the best of my ability every 30 mins I returned to town. That is how long it takes before the Town project board refreshes. I would turn in what I could, cancel the missions I could not, and kept anything I was almost finished with.

That went on for several days of just grinding out standing before finally hitting 30. While I did not need to go to such extremes for the lower-tier homes. I wanted to take advantage of the first-time home buyer discount in a town of 50% off the price.

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I ended up selecting this orange house due to its location. Being a crafter I wanted to be close to some of the crafting stations in Everfall. This house happens to be right next to the forge and smelter. I tend to use them the most.

While the original price for the house was 20k gold. With it being the first one I bought in Everfall I got it for only 10k. Since you are limited to how many homes you can even have in the game I don’t see many wanting more than one in a given town. This however is not the most expensive cost of homeownership.

In most games that I’ve played in the past that had some kind of housing they have upkeep costs to keep them active. New World is no different as you have property taxes and the rates are set by the guild company that controls the territory.

What I was not expecting is having to pay every 5 days. That just seems a bit excessive. I understand that different guild companies in the game go to war with each other for control over territory on quite a frequent matter. However, paying 795.13 gold at the current tax every 5 days makes the monthly taxes just about half of what I paid for the house.

The good news is if you don’t pay the property taxes you just lose the benefits of the house till you pay to active them again. Homeownership comes with some cool perks in New World. The highest tier of the home having a 2-hour teleport back option. You can also craft storage and place them in the house. Along with bonus items.

With Everfall being my main hub for selling and crafting. I feel there is quite a large value in being able to teleport back to the town every two hours with everything I have gathered. This allows me to set up my binding point in a different area and I’m not having to burn as much azoth teleporting between towns.

New World also suffers from some rather strict storage space if you are a crafter. I’m the kind of person who has multiple towns storage sheds filled with different crafting ingredients and goods. At some point in the next month or two, I could see myself struggling to find enough room.

Thankfully homeownership allows me to add a little bit of space to the storage town. It’s however not cheap. A lower-end Hewn Log Storage Chest on my server is going for 500 - 1,500 gold each depending on the time of the day and the demand.

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Hewn Log Storage Chest is sadly rather ugly looking in my opinion and bulky at that. In most homes I’ve visited in New World the owners seem to just shove these things into the yard. Anywhere else it can feel a bit cramped such as where I’ve set them up in my own home.

While I can have four chests in the highest tier house. I have yet to craft my last one. The Hewn Log Storage Chest requires a Minor Rune of Holding which I’m all out of faction to buy another along with some other items. I also have plans to grind out my furnishing skill to 85 so I can have Iron storage chests instead.

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The last major bonus to homeownership is placing items that grant a bonus called trophies. The highest tier house has 5 slots for trophies. They are sadly still out of my furnishing skill range to craft. They can grant a bonus to the gathering, crafting, and even combat skills. The materials to craft them seem to be decent with the biggest barrier to entry just being the skill itself.

The biggest downside other than the taxes on the home system in New World is the size of them in my opinion. Despite owning the largest house I can in Everfall this thing feels tiny. While not the smallest I've ever had in a game such as apartments I’ve had in other games. It feels more akin to that kind of size despite it being a house for useable space.

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While the houses are instanced with the highest-scoring ones being on display to the public. I feel these could have been larger spaces. My downsize area can hold a couple of chairs, a table I can’t be bothered crafting, and a non-functioning “cooking” area I’ve set up.

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While my upstairs is just a small bedroom. While it has more useable space than the downstairs many of the homes I’ve checked out seem to suffer from the same issue. The stairs take up quite a large portion of the house. The amount of useable space inside is frankly not that great for this being the most expensive house I could buy.

Outside of the couple of things I’ve mentioned there is not any other utility to house ownership that I’m aware of. I do find it a bit disappointing. I can’t do things like a craft from inside my house. I can’t do something like teleport over to my friend's houses as far as I’m aware.

While I’m not myself a role-player kind of gamer. I feel like the housing in New World is also lacking enough useful nesses to attract those kinds of players who enjoy that sort of thing when it comes to housing in a game.

Final Thoughts

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If it was not for the fact I’m a crafter. I’m not sure I could justify the upfront cost and all the taxes homeownership has in New World. I need as much storage as I can get. While also needing to make frequent trips a few times a day to the town that meets my crafting needs. This for now is in Everfall. That however might not always be the case resulting in me needing to make another large investment in another town.

There has also been an interesting development since I’ve bought this house. The faction I’m in no longer controls the territory my house is in. It is also common knowledge that my faction invested heavily into the town including getting houses. I am now at the mercy of the tax rate of the enemy. Thankfully if it gets too bad I can just stop paying my taxes and no longer gain the benefits of homeownership from that house. I could also abandon it but that seems like a waste of gold.

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Screenshots were taken and content was written by @Enjar. Screenshots are from New World.

Originally posted on Enjar Games. Hive blog powered by ENGRAVE.

0.067 PAL


Seems like a lot of effort to get your own house in New World. I wish you good luck in keeping the house in your hands!

0.006 PAL

It sure was. I'm hoping it's worth it in the end.

Thanks. Have a great week.

0.000 PAL

Damn, thats some heavy taxation!

Do any players in the game actually get that tax money or it just vanishes into the game?

would be cool if they let you add rooms/floors to the house, or just buy the property and build your own house...

0.006 PAL

Taxes go to the company (guild) that controls the town. They are suppose to spend it on upgrading and maintaining the town along with defending it from other companies trying to take it over.

0.000 PAL

It's always great to aim hight when it comes to what your goals in a game are! But the efforts are always commensurate! 😊

0.006 PAL

Now I just got work on getting a 2nd house in another town.

0.000 PAL

I love it when a new guild takes over and imposes 15% tax like what even!

0.006 PAL

Thankfully they ended up lowering taxes a bit. They where set high as a way to improve the town faster. The new company are slacking though.

0.000 PAL

nice.. i am so far away from this still... still farming my life skills and doing tons of questing... leveling is harder them it seems. i got a bunch of furniture tho =[

0.005 PAL

I've been trying to catch up on my questing over the weekend. There is a lot more than I was expecting.

0.000 PAL

indeed ! im not sure if i screwed up. but i got tons of quests all over the places. some are still lvl 16 quests... im just focusing on the 29-30 quests, and doing a lot of factions quests.. i hope i can keep them on server transfer lo
@enjar replied in the wrong place lol

0.000 PAL

I got a bunch of lower level quests all over the place as well. I stopped working on the storyline after I needed a group lol.

While its nice there are more than one area that covers the same range of levels most of the time. There are always more quests to do. I'm just about to go into level 41 areas.

0.000 PAL

I know you can also spawn at your house like you would an inn, I think once in an hour. Probably something else that is worth it besides the storage space as well. Most likely still worth even getting a cheaper one, just for the storage space and respawn. They will have future updates to bring in a lot to the game, so I can see housing being worked on, hopefully!

0.005 PAL

The house has a 2 hour timer on the recall. You can pay Azoth to reset it sooner.

0.000 PAL

Wow! I really hope that all that trouble is worth it. If I become homeless, can I rent a room?

Hi, @enjar!

0.005 PAL

I'd let you rent my 2nd home when I hopefully get it this week.

0.002 PAL

Excellent! Good luck! ;)

0.000 PAL