Negative thoughts are our greatest mental burdens
How many times we are saturated with thoughts, is that at all times we are doing it and depending on our situation we think more than we should, when we have situations to solve we notice how we do not stop thinking and thinking about it, thoughts come and go trying to find solutions.
No person is exempt from thinking is something normal in humans, is the reason to differentiate us from other living species, thinking is reasoning about what happens to us and we must face with wisdom, my wife or life partner is very good at controlling her thoughts, she like everyone else thinks, but does not collapse with so much thinking spends the necessary hours to do so and then goes in the realization of other things.
Her way of thinking and seeing life helps me a lot to not overthink everything, it is good to worry about the things we have to solve but not get caught by those worries, sometimes I feel that everything goes to think and I must distribute the time in so many other tasks, that is, in action, is something that I have been controlling as the years go by, when I control my thoughts I own my time and my actions, that is why I observe people to notice how they handle their thoughts especially those people next to me.
When I want to have inner peace I disconnect with all thoughts involved with excessive worries, and in that way I see and experience positive changes in my family life and work, being efficient in my thoughts is the task of my day to day since my tranquility depends on it and it is something that I value very much, thoughts will always be in our mind but the valuable thing is to know how to use them effectively.