Let's turn our life into an interesting story captured in the best of books




Each person develops his or her life story, where he or she is the protagonist and in charge of the development of each of the actions that take place in it, but what makes the story of our lives interesting? We can go unnoticed and not attract anyone's attention and lead a life full of gray tones rather than other colors.

Many times we want to make life next to a person who captivates us with his interesting and striking story and we feel that ours is not interesting until we decide to really feel it, for me the most important thing is not to try to copy other life stories, success lies in the originality that we can bring to our story, the book that describes our life is loaded with different parts or chapters where some will be shorter others longer, some pleasurable others not so much.

Whatever actions we decide to do in our life story the important thing is that we like them and they make us happy and if they interest someone else is a point in our favor, and if that someone else likes us then we will have managed to attract their attention with an interesting story for that person, the love chapter, usually we write or develop it inspired and this allows us to paint our best moments.

When we feel that a chapter of our life pleases us, let's try to make it as long as possible and enjoy everything we can, remember that it is our attitude towards life what will determine that each chapter of our life is positive or fruitful, everything is a constant learning process where we must always make the best of our actions, how many times we dedicate ourselves to read a good book and we do not want it to end, so it should be with our life story.

No doubt there will be chapters where we will want to turn the pages quickly, every story has such paragraphs, however, we must ensure that our life story has as many chapters as we want and that they are wonderfully interesting so that those who decide to read it enjoy them and know that the success of our life story is our responsibility.


If we compare our life with a book , then everyday is like a new chapter and we have the power to write those thing which we want through our activities and that can make our life beautiful which means we can finish the book with a happy ending.


Great contribution, thank you for your wise words, I totally share them.


Life's journey is full of color, there is always something we need to fix, we enjoy, happiness within. Enjoy a rich and happy life, @enioj18


Your words are the right ones, thank you for your visit.
