An Autumnal Walk Around Whitworth Park


Whitworth Park is a lovely place to visit especially in autumn when the leaves start to change colour. The once green leaves on the trees have changed into shades of yellow and orange.

The ground was covered with a carpet of fallen leaves, the air was crisp and cool, making it the perfect weather for a autumnal stroll in the park.
I could hear the leaves crunch under my feet as I strolled through the park.

Visitors to the park enjoy sitting on one of the park benches in the sun. It's a nice way to relax and get some fresh air. It's best to get out while the weather is reasonably good.

Overall, Whitworth Park is a lovely place to visit in whatever the season, but my favourite is in autumn when the leaves start to change colour.

0.201 PAL


Wow! Such a beautiful and peaceful park. Autumn colours are smashing.

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