A Hot Walk around the Nature Reserve


The wetland reserve is situated on part of the site of a decommissioned Coking Works, a former industrial site that has now been transformed into a nature reserve.

We've had a couple of hot days. The air was quite warm and quickly sapped your energy. It did look very pretty though with all the wild flowers. I don't mind the weeds either if they are colourful. It's a shame there's still not many butterflies around.

There were some angry dark clouds overhead, but it remained dry as I did a nice circular walk around the reserve. Not many people out walking their dogs as it was far too hot.

Every year, like clockwork, the kestrels make a return visit to the bird box to rear their young. The bird box is a little too far away for me to see up close, but I managed to spot two kestrels on top of it. When the day arrives when the chicks have fledged and all flown off into the world, volunteers will come to clean out the box, ready for next year when the kestrels will return once again.

At the end of my walk, I watched the little squirrel nibbling on a discarded biscuit for a while, before leaving him/her to finish its treat.


You've captured some amazing photographs. The colours look so lovely as if nature has given you its full support for this photography. :)
Sending Love and Ecency Vote!


It looks very nice over there, I loved the photo of the little squirrel. Thanks for sharing such beautiful photos 💕
