A Goggle Wearing Dog, Scarecrow Competition and Friday the 13th!

It's been a strange old week for me. While I was out and about, I saw a few funny things that made me smile. One of the funniest sights I came across was at the petrol station where I bumped into a goggle-wearing pooch. She was sitting in the back seat of a car. She liked to look out of the back window so she wears goggles to keep the wind out of her eyes. She was beautiful. 🙂

After I filled up with petrol, I had a walk around my village. It is the village scarecrow competition time! The competition is a fun event that takes place every year in all the local villages.

As we've just had the Olympics and now the Paralympics, I love these. A lot of work has gone into them.

In the next village, a stormtrooper guarded the front door. I do like Star Wars, but sadly, it didn't win this particular competition. It came third behind Harry Potter and Taylor Swift!

My last part of the walk was in a country park where something caught my eye. As I was walking along, I noticed a campervan parked in a secluded spot. As I got closer, I saw something that made me do a double-take - there were two Jasons from the Friday the 13th films sat in the campervan. As I got closer, I realised that they were just masks and not real people. The owner of the campervan had put them on the headrests to deter people from trying to break into or steal his van. It was actually quite clever, but it made me even more intrigued. At this point, I decided the world had gone mad and went home. 😁

This is for the #beautifulsunday challenge, initiated by @ace108 and #sublimesunday by @c0ff33a.


Ha, what a great closing to the post. The pictures are great and that dog with glasses is very funny. Sometimes you just stand like that... with your mouth open at the things you see, but nothing is people expressing themselves freely hahaha....


Cute goggled dog. If you didn't mentioned scarecrow, I'd have thought the folks are already getting ready for Halloween.


That's something else to look forward to. 🙂😱


Strange happenings around you in one day! Weird! But quite amusing too.
That dog looks so cool as if she’s a cool rider.

The competition is unique to the English tradition. You could only find these kinds of funny competition in England only!
