Sunday Rambles

I can't believe it's been a month last time I published a long post!

I'm not gonna lie, it's easier to go ahead and use InLeo threads and throw something simple like saying hi or telling a joke. And even that I slack a lot!

Even the weekly hive goals post which is pretty much copying/pasting and changing the numbers turned into a lot of work lol

Let's say I'm still overwhelmed with a lot of stuff...

Things at work are still not easy...

The external company exploring the spa is still around and I'm still around as well. I'm actually the last one that is still part of the hotel working for them. And it seems they don't like me for some reason. No matter what I do to help them so we can co-exist, it always seems not enough. I tried to change departments even a bit against my will. I rejected one position proposed by Human Resources and they rejected one that I proposed!

And here I am...Still working at the Spa, which I was contracted for, just like them they made a contract to explore this Spa! And I'm not going anywhere now! Unless they pay me to leave or I win the Euromillions lol

I am from now on making a position!

But it's not easy with these...witches lol

What bothers me is they are too much's even too much! Too cynical it makes me sick lol But what bothers me the most is the way they treat their own employees. One thing it's me, the "black sheep" to their eyes treating me like an outsider (when they are the real outsiders but ok lol). But treating the other therapists like they are never good enough when they work so hurts me.

They say they have worked in the industry for 25 years and they know it all they say. But I also work in the same industry for 12 years plus other fields. So, I'm not here since yesterday like they sometimes treat me! So I'm ok if they want to focus on their employees with bookings for them while I'm their last resource. They are working as freelancers they need to work for their commissions. Been there, done that. Fortunately, I don't need to do that anymore with a permanent contract, I get paid either way. As long as they don't accuse me of doing nothing! There's always something to do: laundry, clean rooms, restock! I don't mind at all!

But then again, is not easy mentally lol

They are kind of cutting my wings...I love giving massages, that's my passion! And they know it hurts me when I'm not doing anything all day. But I'll keep my cool, I need to rest my body anyway!

On a positive note, I have my old days off back, which are Wednesday and Thursday! Because they don't work on Sundays and the Spa must remain open because of the wet area facilities. So, 3 days without the witches and I have to be at the Spa Reception on Sundays so more time to be online in peace like I used to!

In other news, I got into a new project! Another from the million ones I get into and do not finish lolol it's outside Hive though! And it's a multilevel marketing company which will be funny for some CTP people haha

I've been avoiding it for quite some time because I knew it wouldn't be fair not to focus on it 100% when I was working with Jon and Blain. Plus the bad reputation MLMs have.

But watching them from the side and just being a normal buyer from the company and watching them focus more on the product than on the business part made me want to try to promote it as well.

I've been using their products for 2 years now and I can talk about it with some confidence already. And it's a very good product!

But I'm still not sure if it should be the kind of content you all wanted to see here from me!

What I can do though, is what everyone building a business should do, share the story, the experience! Being the product of the product! And all that jazz that CTP tried to pass on through the years!

Would you guys be interested in this kind of content? It's about my weight-loss journey and what I did in the past 2 years! So far I almost lost 30kg (about 66lbs) by the way :)

And there you go, a long post! Let's see how long for the next one!

If you reached the end of my rambles, thank you so much!

I'm not going anywhere..I just need to manage my head better lol

Love you all!

Posted Using InLeo Alpha


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