Psychology behind Semantic Reactions


Hey dear community, first of all I would like to welcome you to my new post and hope you had a day full of exciting experiences! In this article I would like to discuss psychology and hope you can learn new things.

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A semantic reaction is closely associated with certain stimuli and in this case the stimulus is a word and in this phenomenon the state of a person is changed by words or things associated with it. A simple example is when people communicate with each other and a negative word falls which is misinterpreted by a person and thereby triggers a certain reaction and a semantic reaction is closely connected to the subconscious in which experiences must already be anchored which are associated with a certain word. This topic must always be considered individually because everyone reacts differently to certain words and links it with their own experiences from the past, but there are also words that can trigger a certain reaction in whole groups of people and this topic is particularly interesting to show how powerful some words can be that they even change the behavior of people. In addition to research in the psychological area, people also make targeted use of it in the field of marketing and an example is to integrate certain words in certain advertisements that trigger a change in behavior among consumers and the advertiser hopes to put products more in the foreground and to increase the willingness of the consumer to buy. Sometimes this is also combined with other psychological strategies and it comes to a whole series of reactions of different stimuli and in the advertising sector, this usually happens relatively unconsciously and people notice the words but do not know that there is a strategy behind it to increase the willingness to buy and usually certain words are used here which trigger a certain reaction with a whole target target group. Who had dealt with it more closely and coined this term was Alfred Korzybski (1879 - 1950) who was particularly fascinated by the interaction between certain words with the psyche or the physical body and the effect on the individual was particularly interesting for him and he described it as a phenomenon of the own perception.


Thank you very much for stopping by and I hope you could learn something new about this interesting topic! I captured these pictures with my Camera Sony Alpha 6000 plus 55-210 mm lens.
