Psychology behind Body Language

Hey dear community, first of all I hope you are all doing well and you had a pleasant start to the new weekend! In this article I would like to go into psychology and hope you are able to expand your knowledge.

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Body language is a form of communication that can take place on an unconscious or conscious level and this can refer to the facial expressions or certain movements of the body, which are called gestures. Certain glances or other sensory perceptions can also be counted to body language and some also count the clothing or the voice such as the volume or tone to it and even in moments of encounter, it is often the touch such as the handshake or a passive behavior such as distancing that can say a lot. On the basis of body language, one can often get a specific picture of other people and analyze what is going on in them and how much the body language says about people must always be considered individually and is often very different and there are many influence factors that have contributed a part to this, such as spontaneous moments in which behavior and body language changes. Even if people are in the group, the behavior and thus also the body language has changed and also certain stimuli from outside or the general state of health can have the consequence that the facial expression is also changed and there are also sometimes differences between the different genders and the emotional behavior often plays a major role. There are also cultural differences that result in a change in body language and in different countries there are often other interpretations such as the typical shaking of the head which in many countries can often be considered as negation and in other cultures this can behave differently and be an expression of rapprochement.

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Even if people do not notice it so often, most of the everyday communication with each other takes place on a non-verbal level and in this way there is an exchange of signals between interlocutors which results in a development of trust and negative gestures can quickly result in people no longer understanding each other so well or a tension is created. It is assumed that over 80% of communication takes place on a non-verbal level and even if body language can often say a lot about people, this is not enough and in order to get to know people better, you have to get a complete picture of a person and in addition, facial expressions can often be misinterpreted by some people and can often distort an impression. Even if most of it takes place unconsciously, there are various areas where one makes targeted use of body language and an example is the marketing area where specific gestures or facial expressions are worked specifically in order to convey a positive expression in order to be able to sell a product to the customer more convincingly.

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Thanks for stopping by and I hope you could learn something new about psychology! I captured these pictures with my Camera Sony Alpha 6000 plus 55-210 mm lens.
