Ecological benefits of Berry bushes


Hey dear community, first of all I would like to welcome you all to my new contribution and hope you had a day that brought some interesting experiences into your life! In this article I would like to discuss nature and hope you are able to expand your knowledge.

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Berries have not only been offering humans an important source of food for many years and are valued because of the numerous active ingredients, but are also very important from an ecological point of view and offer different insects, birds or other animals an important source of food. Usually berry bushes grow very compactly and offer some animals a good shelter and on the leaves, you can often find various caterpillars which find an important source of food here and while the berries form in spring it is already of great importance for different species of insects such as bees, bumblebees and many others which collect pollen or nectar here and the ecological benefits can always vary according to the variety. Berry bushes are particularly useful for biodiversity and there are some species of insects that have specially focussed on them and cultivation can make an important contribution to support the biodiversity and a good example of rare insects that appreciate berries are wild bees and according to estimates, it turns out that in some places already every tenth wild bee is threatened with extinction and berry bushes offer an important source of food as well as new places for shelter. Often the whole plant is useable and on the leaves, as already mentioned above, you often find caterpillars or other insects such as beetles and often you will find spiders that build their nest here and in addition, cultivation can also have an important influence on the quality of the soil and help to improve it. It is important that it is quite useful all year round from an ecological point of view and in spring you find insects here and in winter when birds have it particularly difficult to find food sources, there are some types of berries that still form fruits and are an essential source of food and often you see that certain berries are toxic to humans and animals like birds still tolerate them. It can be very worthwhile to cultivate berries and on the one hand people get something out of it and can use them in many ways and on the other hand people can support nature and the biodiversity.

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Thanks a lot for stopping by and I hope you could learn something new about nature! I captured these pictures with my Camera Sony Alpha 6000 plus 55-210 mm lens.
