Aurum potabile in Alchemy

Hello everyone, at the beginning I would like to welcome you to my new contribution and hope you have a weekend which is full of interesting experiences! In this article I would like to talk about alchemy and hope you can expand your knowledge.

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One of the most important works of the old alchemists was to find possibilities with which they could develop the full potential of the human body and here the exploration of things were important which could awaken the higher self or activate the self-healing powers of the body. It was much about using things from nature and bringing them into a better state and according to the philosophy, nature is not completed and it is the own task to do this and here the preparation of potions or elixirs had an important meaning and minerals, plants, mushrooms or other things from nature were used to create these elixirs which should help to prolong life or heal the body. One of the best-known elixirs was the Aurum potabile which can be described as drinkable gold and it was probably the elixir that was associated with the most mystical properties and gold in liquid form could help to improve concentration, prolong life, rejuvenate the body, cure diseases or reach wisdom and in ancient writings, it appears again and again and well-known alchemists such as Paracelsus have dealt with the production. Aurum potabile should have a strong influence on the mind and help to awaken the spiritual side, which is why it was also used for spiritual development and it can also be considered as a universal medicine and there are even old writings of alchemists who lived with the help of Aurum potabile several thousand years. Gold as a metal is also symbolically associated with the energy of the sun and the one who consume it, should receive the full creative power and with Aurum potabile it should even be possible to activate the hidden forces of the body and to have supernatural experiences. How exactly this elixir was made is not quite known and different recipes appear, but it is suspected that it was a long process to turn gold into a drinkable form and the choice of the right solvent was of great importance. In some recipes the gold was dissolved for several weeks or even months and the substance was distilled until a clear end product came to light and an alcoholic substance was used as a solvent and typical for Aurum potabile was the golden color and here there are even many traces of counterfeits in which the color was also artificially created by the admixing with plants. Gold is not always the same and the alchemists used tools to crush it beforehand or cut the gold into thin slices and in this way they could be sure that it dissolves better and the full potential is exhausted.

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Thanks for stopping by and I hope you could learn something new about alchemy! I captured these pictures with my Camera Sony Alpha 6000 plus 55-210 mm lens.
