

Greetings to all my readers, it’s been an amazing weekend so far, I hope you are having the best of time and opportunity, life for me is intentionality, give out what you expect. A big thank you to the amazing members of the #proofofbrain community, for giving us such an opportunity to share our thoughts, I don’t take for granted at all.

There are many thing that life demands of us and some are non-negotiable, The day you stop doing them, to me you have lost your essence, so in other not to lose self and life essence. The three things that am about to share are things we do daily but many times we are not deliberate on how we engage them, so I want to bring your mind to them so that you and I can show some level of commitments to it, as we engage them. Amongst many thing that we can talk about, we will look at this three, just to reawake us into consciousness and deliberate actions.

Don't Stop Thinking:

You will agree with me that every man born of a woman has the mind and has the ability to put the mind to use, thinking is when you engage your mind for effective evaluation, analysis and processing of signals and information, to receive the desired result. Yes we all have the mind but many times, the mind is just thee but we don’t see the effective result as expected, of recent I was in a function and I heard a man asking a young girl if she does not think, I was worried but I don’t know why the man had to make such statement. We all looked at her but it became worrisome that some persons don’t engage their minds as supposed, When I letter made my findings, I got to know that she did something below expectation and the elderly man felt she is not up to the age of being given such a task to handle.

I do believe that whoever gave her the responsibility, had seen her to be competent enough to have handled the task but the problem here was that the young lady did not use her mind to effectively think and analyses the effect of every steps before going ahead to act on it. This is what we see daily in our society, gentlemen and ladies whom we will see to appear responsible but when you give them responsibility, you see them fail below expectation, standards and demands. In case you have heard this before or even have personally experience it, please do well to deliberately engage your mind for productive reasoning, if not you will be seen to have a mind but not thinking.

Don't Stop Giving out and receiving:

This is basically one thing we do unconsciously, because the human system is and was design to do that by default, but like I said in the session above, we have been doing this things because we know that the system we function with, have need of it and cannot function without it but it is very important that we begin to give more attentive and dedicated commitment to the things that we receive into our system and what we also give out to the environment where we live.
I know that to some persons, it will sound like am only talking about taking in air and sending out air, but there is more to it than just air. The totality of our life is all about giving and receiving, it cut across food, knowledge, ideas and other resources that are very needful to the day to day activities of man, This is also goes down to the gift aspect, I know that some persons no matter how it is, something cannot leave them to another but they most people that do believe that every seconds of their life people should give them, but tell me how can you or will you always receive without giving.
I really want to say that, we should do well to give and receive intentionally, so that we will know what we have receive and what we give, remember this process is like a seed sewing process, when you give out, you are sewing, as you are taking in, you are reaping from another entity what is given out, so do well to give out your best so as to receive the best as well.

Don't Stop Be friendly:

A healthy relationship is a beautiful thing, you cannot be able to think effectively and as well be a good giver or receiver, if you cannot show yourself friendly. I will also need to draw the line as well because, when your life is open to many, it is exposed to so much danger, but like I said above, you must be alert to the persons you should be friendly with, In the organization where I work, we have recently seen a drama, that played out in the name of friendship, someone who was blackmail and betrayed in the name of friendship, some around you in the name of friends are worse than the devil himself, the truth is that you cannot decide the persons you meet but you can decide the persons you can go along with. Yes be friendly but be wise, not all that are gentle are kind.
As we conclude, think as well as you give, be kind but be sure you don’t keep all kind of persons as friend, our society is good, beautiful, lovely and wicked, being intentional will grant you access to a quality and meaningful life. Do have a great weekend. Thanks for having me @ekotmordemy.

0.001 PAL


a well rounded article this was! 😃 definitely some aspects that should not be forgotten in life, thank you for sharing your post about this! ☺️

0.000 PAL

thanks for the mentioning

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