
Thanks so much for being a true father, i would never know how much god would have needed me but you have open my eye to understand what true fatherhood is all about, Truly if i had gotten married 2 to 3 years ago, i would have been a half baked father, but thanks be to God for bringing you my way to shape my life with Gods word.

Daddy, thanks for allowing yourself to be use by God to be a blessing to my generation, it is a huge pries to pay and i trust that god will richly bless you and give you an inheritance among them that are sanctified.


A few days ago i was thinking, why and how i bid not meet you some years ago, but i have come to understand that God does his things at the fullness of time, he said that He makes all things beautiful in his own time, am glad that he has made his word concerning me to be fulfil in a season as such as this.


I am what, i am what i am today because your hand also was instrumental to the making process, you are a father indeed, what more can i say, thank you, i love the way you father me. all of what i will love to say will be sang in a song, thank you for your humility, it humbles me, always, you are my father and am proud to call you my own.


Who is a father, a man who is ready and willing to provide, protect and sustain, A true father will always be willing to accept a nutty son like me, You may have been thinking that all your effort was wasted but am glad to say that, you will soon begin to reap the fruits of your labor. Thank you for playing a fatherly role in my life, I Love you, I celebrate you, you will live till your days are over, Amen. @ekotmordemy

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