
This is an opportunity that I do not take for granted at all, Greetings to all my readers, it’s really been long but am back for an effective engagement.

I have been having in mind to share this few thought of mine and am sure it will make sense to someone. Like I have often said experience is a powerful teacher but it will not be wisdom to go through all that experience has to offer, the reason is that, the price for all experience is not necessary because some could be dangerous and deadly, as knowledgeable as the experience will be, not all is worth the life and the cost.

Delay is one of the experience that we have encountered that is often hurting in the present time but most times speaks volume in the future both in the positive and negative direction.

What is Delay?

This is when expectation, hope or desire are not met within the expected time of manifestation, whenever hope is differed, that process is known and called Delay, sometimes when this happened, it becomes advantageous to some but to others it will be a disadvantage. To some persons, it helps them wait for the true time of manifestation but to the others, time will pass them by.
Delay is a two way thing, it is not all bad, to some person, like I said, there is a high level of advantage and to the others it can bring so much tears.

What is the danger?

  • Growth Limitation:

For me one of the most funny experience of delay is the limitation we see in our growth system, I know someone may say to me but my age is adding but that is all that you can see, but you are short of wisdom and Influence, can you imagine how someone will grow without wisdom, there will be so much that will be lacking but because your age is advancing you may be deceived that you are growing but when you meet with people of your age, you find out that you are far below them. I did also make mention of lack of influence, when you see that your age is advance but lacks influence, that is to show you that there is so much of limitation and the factor responsible for this is the guy called delay.

As I conclude, the only way out of this is to contain for growth, make up your mind not to remain were you have been, it will take your deliberate commitment to make that happen.

Thanks so much for stopping by my blog to read, may you not encounter growth limitation as a result of delay. Thanks for having me @ekotmordemy

0.178 PAL


Do people still think of age as a limitation?
If we're concerned about growth, then determination and self-effort should be enough driving force.
Thank you for this.

0.000 PAL