
Greetings to all my friends and supporters on #homeedders community, am glad to be back after my one week leave to travel to the southern rigion of my nation for my childhood friend weeding ceremony. Once again l want to say a big thank you for always standing by, my regards to your college, family and Love once.


The call for effective and healthy communication between parents and kids can not be under estimated, especially in times and season such as this, were we can not completely leave the destinies of our kids into the hands of teachers whom we may not clearly have adiquate understanding of their moral values, faith and belief systems.

Communication as we all know is the act of sending information from one person to another, meaning there is always a sendee and a receiver, and off cause a two end transaction.
This can be verbally done and can also be non-verbal, Verbally for instance you have one person talking to another, with the use of sounds, and can also have the non-verbal, which is shown mostly by facial expressions, when you see a
scowl on a person's face that will
tell the other people that you are angry.

Communication by this two above mentioned channels can be positive and can as well be negative, effective and also ineffective. As such it is very important for parents to develop very healthy and effective communication with kids.

It is very important for parents to be
able to communicate openly and
effectively with their children. Open,
effective communication benefits not
only the children, but every member of
the family. Relationships between
parents and their children are greatly
improved when there is effective
communication taking place. In general,
if communication between parents and
their children is good, the platform is already set for effective education process that will be free of stress.

Parents who have developed effective and healthy communication
with their children are more likely to
have children who are obidient, smart and willing to carry out what ever task allocated to them,
the kids also
know what is expected of them from their
They kids are also more
likely to experience internally secure in their position
in the family.


Ways To Build a healthy and Effective Communication With

  • Start communicating effectively while
    children are young:

This is the beginning of everything and if not understood will creat so much damage to the life's of the kids and their future.
Effective Communication begin as early as when the child is in the womb, the both parents can have a healthy relationship with the child that is in the womb, research shows that at about 21st week of the baby in the womb or even more earlier than that, the baby begin to kick in the womb, Most time when the both parents are having fun fill times.
This helps to creat values and develops a healthy subconscious mind for an Effective upbringing.
For the this to be possible, the both parents must be available timewise to enhance this commutation and build the bond of love and togetherness within the family.
So that the children can be free to ask as many questions as they would love to get answers. They will start from there and grow with it till they become adult. Cif you you carefully observe, children who feel loved
and are accepted by their parents are often more
likely to open up and share their
experience, thoughts, feelings, and concerns with
their parents and even other, within their
circle of influence.


  • Communicate at your children's

Communication is healthy, comprehensive and Effective when done at specific leave that will enhance understanding. It is of high and absolute important for parents to effectively communicate with their children, it is important and very helpful
for them to come down to their
children's level both verbally and

Verbally, parents should
try to use age-appropriate language
that their children can easily
understand. With younger children,
this can be done by using simple
words. For example, young children
are much more likely to understand.

  • Learn how to really listen.

Listening is
a useful skill that must be learned, developed and
practiced, it is an important part
of effective communication, by listening, you will know what to say and absolutely what to do in response to what you have heard. When you give them listening ears, you are in a way telling them that you very interested in what they are doing and saying and also shows that you care about their subject of interest and what they have to say, and as well encourage them.

  • Keep conversations brief:

Frequent conversation with kids is very important, but especially for the younger
children, it will difficult for them to cope when the conservation is long, and also will make them not to participate in the conversation.
30 second will be greatly maximized by the younger ones, and you follow up by asking them to comment on what you have said for Effective comprehension.

The aim is that parents will be able to pass across
information per time in little volume, while they also
check to be sure that the children are paying adiquate
attention to and do have understanding what is
being communicated to them at regular intervals.
At this point, it is important for Parents to allow the children decide when
enough is enough and not all by the parents.

  • Ask the right questions at the right time

questions help conversations along, while some can stop conversations dead in their tracks.

There is need for Parents to ask the children an
open-ended questions in any
conversations with their children.
the kind of questions that equire an response that will keep a
conversation going.

You should be careful to ask questions that start with the W questions of words like "what," "where," "whom," or "how"
This kind of questions are useful in getting children to open and active. Parents should do well to avoid questions that needs only a yes or no response.


Parents children healthy Communication is very important and useful, because the parents are the first teacher to their children, and the children should be Free and open to learn from the parents before being exposed to the learning process of an external educator, by then the basic family values and beliefs have been imputed and solidified.

It's your friend @ekotmordemy, a child coach a children teacher, am glad to share my experience to the hive family, once again thank, God bless you.

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Parents who have developed effective and healthy communication
with their children are more likely to
have children who are obedient

Indeed, this has been one of my primary goals for my five-year-old son. To have healthy communication until he grows and becomes an adult.

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Thanks so much @afterglow there so many benefits a Parents stands to gain when there is a healthy and Effective Communication between kids.

  • you will have ownership of the child

  • you become his confidant

  • you become the center reference of all his research

  • the child is open and free to talk about to talk about everything and anything at anytime

I know you will make a good parents, do your best to always give a listening ears at all time, know when to step in and when not to, appreciate them when there success and encourage them when the fail.
Thanks for having me, l pray your son will also grow up and this seed you have sewn will germinate and remain in your loins.
Every child is a potential greatness, love them, care for them and belief in them, in turn the will make you proud.
Remember as state in the holy book, that foolishness is bound in the heart of a child, but understanding and correction with love 💕 will drive it away.
Stay safe and have a full filled day.

Children is my constituency, l love them and l desire that every child will experience this healthy and effective communication

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Thanks so much @edu-venezuela i do appreciate, looking forward for more engagement, This is my constituency and am trusting that i will be able to give my very best to help the younger generation in my small way, I know it will get bigger and perhaps more demanding, but i pray for grace, strength and divine providence. stay safe, i love you, Thanks for having me, @ekotmordemy

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Healthy communication will be achievable if both sides are open to communicating with one another but the parents themselves will be the pointer to motivate her or his children to open up something. As parents, it is our main role. We cannot detect how our children went through because they might keep it in themselves but learning to interact with them regularly can provide a great improvement. We Filipinos in our culture, we are supposed to "Mano Po" it is an act of respect to the elders where you have to take someone's hand and place it on your forehead as a sign of greetings but this was not practiced for some and that simple gesture is already considered as a way of communicating (saying ho, hello). So this is relatable to the children as well with their parents. There should be a continuing connection towards another.

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thanks so much at @missdonna, that's a great one, we parents should do well to understand also that eras change and that communication is a two way flow, if effectively done, then the two are good to go.

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I enjoyed reading your post and cannot wait to learn more good things from you. You deserve a pat on your shoulders.😀

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Thanks @missdonna, am flattered, it's a call for me, and l see the children ministry as my major area of focus.
One day in my encounters in the spirit with the lord, l was given to look after the younger generation, this is what I do daily in practice,
Very soon l will begin to show photos of my ongoing homeschool project and how the lord has helped us.
Once and again thank you for stopping by, l really do not take it for granted. Bless you

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