The One Splinterlands Card You Should Sell!


Greetings my fellow battle mages! Today I have some advice that I think most players should take, especially the newer ones of the bunch. To preface this post I want to say if the ranked format you desire to play is going to be wild and not modern, this advice does not apply to yourselves.

In the near future there will be two ranked gameplay modes; Modern and Wild. The former will include the new Chaos Legion set, as well as Untamed, Dice, and the newer reward cards. (You can tell which set they belong to by looking at the border) The Wild format will include all cards released up until this point. Because of this I speculate that a lot of the older cards that will not be included in the Modern format will lose some value. How much exactly they will lose I do not know and this only purely my intuition. If this is true, I can see one card losing a good amount of value.

Now let me cut to the chase I believe because of a couple of different factors that the valuation on the "Furious chicken" card will be absolutely obliterated. The card is a reward card meaning that it has been printed in a very high amount. There are currently 27,435 different copies of this card currently circulating, all varying BCX. The card is also a rare, so it does not offer much collection power to help you get through the ranks. Personally I do not believe it to be that good looking of card artwork either, so there isn't much collectability in that regard. The card currently costs 24.45 on the market.

Conclusion: You could get a lot of useful cards for nearly $25. I believe a lot of people will come to this conclusion and be willing to part with their furious chicken that is seeing no play. Because of that I could see a slippery slope for the valuation of the furious chicken. Worst case I see it coming down to $2-3 with how many could be liquidated for more "useful" assets.

I would love to hear other peoples opinions on this matter. Or if there's any other cards you see gaining or losing a lot of value in the near future. Any and all market discussion is welcome in the comments!


I won't sell any of my assets at the moment.
The market is loaded with too much stuff.
