Ile Owo: When Something Seems Too Good to Be True, It Likely Is

You know when you see someone has something and you begin to wonder if you are a potato, that's exactly some of the things you will see in the Nollywood movie, Ile Owo and you will understand why it's not a good thing to want something another person has especially when you don't know the root of their possession.
This movie made me remember why I dread visiting people in their houses. I always have this feeling that everyone has a creepy thing swept under the carpet that you can only figure out when you've gotten to the point of no return.

I don't know why some of the reviews were bad on Google but I do know once you move passed what you think each character should have done and concentrate on the lessons, you'll begin to connect to the characters on a much deeper level.

The The Synopsis

The pursuit of wealth and earthly possessions has made a lot of people do the unthinkable. So it wasn't very surprising when Owo Went to a powerful sorceress named Fijabi to ask for generational wealth and a chance to stay young forever. He had enough but he was greedy and wanted more. This translated into the gods asking for sacrifices every 25 years.
The gods did not grant his wishes but only gave him a chance to have his sons fulfill his dreams. The sacrifices required the sons to offer their brides as sacrificial lambs to Sagbadewe (the devil). It turns out Sagbadewe gets to pick who the lady he wants and they have to find a way to get to them and lure them to their misfortunes.
The family had been able to go through the rituals for many decades but as with everything that has a beginning in life, there ought to be an end. This is where Busola came into the picture. It's almost as though Robert Greene understood life better when he asks us to always know when to stop... The family had not the faintest idea when the stop sign stood so they continue to sacrifice innocent ladies to preserve their wealth and stay immortal.
This movie is one of the movies I have seen that has made me question where everyone's money comes from. This is because Netflix has done a great of putting those thoughts in my head. And I am beginning to think that the money rules that we have are mostly lies and fiction. Or maybe, I need to realize that Netflix has movies that are written based on the fictional imaginations of the scriptwriter.
Without digressing too much, this family bringing Busola into the picture was the end of the heinous practice that had gone on for many generations. Busola came from a not so well to do family. And she was mostly unlucky in finding good men and love. So it was rather a relief when she met billionaire, Tunji right after she found her boyfriend was cheating and they had to break up. To crown it all, Tunji treated her like a queen. She was a virgin and mostly the girl the Sagbadewe picked for Tunji
Busola and her mum
But she had a prayerful mother and a greedy father. Her mom tried to protect her through her prayers while her dad sabotaged her prayerful protection by killing her for the promise of riches given to him by Sagbadewe. It was the blessed oil Bisola received from her mother a few days before her untimely death that saved the girl in the end.
Busola's dad
Her friend was already beginning to pray and fast hoping to land a billionaire of her own not knowing the billionaire Busola was planning to not only claim her entire life but also make a slave out of her like the rest of the ladies who married each of the men in the family. It's to this end that I said sometimes we need to pull back and know the story behind every person's life before we start feeling envious or angry.
Busola's friend

The rest of my Review And Rating.

This movie is one I would rate a 7 because even though other people may have said a lot of bad things about it, they were merely looking at it with eyes not intending to learn anything. Which I think defeats the purpose of the movie. Especially those who are questioning where Busola's dad came to play.
The D-Day
It's very clear in the movie that he was sick and needed healing and money. And Sagbadewe might have promised him one or both in exchange for his daughter's hand in marriage (spiritual marriage because even when Tunji wanted to have intercourse with Busola, he made her believe so, but charmed her, and left the scene for Sagbadewe to take charge). So, Busola's dad out of greed and the desire to receive healing faster did what he had to do.


Ile Owo ideally teaches one to be less greedy, do background checks, be prayerful, and never completely trust a stranger who sweeps us off our feet the very few moments of meeting them. And if something is too good to be true, then, it probably is.

The movie is a horror movie with a 9 important cast, Dare Olaitan as director/writer, and it's full of suspense and ominous.

Have you seen the movie yet? What are your thoughts? You can watch the trailer above and see if it catches your fancy.

Ps: all images are screenshots taken from the movie.
