Abnormal Abilities
The child did not like the gym. He preferred to stay in the school library where he could cover his head with a blanket and hide in the corner and dream. He dreamed of a place where the sky was blue and green and the clouds glided by and nothing could attack him, where there were no monsters. He dreamt of a place where he could hide and there was no hiding place. This was the dream that he would often have, even after his parents had returned from the gym with their already fantastic stamina and strength, which had been carefully monitored from his birth and all the way through his childhood by the colony's Chief of the Scientist's Group.
The child did not have a name; he was just known as 'the child'. Even so, it had been established by Chief of the Architects' Group that he would grow into a powerful man, who would be able to control the entire colony with his remarkable abilities.
The child didn't like the gym.
The chief scientists had told the colony's people about this strange phenomenon several years earlier. The colony had been in space for only a short space of time. The scientists had been cautious about telling the colony's people about the small colony being attacked by monsters, which were actually just large alien dogs. They waited until a suitable point in time, when the colony and its inhabitants would be more able to deal with such a situation. When the time was right, the chief scientist told the colony about the situation, about the alien dogs, about the colony's weak point, and about the level of security needed. A strong and powerful peacekeeper would be needed, to keep the peace in the colony.
But no one knew what this peacekeeper, who was able to control the entire colony, should be called.
''I have created a draft of a possible name,'' a scientist had said. ''We could call it Sabre. Saber. Whatever you want.''
''I wouldn't have it called such a childish name,'' another scientist replied. ''We should call it something more impressive.,''
''I can think of some new words for the name, too,'' the first scientist replied. ''Strong. Strong, powerful. Like that.''
Thus, Sabre the Strong had been born, and all the human children, who were being monitored and accompanied by specially trained scientists all their lives, were named after him. All the children were born strong, able to attain incredible power with the help of scientists.
All the children were born strong, able to attain incredible power with the help of scientists.
The child realised why he was so strong and powerful. He had a special ability. He already knew, who he was, even though he had been born in peace. He knew that he would be able to destroy anyone who came close to the colony, who would try to harm it, and the human race would have no-one to blame but themselves if they tried to destroy the colony.
Yes - the child might be strong and powerful, with an ability he had never known before, but he was also weak and powerless.
The colony was running out of food. The only thing it had to eat was the food that was grown in the hydroponics garden. It was already nearly empty and everyone was beginning to run out of it.
The hydroponics garden is an array of water-filled basins in which plants are grown: an ecosystem in a box. But this system is not always able to grow enough food for everybody, so longer journeys are needed to other colonies -- but only the strongest people can make the journey...
The Chief Scientist had discussed this with the people, accompanied by the peacekeeper, Sabre the Strong, and it was decided that the peacekeeper was the most powerful and strongest person and the best person to reach the other colonies which could help the colony keep going. This was, of course, the start of the Great Journey of the Great Journey of The Great Journey.
And all the human children, who were born strong enough, went with him.
''Where is the Great Journey to, my master?'' the child asked Sabre the Strong, as they left.
''To the other colonies, where they can grow more food than here, but everyone must go, by the law,'' Sabre replied, as he effortlessly made them all fly over the streets of the colony, leaving them all behind.
''Why must all the people go away?''
''To the other colonies. To seed more food, by growing food. What have we grown here?''
''Nod if you agree with me,'' the child said.
''It was time for the Great Journey of The Great Journey. We have all the time in the world if we wait for the shuttle to arrive. Here. We can understand what everyone else there is thinking, when it's time for the shuttle. Maybe we can hear the aliens say a few things. That's why we need to go.''
Sabre the Strong transformed his children into huge black blackentatothers and they left the colony.
''We're huge, but we can still go through a window.''
''I don't think you understand, little one,'' the child replied. ''We're going to get you all killed in the Great Journey. What did the scientists even call this?''
''Quickly, child, quickly. We are going to find a way to get to the Heart of the Colony, where they grow the food,'' Sabre replied, hurrying them along.
It was very dark on the first day of their long journey and they were very hungry. When they arrived the sunlight was brighter in the Heart of the Colony and the scent of a delicious meal was very strong. The child was hungry.
''You must do something, little one,'' Sabre the Strong said. ''We are only supposed to follow instructions. But we have been given a very important purpose. We are here to help everyone. Why are you feeding everyone, but the growing ones? We must do more than that. Look inside the fruit trees - there must be something special in there.''
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great job! great story!