No... Hive Witnesses Can't Steal Your Money.



An argument I hear a lot in the context of Hive/DPOS security is that the top 20 witnesses can and have steal money from users on the network. I would just like to begin by saying this argument is patently absurd for multiple reasons, and I'll be doing a deep dive on why this is the case, even though it seems feasible in theory (if that theory ignores key components of how the technology actually works in practice).

Main argument: 20 consensus witnesses control the chain (only 16 required to agree), and thus it would be easy for 16 of them to collude to steal from whoever they wanted.

In theory, this is how Hive works. However, it ignores the fact that witnesses are elected by stakeholders. This false theory ignores that fact, and instead opts to assume that the 16 bad-acting witnesses are acting inside a little theory bubble where they can somehow fork the chain and "steal everyone's money". This false theory assumes that the witnesses don't need permission once they've been elected and they can do whatever they want without any consequences.

First of all, most witnesses are not anonymous. Last time I checked, stealing is a crime. To assume that 16 would blatantly and openly steal even though their identities are known is... a pretty extreme notion. That alone is enough to prevent this entire thing from happening. But there are so so so so many other reasons why it can't happen.


Walk me through it.

People who think that witnesses can steal or modify the chain in any way they see fit do not understand this technology. If you asked them to walk you through the process of how this theft would be accomplished, they'd give you a generic answer and wouldn't be able to say exactly how it was done, because again it is impossible to do.

They'd say something like...

16 witnesses would modify the chain and siphon money into their wallet from other wallets (or print money out of thin air).

Uh, yeah... then what.

UHHHHHH, they'd sent the Hive to an exchange and cash USD out to their bank account.


That makes ZERO sense. Every exchange (including decentralized exchanges) that wants to move Hive around is running a node. So in this magical scenario the exchange operator has upgraded their node with a malicious hardfork that stole money or printed it out of thin air, just so the witnesses could dump all the Hive onto the exchange and cash out? Yeah, that's sounding pretty dumb already.

You know what's more likely?

The witnesses fork the code and print a bunch of tokens, and nobody follows that fork and all those witnesses get immediately voted out in like a day. No one loses any money, and the hostile hardfork just vanishes because there are no nodes that are even running that code in the first place. That is the most likely scenario, which is why nobody in their right mind would ever ever ever do it. A witness would lose all their reputation forever for zero gain. No, not just one witness, 16 of the top 20 witnesses... all at the same time. That's the toughest of tough sells. Not going to happen.


Justin Sun & the Hostile Takeover.

The super ironic thing is that the Steem >> Hive transition and hostile takeover is these naysayers use it to "prove" their point, when in reality it does the exact opposite.

Well, they stole Steemit Inc's money; so they can steal anyone's.

Again, absurdist nonsense!

Do people not remember the hostile takeover? A vulture capitalist bad actor bought a ninjamine under the table that was promised to be used for development of the platform... then they used that premine to inflict the most damage that can possibly done to a decentralized system: centralize it with 20 sock-puppet witnesses all running on the same box.


And even though Justin Sun was the worst actor of all worst actors, even then it was very very hard to actually get community support to take away his power. Don't you guys remember how pissed everyone was at everyone during that time? It was like herding cats, everyone had their opinion, and many of those opinions were idealist nonsense whose conclusion was, "This shouldn't of happened." Yeah, no shit it shouldn't of happened, but it did happen.

So even in the scenario where you'd actually want the network to take someone's funds away, it was very difficult, and the naysayer pop in to and act like anyone could have their money stolen from them because Steemit-Inc had their premine taken away (that wasn't even acquired fairly to begin with).

If Hive has another hostile takeover like that, it will even be harder to justify moving to another chain, because another hostile takeover means all the coins were bought off the exchanges. There is no more premine to exploit, and that was a big big justification for doing what we did. "That money is for development." So we moved it to the dev fund, which I also didn't agree with but it seems to be working fine so far.

Trying to use the hostile takeover as evidence that witnesses can steal funds is like punching someone holding a gun and then saying you got shot because gun laws aren't strict enough. You just look like a fool. If someone builds a digital nation under the premise of peace and abundance, and then some dick starts a war with them just to prove that they aren't peaceful... that's just not valid logic on any spectrum.


Thanks for the free money, bitch!

What we need to understand is WHO loses money if block-producers pulled off a move like this. In every case, the threat-vectors are the LIQUIDITY POOLS. You don't lose any money unless you traded real coins for fake coins.

So in this magical scenario say that the top 20 witnesses stole all my money, and other prominent members of the community as well. The hardfork that was used to implement this theft is an invalid chain. Nobody in the community is actually going to follow this chain, it's a rug-pull cash out by the top 20 and they plan on being fugitives or whatever, living on the island they bought with the money.


This fake chain is also known as an airdrop.

Everyone that didn't have Hive stolen from them is going to get airdropped with the new fake tokens. Any exchange that upgrades their node to accept the fake tokens as real tokens? Well, we have to assume that everyone would just dump it and that no one is buying it. So it would crash to zero quite quickly. Let's say the pair on the exchange was HIVE/BTC and HIVE/USDT. Anyone that traded BTC or USDT for the fake HIVE is the person that lost money. Even though I had all my coins stolen... I didn't lose any money because the network is going to revert back to the real chain where my coins are safe.

So we can see that this is an obvious liquidity issue. If witnesses create a malicious hardfork and dump the tokens, the question we have to ask is: who's buying those tokens? That's the person that loses money, not the ones that actually had coins taken from their accounts (because that entire hardfork is totally invalid and no one is going to accept it as valid except for the magic exchange that somehow got tricked into updating malicious code despite everyone telling them not to).

Layer 0

It is silly to think that "code is law".
Community is law.

Decentralization can't take place without consensus, and consensus can not take place without a vast network of servers that all agree on the current state of the database they are tracking. Code is only law when a community decides that altering the code is more damaging than not. Community controls everything and makes all the law. That's how law is defined in the first place.


You can make the exact same argument to say that the Bitcoin network will steal all your money.

What's to stop a few gigantic mining pools from 51% attacking the network and double-spending money? If you receive Bitcoin on a double-spent block that gets orphaned your money is gone forever. We can use this exact same logic of 16 witnesses control the entire chain to 7 Bitcoin mining pools control the entire chain. It's the same damn thing.

The big advantage with Bitcoin is that the chance of rolling back even 3 blocks is crazy low; low enough that all exchanges only require a block height of 3 before you're allowed to access and cash out your money. Even a malignant entity with 60% of all Bitcoin hashpower in the world wouldn't be able to roll back even 10 blocks. 10 blocks is only 100 minutes (on average), so if you're Bitcoin has been sitting in your wallet for a day or more it is essentially impossible for your money to be chopped off an orphaned fork. Rolling back 144 blocks is impossible even if someone had 90% of all Bitcoin hashpower, and even if they could do it, it would be more profitable to just play nice and take the block rewards and not try to double-spend in the first place.

In order to double-spend, the receiver of the money has to give you something.

Like if someone gives me 1 BTC to buy my car... they can't just 51% attack the network, orphan the Bitcoin they gave me, and then steal my car. I know who this person is. The car has paperwork and exists in a system where I can sue that person for theft. The only way to actually double spend Bitcoin is to trade the Bitcoin for another crypto that can more easily be shuffled around anonymously. You can't buy a house or a car or anything with your identity attached to it using double spent coins.



Hopefully this post makes sense. The idea that witnesses can just do whatever they want is absurd, and is akin to saying that Bitcoin mining pools can do whatever they want. They can't. Mining pools, just like witnesses, will have all their delegations and support pulled if they try to attack the network. The stake holders of these chains will not allow the operators to just blatantly steal without any consequences. Those who claim theft is technically possible do not understand the technology, communities, or the politics that govern them. Thank you for listening to my TED Talk.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta


So in a nutshell, HIVE is decentralised enough to avoid such events from happening.


Makes a lot of sense. I feel that in the near future, this post will be referenced when someone comes up with this talk in a mainstream space. Bookmarked*

What are your thoughts about the possibility of having HBD savings give out 20% APR?

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta


Just try to get 16 witnesses to agree on anything. It is damn near impossible.

So to think that something like you pose would be agreed to is absurd. It will not happen.

If it did, those against it could fork, and remove those witnesses from the new airdrop.

Either way, there is protection in place.

So even in the scenario where you'd actually want the network to take someone's funds away, it was very difficult, and the naysayer pop in to and act like anyone could have their money stolen from them because Steemit-Inc had their premine taken away (that wasn't even acquired fairly to begin with).

Actually nobody took away the premine from Steemit. As far as I know, Sun still owns all that STEEM unless he sold it.

It is true he didnt get any Hive dropped to him but that is not stealing when he never had it in the first place. When people fork they can choose to drop to whomever they want. The Witness could have forked Steem and given themselves all the new Hive and nothing for the rest of us. It wouldnt have been smart but if that was their choice, nothing we could do about it.

Cant steal something from me that I dont have (or never had).

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta


Just try to get 16 witnesses to agree on anything. It is damn near impossible.

Just hijack the nodes. If they all run the same code, one exploit fits all.


You can't just hijack a node, you need the private keys of 16 of the top 20 to do anything. Even if you hack all of the top witnesses you only need 6 to do a recovery of their keys to invalidate any malicious fork. It's not as simple as you are making it out to be.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta


Witness node servers hold their own keys and very likely also their source code. Just add your patch, recompile, reboot to fork.


Actually nobody took away the premine from Steemit. As far as I know, Sun still owns all that STEEM unless he sold it.

It depends on how you define it.
If you use WEB2 logic no money was stolen.
If you use WEB3 logic money was definitely stolen/taken.
It doesn't matter what the WEB2 branding is of this community's token.
Whether we call it Hive or Steem is semantics in WEB3.
Semantics in WEB3 is the law in WEB2.


Actually nobody took away the premine from Steemit. 😎😎😎


Because calling them Hive coins instead of Steem coins makes all the difference?
Steem is the fake token in this case.


It is always a pleasure listening to your ted talk first off. A decentralized finance blockchain platform as this does not automatically make voted witnesses dictators or rogues that will steal funds and this article of yours clearly explains why .


That's very well explained, only one thing is not clear for me

The witnesses fork the code and print a bunch of tokens, and nobody follows that fork and all those witnesses get immediately voted out in like a day

How does one decide whether to follow a fork or not? I thought the longest fork always wins, as it is in other blockchains


Yes, fork-choice rules decide (protocol internal) which fork is the right one. "Fork" in this context means "version" or "branch" of a coherent decision tree. In the backend, there is nothing like a one-dimensional chain but rather a tree. Within Bitcoin, there are many alternative branches but only one is considered (within the protocol) as the canonical chain.

The decision for the "right" fork or branch (within the tree that is generated under one particular set of rules aka protocol) is based on a binary criterion that is not only decided by the longest chain but by the heaviest AND longest chain. In other words: the right chain within the set of protocol rules is always the longest chain with the most weight. Weight is entropy or energy and both can be translated into information (or state, so it is decidable).

But social legitimacy doesn't have to follow the protocol internal rules. And here comes the other meaning of "fork". Physics binds you to the rules within a protocol BUT physics does not bind you to the protocol. You can always pack your things and move to YOUR fork of choice even though it was not considered as the correct chain under the previous set of rules. A better word for this would be community-fork. So, not every fork is a blockchain. A fork becomes a blockchain when it gets implemented into a new set of rules.


Thanks for this clarification, I see things a bit differently now. It just occurred to me that "the longest chain" probably makes no sense in Hive, because each node can produce as many blocks as they want. Then "the heaviest", I guess will be the wealthiest. And our safety is guaranteed by the fact that the wealthiest do not need to steal our money, as they have more consistent ways to profit




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I think to resolve this big "conspiracy" would be to increase the consensus witness from 16 to 25 since the chain is getting bigger and from looking at the witness node list there is an increase in their numbers.


I dont know how people thinks this is possible.

It will very complicated this happening.
As you said most part of 20 top witnesses are not anonymous and they are main stakeholders in the chain continuing to work normally, because if they did something like that, the chain would continue to exist and they would end up losing all the votes that make them top 20.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta


@edicted please is there a class or platform that has a well detailed tutoring for newbies? Please indicate to my notice because So many of us would love to be linked there. As there is a whole lot to learn, ask and understand here on peakd thank you🙂!.


It's an interesting thing to think about and I think you are correct. If anyone actually tried to steal, they would get called out for it and it's not like anyone has all the hive power so you need to convince so many other people. It just seems unlikely that they will all agree because half will take sides based on their factions.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta


I wouldn’t mind another takeover attempt. If any serious attempt happens, Hive will be trading at $100+. So, I welcome all efforts to gain more influence in Hive governance.


depending on swings. Elon and saylor purchased massive without push the price.

With HBD it would be possible to print over a longer timeframe.

Special if trading and market manipulations would work out.

In bull Hive into HBD and in Bear the other way.

On big scale it could print massive nobody would see it coming if split.

So it could be.

And last time a lot of drama happens. With xxx Million hiove extra in circulation, I could expect the drama comes to another level.

But yes that would need a smart attacker that hates hive and doesn't want to make money with it.

Like a competitor that wants to benefit.

Or a retard that wants to make hive a TRON token :D

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta


Dpos is safu.

That's all i have to say, special hive.

Risk is not onchain, its in the market losing money :D

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta


This is the first time, when I read about safu. I had to search for its meaning. If anyone is wondering what safu means, then it is Secure Asset Fund for Users.


haha :) yeah, that's the result if a degen like me comments :D



What we know for a fact is that they can reach consensus and run new code in an extreme situation, one can see it as a pro or a con, but we all know it is possible. Also a few whales can move the witnesses around at will to ensure those who agree are in top positions.

What you have listed is some very good reasons they will not, and why they don't. I think our witness group has a lot of integrity and financial motivation to NOT do anything to still funds or print them, but it doesn't do anyone any good to pretend that the DPOS can not be compromised.

I think it is fair to say it is secure enough.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta


POW can be compromised as well, but people think the difference between POW and DPOS is vast.
I do not think so.


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Knowledge heals it all. Many of those speculations are based on the standpoint of ignorance. Thanks for highlighting these issues and addressing them.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta


"This shouldn't of happened."

Understatement of the century?

Anyway, I really don't see what those against the current system hope to accomplish?


Yes but the reality of the situation is i'd still call that a potential security risk. If i wanted to invest a billion dollars in the hive ecosystem. I don't think it would be of much comfort to anyone to say that whereas it's possible 16 witnesses could colude.. it's likely they won't

This kinda pulls us further from decentralization. i'm not saying that should stop people from investing. I think people should invest if they like the product and get value from it.. however i see why if i was the head of some institution or perhaps just a very wealthy individual why i would'nt trust any of that especially after watching the justin sun situation and i fully understand all the details of that. However the point remains it happened under certain circumstances where a very very small group of individuals got to make really big decisions.

the way you all have set up your money systems to trump governance is a problem as the commentors have brought out. People in crypto like Vitalik see this as a great security issue.

Over at bitcoin myk which i know is going to prove many of you wrong. Our governance model is based on group community votes.. So it's not governed by money but activity. We can through algorithimic data tell who's drawn to what groups and those groups will have the vote power to make decisions.. Even if you have bad actors that would likely still represent the overall goal of the community. The problem with money men is that the guy with the most money can trump over the decisions and will of the community so i don't agree with that.

That's why i'm confident that eventhough for us it's going to be a very very slow process not one for gamblers or daytraders.. I'm confident our model will just end up being a better model in the future that makes better sense to people.

i would not invest alot of money in hive.. if i had alot of money i'd power down and keep some in but not the lion's share. the lion's ahare would be on more secure networks like ethereum or some ethereum fork or bitcoin.

I know you guys don't like that but take comfort in the idea i have brought products like bitcoin myk and bbd here that as a second layer solution and being multichain may give some of the advantages of hive without risking the security of one's pocketbook.

that is because if you wanna engage in a hive like system you can still conveniently move your coins to other wallets and chains while not being pushed put of your hive experience. So things like that may be solutions for the future @taskmaster4450

So it's not that i'm anti hive.. i think social media is the answer it's the oil of the 21st century but i think hive willfully ignores it's problems even the people who understand the technicalities but what you all do is much like a business that would dump toxic waste to avoid a 10k dollar fine.. you all just destroy the resources of this ecosystem without addressing the issues that can perserve and grow the network..So at this point it's either about just bury your heads in the sand or it's an impotence to you all can't fix it.. whatever the case is. At some point you all have to come back to bitcoin myk and bbd coin

i have the patience of job marky mark. you will have to face me lol

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta


Over at bitcoin myk which i know is going to prove many of you wrong.

LOL, there is zere volume on BTCMYK, and no one even wants to pay 1/100th of a cent for it.


You keep going around saying BTCMYK is better than anything but it is nothing but a meme coin that no one wants.


you're right marky mark... everyone who holds my worthless tokens should dump them right away. don't hold that crap they like lassez coin what you saying marky mark tell them to dump it you have my blessing. they shouldn't be holding crap i got rid of all my ass tokens remember those? lol

now marky mark seeing that you are so correct in this. why don't they just dump it? i've dumped plenty hive tokens and continue to do so today they worthless, lol.. i sold all my stem tokens lol.. so why don't they just put it up on the exchange as you said it's worthless no point in holding it.. i just hope they listen to you marky mark.. you run that ask marky mark anything blog each week..

you give good advice.. why don't you do one on dump bitcoin myk and bbd coins.. and give them that good advice.. because it's a worthless zero token no sense in them holding it.. best to get rid of it it's bad luck marky mark right? isn't that what you saying? so why don't they just listen to you and do it.. you said it's worthless i don't know why they keep holding it you're smart marky mark didn't you make hive punks? so why don't they just listen to you for a change that would be good. it's too many people holding our tokens anyway let's hope they dump it lol

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta


I wouldn't be caught dead holding your shit coin, the fact you go around pretending it is the solution to anything when it isn't even good enough to be called a meme coin is pathetic.


I"m getting the slightest feeling.. it's just a tingle you don't like bitcoin myk very much, haha. Please don't hold back any feelings about bitcoin myk, lol.

So marky mark and the funky bunch.. it seems what i'm getting from you is that trading and money and all that stuff is the only thing that gives a project value in your book...

So by the very logic mr. marky mark that means every multibillion dollar scam project in crypto would have been a good product to you because it seems your metric only operates on if people buy it and get in and trade it..

Well i mean the fact of the matter is.. alot of people trade scams day to day and put billions of dollars in it.. could you believe that marky mark?

If you look at some of the best projects in crypto in the world they perform poorly in comparison to crap meme coins and nfts.. projects like don't perform well in comparison to meme coins.. projects that do research to stop diseases that are killling us and life extension don't do better than projects that sell $160 million dollar jpegs to the same guy to make the market look like it's performing well, lol.. and people eat that up they believe there is actual value there because people are wiling to gamble

i suspect you may share some of their views mr. marky mark.

so check out this stat sir:

Most people in the world live in poverty. 85% of the world live on less than $30 per day, two-thirds live on less than $10 per day, and every tenth person lives on less than $1.90 per day. In each of these statistics price differences between countries are taken into account to adjust for the purchasing power in each country.

i would assume the people on this platform don't care about numbers like that. maybe they occupy the 15% of the world where they are out of this demographic which is a good thing. if you don't see value in bitcoin myk that's actually to some degree a good thing. i think that it's a much better deflationary model than most but it's actually kinda a good thing if you like i don't need bitcoin myk why don't i go blow money on nfts, lol.

Now of course the problem is.. you may know people that need systems like this.. you may have family members.. your neighbor may need this etc.,...blah blah you have to live with the fact you probably not doing much to make the world a better place and that may or may not be a concern of

which is fine too. Your perception of what is valuable and the perception of maybe the people here who may occupy the 15% of the people outside this demographic may just not find a system that tries to solve problems like this of value. That could very well be the case.

Now the problem is the smartest people in the world say something opposite.. Your neighbors say something opposite. When families struggle at the gas pump @taskmaster4450

You know what i respect about @edicted he atleast is honest enough to say things like poor people just should be poor, lol. Don't do anything let them be.. that's because he's a piece of shit human being but atleast he's honest and i respect that.

what i don't respect taskmaster is people who try to present systems like they are fixing things in the world and they aren't. that's what my gripe is with. it's not with whoever gets rich. believe you me i probably got more than 95% of most of you all. i probably got things and control lands you all will never control in your entire lifetimes.

bitcoin myk and the projects i create going to be around for a long long time. Now maybe that 85% comes into crypto and they all go into projects like bitcoin myk and that 85% of the globe creates a viable currency not a speculative prop up the price device but an actual currency that spreads economic prosperity to the world..

So Vitalik @taskmaster4450 bought ubi coin and burned it but won't so much as give hive the time of why is that you think mr. marky mark?

In July 2021, he went through the verification process to become a verified human, and in October 2021, he bought 50 ETH worth of $UBI (about $200,000) and immediately burned it to reduce the overall supply by almost 10%. The result of Vitalik’s buy and burn in combination with his official stamp of approval of the project resulted in the price of $UBI skyrocketing from $0.04 to over $2

have you considered maybe these people know something you all don't? bitcoin myk and bbd coin can run forever. What i've done is given the world what they asked for. what they need... if you all are right they don't take it.. now i can't take a small percentage of people hiding in a corner some place in crypto on hive and make a determination that the world doesn't need bitcoin myk, lol.. bitcoin myk is multichain it's on many chains and it's going to have many many wallets.

However if you all somehow the smartest people in crypto okay...we'll find out if that's true.. we'll find out if projects like ubi projects make more sense to the big wigs and the smartest people in the world like ray dalio.. martin luther king.. milton friedman.. you guys somehow smarter than all these people and you can barely stay above being a 200 placed coin.. that's what i'm getting from you all that maybe the reason we're not getting this volume is because maybe people on hive not that smart.. i mean Vitalik and many other big people and companies in crypto don't pay you all any attention lol.. Maybe that's the deal marky mark.. i've answered the statistics of the global market place. now just because in your time frame it doesn't seem to be delivering doesn't mean it won't ever. We'll see but your metrics run seemingly on nft what i call scams you should know you created one lol... meme coins which are stupid as well.. games which aren't bad but i mean a grown person playing games to make a living because their jobs been automated away may be necessary but i think to many people would feel kinda stupid unless you're a 18 year old or something. just seems weird to one day be 35 years old getting all your paychecks from a game but i digress, lol.. anyway i hope that speaks to some of you all and if it doesn't that's a good thing maybe you either don't need the citizen's dividend.. or you don't care if your family needs it or the world i'm glad in any case you not in that 85% demographic.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta


Nah bro poor people shouldn't even exist.
Let's just kill them all!
What do you think all these concentration camps are popping up for?
A math competition?



You're so right edicted that would solve the problem faster than an ai system.. just kill em all get rid of em. .it's darwinism survival of the fittest.. Why have projects like bitcoin myk that actually try to do the work and figure out how to solve the problem with algorithimic systems that fairly distribute around to everyone in the globe so people have trouble exploiting other people.

why find any value in that or even try to do that when we can simply do what we already doing by the way which is letting them die.. or maybe even trying to kill em faster.. why even bother with that.. maybe we should just setup a concentration camp get em out of the way faster..

hunt down the oven dodgers as one of my favorite guys in the world " Mel Gibson" would say. You're quite the solutionist psycho and sociopath as well as antisocial person like many of your peers here.. lol.. so sounds easy enough

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta


You took my comment at face value because it suited your narrative even though I was obviously not being serious. But then you expect others to take you seriously even though you're constantly manipulating the situation. You're so predictable that I just dangled that bait out there and you did exactly what I knew you'd do.

If we kill all the poor people, then all that happens is the pyramid sinks into the sand and people who weren't poor become the poor people. So, so, so obviously. A 'genius' like you should have figured that out instantly. You've got serious mental health problems that you're not dealing with. To be fair most people are in that same boat (myself included) so you're in good company.


If we kill all the poor people, then all that happens is the pyramid sinks into the sand and people who weren't poor become the poor people. So, so, so obviously

that's probably not accurate if you rich in resources you just making things up.. Well what sounds more like mental illness a planet that can feed over 10 billion people that would rather throw the food in the garbage every night rather than feed hungry people because they can't sell it to them, lol.

So you're saying the people who do that kinda stuff not mentally ill so you all can keep your backwards system but i'm crazy for calling out the sickness, lol

Well here's some more crazy stuff look at the price of bbd coin lol and before you say it's just keep in mind we have over 300 token holders on bbd alone.. over 13,000 on bitcoin myk

so no matter how you guys try to twist that logic would dictate that shouldn't happen if anything you all say is true

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta


Dude you trying out to work for ackza? I couldn’t even read that nonsense. It’s not just about trading, just you are shady af.


ackza still puts his left shoe on where the right shoe should go, lol.. Wow i'm shady.. the guy who gave away millions upon millions of his tokens and still does it.. gives it to people for free but you guys who create nft scams sell them back and forth to one another wash trade them as only about 2-3% of the trading volume has proven to even be real..i'm shady for giving people the bbd coin here that you won't talk about that coin because you wanna push your bullshit narrative, lol

i'm shady but guys like you supppose to be what the upstanding members of the crypto society? i think not lol

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta


Millions of millions of your token is still $0.000


haha marky let me show you how crazy you guys thought process is. So the price of an asset doesn't really matter. for example most of bitcoin myk was bought at a price of about .000024 cents right.. now it's at .0002... now for those of you all who can't do math that's like a

is it clicking yet?

okay you say the token worth millions for like zero bucks right lol.. you shoudl be excited about that marky mark that's called opportunity and that allows many other people to get in at attractive prices, lol.. So you can go on social blade or youtube and find out bitcoin myk videos alone have earned us thousands of dollars..

the domain name is worth thousands of dollars itself.. tons of money have went into bitcoin myk from the community and bbd coin. So it's a little problem with your analysis, lol....bitcoin myk is deflationary. and the only morons selling cheap are people like ecoinstant.. he's going to eventually run out of coins like they all do bear already did, lol.. so the price goes up when those morons finally get out because they don't understand deflation or they wouldn't be selling for dumb prices like that. they probably think about bitcoin myk like you marky mark but atleast you were smart enough to not buy if you felt that way.

i'm not going to pump up the coin lol...why would i when i can just be patient and wait on deflation to do all the work. i nkow it's going to grow anybody unless they willfully stupid can see we get real traffic and real users and if nobody wants to be in bitcoin myk nobody holding a gun to their head we still going to get people anyway because we understand demand of what people need. see you not a visionary marky mark you would'nt know lol you just gotta stand on the sideline and watch and that's fine you seem to have done okay with this hive pyramid.. good for you.. but i want more marky mark.. i wanna meet with elon musk i wanna go to the whitehouse.

and i can with my project because it's useful you can't with hive punks because it's just an ugly jpeg one of the dumbest inventions in mankind history and morons in crypto buying it, lol

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta


okay you say the token worth millions for like zero bucks right lol.. you shoudl be excited about that marky mark that's called opportunity and that allows many other people to get in at attractive prices

It's worth zero, not that it costs zero.

the domain name is worth thousands of dollars itself


No one is going to pay shit for a bad domain name pr2 site.

and i can with my project because it's useful you can't with hive punks because it's just an ugly jpeg one of the dumbest inventions in mankind history and morons in crypto buying it, lol



Hmm that doesn't sound right, lol. Because if i'm a business and i sold a site i'd sell it based on the idea of it can generate traffic. So if you generate any traffic then you generate ad revenue. So even if i go on youtube and talk about bitcoin myk and bbd coin and i think the most i've earned on such a video has been $50 or so.. the thing is we've made many videos around that content.

So the other thing is as long as bitcoin myk or bbd coin draws traffic and registrants it's kinda ridiculous to say well okay then it has a value of zero.. no what's drawing that traffic you see.. so that's just being disingenious markky mark

for whatever reason people obtain a bitcoin myk or bbd coin or are willing to pay for it. that 's going to move that value beyond zero because then that number can move up exponentially in who joins who does what.. so yea you're just being an ass now, lol.

also if let's say someone from africa or south america comes on and they are broke they have a value of zero to people like you and edicted.. so mostly what they do is come here kiss you guys ass in hope for a 5 cent upvote.. but presents a more valuable solution here:

So what happens is people come on the site.. the algorithim pays them more bitcoin myk based on what particular tasks they complete and do right. So for example if i did posts and photographs and talked about answering questions and i'm an oracle kinda like you do marky mark.

then to me that would have a value of zero.. but no matter what i think the value would be i'm sure myself and anyone else could justify the value of maybe 1 penny no matter the energy or time consumed for you to complete a task or a post or whatever right.

So then what does is determine the worse case scenario of what your time and energy on a task or post would be worth would be a penny. that even if it was a total scammy crappy post or task that the energy it would take you to produce it would be a penny.

okay so that makes the algo easy now. means you can do like 100 posts and earn maximum of maybe $1 in theory. So some would go that's dumb why would i wanna do that makes no sense.

Well because the bitcoin myk token is very deflationary what happens in idea is eventually enough people come on the site to raise the value of the token over exchanges based on their rarity. that goes back to how many wallets and transactions you'd have right.

So to say that's not valuable yes you'll enter into the meme coin argument at some point as to say why is shiba inu valuable.. however bitcoin myk remember any promotional material on the site means you have to pay the system a bitcoin myk token.. so promotional links etc., so that gives it a utility and use..

Back to third world countries etc.,, well what happens as they got no money and to the west thus no value eating you guys lunch.. what happens is they then trade their skills and labor on the bitcoin myk jobs site for value..that's how you solve that problem .. if you believe the stat that 80% of the globe is poor then you'd need a way to solve that problem.

i'm sure all that is way way over your head marky mark afterall you sell jpegs, lol.. i mean come on man what i'm suppose to do with that, lol

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta


I wouldn't be caught dead holding your shit coin

and the other thing bitcoin myk doesn't have to win. the reality is that if one ubi project wins we all win. i could go home like cinncinatus back to one of my farms.. if you don't know the story you should look it up.. you and some others here seem so far away from that guy would probably take a miracle to even know who he is, lol

ubi doesn't have a competitive market issue like you guys, lo. it's a currency not a business. it's a monetary system not a for profit business that can only generate x revenue per year.. we create the entire system and money not earn within the system. we are the system

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta


...and I wouldn't be caught dead holding your thoroughly useless and extremely 💩ty punks... 🤣
PS: Where is the photo source to the stock photo you used in your latest post? Not stating a photo source is plagiarism...


So far you're right marky mark, lol. but and here's the big butt, lol...You got that stem group.. let's talk about a little bit of science.. economic science. so haha

Here's how it works pay close attention. The best opportunities marky mark exist when no one wants something,.. for example.. when bitcoin was at 1 cents nobody wanted it.. people thought it was a scam.. a waste of time a fad some bullshit whatever..

it is in that where opportunity lies.. if i try to get some hive.. it's priced high at 95 cents or whatever okay it's probably at it's top.. now if you saw the potential in hive when nobody wnated it at 10 cents or whatever it was.. then you'd be the winner right.

you see it's no opportunity in good looking cryptos, lol. it doesn't work that way and you know it. bitcoin myk is free so people value it at nothing. what is an example of a free thing that got valued at alot of money? facebook..'s many free things that became systems and became worth billions and trillions of dollars.

so yea you're right bitcoin myk is not about speculation it's about value.. and there needs to be a shift before it's going to moon and do the things you all want.. but the thing that is missed right now and i got a video to do about richard heart where he says all the social media cryptos don't do well .. don't make money it's too much to get a user.. it's probably $20 to get your average user and that's expensive. bitcoin myk is a social media site.. but we're moving into a future where there needs to be solutions for people who stay home and don't go to work. don't do manual jobs don't have anything to do because automation does it all. so thats this inevitable future.

i don't know who the hell that baconface guy is but he sure as hell determined to do something lol....i don't know him but you ;leave out bbd coin marky marky i'm going to give you a pass on that because i'm sure you haven't studied our sophisticated system

bbd makes up 100 btcmyk at a rate of 1 to 100.. so regardless of what the market says.. you can transact bbd for btcmyk on the platform for 1/100th of a bbd. how much is a bbd ? but we don't allow you to deposit funds you can only mine for funds at that rate.. that is to stop whale dominance like what you do on hive marky mark lol.. no worries we built for this you will see us again marky mark, lol

thats why they wanna give people games to play. that's why bernie sanders wanted to gvie people federally guaranteed jobs eventhough it forces people to work jobs society don't need.

so at a very surface level viewpoint you're right marky mark in our crypto gambling culture people can't see the tremendous value of bitcoin myk i grant you that.. how many examples though exist of projects where people couldn't see the opportunity at first, lol

beware marky mark, lol.. you will live to eat those words one day haha

no no i'ts not a meme coin you earn bitcoin myk through attention value and in turn you can use it on the platform to promote things.. i hate meme coins lol.. it's a deflationary attention value coin with intrinsic value.. i would say the same about hive but the whale dominance makes it like in some ways worthless because hive power means the value doesn't mean exactly the same for me as you.. whereas on bitcoin myk the production of btcmyk converted to the bitcoin myk dollar or bbd coin.. is the same value wise and production wise.. so it's a much more complex system you should study it so you can do a better job of making fun of it.. also i think bitcoin myk works more like gold in that the volume of trade is alot less.

see the reason you see all this volume means that the people woh use your cryptos marky mark really don't want it.. they wanna get rid of it. if you want a crypto you don't sell it.. i know people would never sell any of their crypto. .so if you selling hive or stem or leo in reality that means you don't want it..

whereas in btcmyk the people not selling and holding it because they rather hold it....or maybe they don't think enough is being offered to care which i doubt that would mean they don't understand it.. as they could just go on the site convert it for bbd or i dont see people selling bbd like that with over 300 holders so far.. so remember this a blockchain we need but look at the data, lol

i agree marky mark if you a short term thinker or you @taskmaster4450

so you'd like to be able to put your crypto on the market today and sell it.. then yes i agree bitcoin myk would be bad for you get it free earn it free don't buy it.. however that would just mean if i want to be able to sell my crypto today that means i don't really wanna hold it.. you're not utilizing just wanna probably trade it fo rsomething else or fiat which is fine but it's just a difference in thats the reason you hold crypto and what crypto really exist for purpose wise.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta


Main argument: 20 consensus witnesses control the chain (only 16 required to agree), and thus it would be easy for 16 of them to collude to steal from whoever they wanted.

Small correction, it is 17 required for a hardfork.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta


yes i was definitely somewhat guessing there
thanks for the correction


Until it takes 5000 votes, rather than, 50 to control who the witnesses are we are kidding ourselves that the chain is safe.
Even better would be 50,000.


More isn't always better. Are the 50 in charge bad actors? Will they become corrupted? What happens if they become corrupted. That's the interesting thing about DPOS. When people at the top exploit the system, the only way they can actually make money is by selling the token, and that creates an ecosystem that balances itself because the people selling are losing influence over the network.

To say that the network is controlled by 50 is simply not true.

What happens if those 50 decide to fuck around and find out? What happens when someone creates a fork that nullifies all their stake and moves on without them. Is it worth it to remove those 50 from the ecosystem at this time? I think not. But assuming that it never will be and they'll control everything forever is just false.


I'm pretty happy with the things as they are.
I will be greatly disappointed if bonds aren't in this hardfork, I think we have been kneecapped long enough.

Forking away from bad actors is our trump card, provided it doesn't get played too often.
Not much chance of that with the current makeup of the body politic.
Our crowd is too small to divide over superficialities, imo.
Doing so would be bad for everybody.

If those 50 decided to fork the code, there would be very little that could be done about it.
I'd prefer that number to be 5000 to preclude even the thought of a takeover, but, at this point, the chances of a forkening happening at all are small.

'We are a happy family.'
Joey Ramone
