Cryptocurrency is Communist: The Brainwash Effect.



The words "communism" and "socialism" are huge trigger words for most Americans, especially those that lean politically right wing. To citizens on the right, "communism" and "socialism" are like the worst things one could possibly try to implement, and are the enemy of 'freedom'.

Why is that?

Plain and simple: brainwashing.

And immediately this becomes a very tricky subject, because if I tell people they are brainwashed they are going to immediately think I'm totally full of shit. They're going to think I'm attacking their intelligence. They're going to shut down everything: the dialog and the ability to think critically about this topic. They're going to be offended and they are going to either exit the conversation immediately or go on the attack to defend their beliefs. That's not helpful; Not at all.


So now I need to issue some context on brainwashing.

Everyone is brainwashed. I'm brainwashed; you're brainwashed; everyone. We gotta get over this hurdle, because this conversation requires one to remove their ego and look at themselves from a non-biased point of view.

This is a tall order.

Such a capacity for self-reflection is well beyond the reach of most people. Again, that is not an insult; that is a fact. I am not somehow better than other people because my brain works differently: it's just different. For every attribute I gain, I lose an attribute somewhere else: that's how this works. Einstein would miss the bus if his wife put his coins in the wrong pocket. Reflect on that fact for a moment, because it's very significant. Intelligence is a vast spectrum, and IQ tests are ironically stupid.


How does one remove their own thoughts outside of their own body while completely ignoring personal experience?

It's not easy.


Know thyself.

Knowing yourself is surprisingly difficult. The next time you're singing that Christmas jingle: remember that you're brainwashed. The next time you remember that "Got Milk" commercial: ja brainwashed. The next time you decide that China is the reason the world is so messed up even though America runs the Imperialist Empire and controls the money (USD petrodollar)...

There's a lot of propaganda that's constantly being pumped out against China and Russia (in case we haven't noticed). Do China and Russia suck balls? Yes, of course they do: because every country is a messed up cesspool of centralized rulership. There are no exceptions. All propaganda is riddled with half-truths and believable exaggerations.

Gaining perspective:

What do you think Chinese people think about America? What do you think Russia thinks about America? What about Europe? Most people don't give a shit because they've decided that other people don't matter. How many times have you heard the term "American Lives" in reference to a conflict, war, or other tragedy? Who gives a fuck about the non-Americans that died? NOT ME! FUCK UM! In fact we see this with COVID as well: people want to know how many Americans died more than they want to know worldwide stats.

I'll tell you what most of the world thinks about America: we are disgusting oblivious trash-monsters. The Middle East LITERALLY thinks we are the devil (GREAT SATAN) and they are not wrong. Most citizens remain blissfully unaware of these facts as they zombie away at their 9 to 5 job and pay their taxes, feeding into the system, completely blind of any wrong doing.

I was just following orders.

These same people will say things like, "My taxes pay your salary." to police officers or "My taxes pay for your food stamps."

Bitch! Your taxes pay for Guantanamo Bay and the enslavement of the entire human race. Fucking dumb ass! Again, it's hard to stay objective when the stakes are so high and people are so woefully ignorant and brainwashed by the state.


As long as I can remember I've always maintained some pretty radically-left political ideologies. Communism can work. Why not? Socialism is a stepping stone to communism. Bring it on. Let burn this thing to the ground and start over. I'm here for it.

At the same time I've always gotten along well with libertarians, which I thought was weird because most libertarians lean slightly right. It wasn't until I saw one of these Nolan Charts that I realized that being a radical left-wing libertarian was possible. That must be what I am.


We are like unicorns over here, you don't see many left-wing libertarians, that's for sure. Most people assume that if you want to enforce radical left-wing policy then 'obviously' you'd have to force people in an authoritarian way. This is not the case. The best policies and reinforcement tactics have always and will always be positive-reinforcement trumping negative-reinforcement.

Now that crypto is here to stay this becomes even more obvious. Crypto is all about opt-in competing systems that simultaneously force the community to do things a certain way (consensus), but at the same time allow any community member to opt-out. These new governance systems are borderless and can not capture the community and force them to do things against their will. Best of both worlds really.

Crypto requires consent.

And this is a libertarian aspect in nature, void of left/right politics, which is a good thing because if you're creating a community of diverse individuals you don't really get to pick and choose the individual politics of your members.

Brainwashing is a feature, not a bug.

The world is complicated, and the brain is tiny. Therefore we must prune the decision tree just like AI would. We must make certain assumptions about how the world works in order to build on top of that information and understand what's going on around us. If we don't do this our brain would be flooded with information and there'd be no way to make informed decisions.

Many of these things set in during our early developmental years. The experiences that happen to us around 4 to 8 years old are pinnacle in developing, not only personality, but critical thinking itself and many other things as well. Those are the primetime brainwashing years that get set in stone and will stay with us for the rest of our lives.

This thing we call brainwashing only becomes brainwashing when the thing that we believe is not only incorrect, but also damaging. In all other contexts this thing we call brainwashing is just forging unmovable pillars in our thought processes that can be used to understand the world around us.

Again, this is a feature not a bug. Remove the pillars, and the entire structure collapses. This is why 99% of people who end up brainwashed will not allow the pillars to be removed. It would crush their entire worldview, and the brain will move to protect itself from that kind of devastation.


Trust is the crux.

It all boils down to trust in the end. Humans are designed to trust. Again, this is a feature, not a bug. If people did not trust each other society would instantly fail. It is only when that trust fails do we start to question it and decide the system is bugged. That is not how reality operates. When something goes wrong with a pyramid, we can't fix the pyramid by removing the lower level. That again would lead to the collapse of the entire structure.

So we are forced to trust others.

The only question that comes into play at this point is: who do we trust? This is where reputation comes into play. Money itself is also a form of reputation. And crypto is the ultimate expression of trust as it pertains to money. We lose a massive amount of efficiency with crypto, but we gain all the trust from an unhackable decentralized ledger being copied a thousand times over by a thousand different trusted parties.

So when I say something "crazy" like I want to implement communism because communism is awesome... can you trust that? This is up to the individual, and it depends on my own reputation.

Perhaps this is an issue of semantics?

What do I mean when I say 'communism'? Definitely not whatever China is doing, that's for damn sure. China is an oligarchy controlled by a central bank. Russia is an oligarchy controlled by a central bank. America is an oligarchy controlled by a central bank. Gee, there seems to be a pattern emerging here.

Let's ask Google!


Give what you can, take what you need.

That is communism. Communism is an EXTREMELY idealistic utopian form of government. Everyone is contributing as much as they can (within reason) and everyone is taking only want they need from the communal pools of resources (unless there's a surplus that can be distributed in a fair way).

Unfortunately, as we all know, theoretically utopian societies do not work in practice, or else we would have done it already and it would have taken over the entire world instantly (because it's superior in every way to all other forms of government). That's not what happened, so what has gone wrong here?

Many would say that communism fails because it lacks the proper incentives. Why would I work harder for the same pay? That's not equitable. Of course the same people that make this argument turn a blind eye to wage-slavery and time-vampirism. Why would I work harder than my co-workers if I get paid the same amount per hour? Same logic. There are reasons why I would work harder, but that's probably a topic for another post.

This argument is totally invalid. Why am I writing this blog post right now when I can just as easily delegate my stake to @leo.voter and make the same amount of money passively without doing any work? Here I am writing this post instead of making passive income, so even on a personal-experience level the argument is totally ridiculous.

People are builders. We are programmed to work. People like working and building. We legit get dopamine hits from our brain telling us we are doing a good job. More than that: working hard and building value gives individuals a better reputation. This "social score" reputation is on a higher level than the reputation provided by money itself. More on that later.

Why doesn't communism work though?

Communism works... it just doesn't scale (yet).

Behold, Exhibit A:

I will never forget this TED talk.

It's just too good.
Micro-charges are the future of governance.

90 second in, he talks about the fall of the Berlin Wall.
A communist asks a capitalist:

Who is in charge of the bread supply?

lol what?

No one is in charge.
This is a self-regulating system.

This is the key as to why communism fails miserably.

Because in order for "communism" to scale up, the current implementations require that every aspect of society be controlled in a centralized manner by a "trusted" party. Yeah, that's not communism. That is hammered dogshit. Therefore, communism does not scale without decentralization of power. Sound familiar?

Why is crypto communist/socialist?

Because at the base layer the community controls the means of production. That's all you need to be communist/socialist. Welcome to your own nightmare: republicans. Don't worry, it won't be as bad as you've been led to believe.

Back to the subject of connotation.

You can't even call these things communism/socialism in public, because those words have been so deeply rooted in a negative connotation that the public will simply not accept them no matter what anyone does. We need a new word for these things. There's no reason to fight the current if you want to end up downstream. But first, what is even the difference between socialism and communism?


Basically they are exactly the same thing on a core level.

The community must own the means of production.
Simple enough: sounds like crypto to me.

But we still need another word for it because people will outright reject it simply based on previous brainwashing.

How about... Anarcho-Capitalism!?!


Wow, sounds pretty sweet!

This is all a matter of semantics, how we define these concepts, and connotations. Communism becomes anarcho-capitalism when communism becomes decentralized. With no one in charge of the centralized attack vectors associated in traditional communism, ownership becomes once again private and the government has very little power over the citizens.

There's really no other way to accomplish this in a digital environment, because what are you going to do? Threaten your citizens with "internet prison"? Yeah, that's not real. This isn't the Matrix. This isn't the Metaverse (yet).

If someone doesn't like their borderless digital government, they're just going to move to a better one. This is the nature of the emergent attention economy. It's forcing everyone to compete in the most healthy form of free-market capitalism the world has ever seen by exponential margins.


But capitalism isn't good enough... or is it?

Free-market laissez-faire capitalism only cares about making as much money as possible, and in theory building as much value as possible. This is where the tragedy of the commons comes into play. What happens when one entity depletes all the common resources and ruins the game for everyone? That's when you have to create authoritarian rules that stop the bad actors from fucking everything up. There will also be a push and pull requirement to balance freedom with an objectively fair ruleset. The problem today is that the people forging these rulesets are anything but objective. What the world really needs are Philosopher Kings.

Humanity is a hive primarily filled with drones.

Check me out talking about Hive in 2018. kek

My personal example of crypto "communism".

  • First, we need to centralize the geography.
    • This becomes a potential attack vector in terms of the military industrial complex. There must be defenses in place to prevent an imperialist takeover of the system. Luckily, decentralized infrastructure is a natural defense to centralized takeover.
  • At this point we have many people in our digital community located in the same geographical region. This has many advantages and disadvantages. The centralized attack vector must be leveraged into extreme efficiency gains to become justified.
    • It's also important to have many members of the community outside this geographical region in case shit hits the fan.
  • All members of the community (or perhaps all members of the community within the approved geographical location) benefit from "universal basic income". All members own the automated means of production. Any profits made via automation are distributed back to the members equally.
  • To incentivize work-ethic, any products or services produced by non-automated means can be pocketed by the individuals that participated in this process. But the ultimate goal of this society would be to eventually automate these non-automated processes and then redistribute that value back out equally among community members. This frees up the work-force to move on to the other projects that haven't been automated yet.

Now tell me, is that... "communism"?

I would call it communism. I'd also call it anarcho-capitalism, but it's unlike anything the world has ever seen. Expect crazy stuff like this to happen over the next decade or two. New never before seen governance models will pop up all over the globe. This is why I constantly harp on the fact that city-states are going to return, because the advantages of a community being located within the same geographical region are vast when building value in the real world rather than the digital metaverse.

The main point to be made here is that people can not imagine a world that isn't owned by central bankers. When communities own the means of production within the physical and digital world, in addition to controlling their own currency, the world is going to become a very strange place. The Balkanization of everything is coming, and those who cling onto the old dying institutions are in for a nasty surprise.


Do you think that communism is "bad". Most people do. Because we're all being told it's bad constantly over the course of our entire lives. This is propaganda. This is brainwashing.

All that matters is that communities need to retake control of the means of production in addition to currency itself. It doesn't matter what we call it. That's just semantics. What matters is freedom. Communism and freedom are not mutually exclusive concepts.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

1.279 PAL


I think cryptocurrency will wipe out both left and right politics.

0.003 PAL

For the most part, yes.
I think crypto makes the vast majority of traditional political arguments irrelevant.
At the same time I think crypto will introduce new concepts to politics that nobody is talking about yet.

0.000 PAL

However, I think that cryptocurrency is in the left-side.

0.000 PAL

I'm going to have to chew on this lengthy post for a bit.

The Middle East LITERALLY thinks we are the devil (GREAT SATAN)

For one to understand this, we need to know who they think of as the little Satan. Our current as they say "globohomo" regime is mostly responsible for that perception due to their warmongering interventionism.

I don't think we must necessarily choose between capitalism and communism. There is another option. One I think people have REALLY been brainwashed to hate.

0.004 PAL

Hm, yeah that's pretty accurate.

But I think there is even more subtext there.
The hate is used to justify imperialism and forcing others to do what we want.
This is what the empire really needs to sustain itself.
To make sure the tribes do not unite against them.

0.000 PAL

I agree but do believe we may be looking at the same elephant albeit from different angles.

Their machine is massive and about power and control. I like to be an optimist but at this point I believe it would take nothing short of an act of God to dismantle it. They have too much structure, organization and institutional power that can and has been leveraged against the people uniting against them.

People do seem to be waking up to the many devices put in place to subvert and divide. There are far too many sheep out there willing to follow the wolves but perhaps the tide will change.

0.001 PAL

Ah you know that's another thing I failed to mention.
You only need an act of God to save the world if Satan is the one in charge.
As someone with an atheist background, I'd say that Satan is not in charge and that the level of power that people think the elite and "deep state" have is grossly exaggerated.

Chaos Theory: Why the Deepstate is a Complete Illusion.

It's easy to make the claim that an institution like the FED has all the power,
but in reality their main tool for decades was simply moving interest rates up or down.
That's literally all they could do... for decades.
Now they have quantitative easing... still, that's barely any power in the grand scheme of things.

The only thing we need to do to remove the deep state from power is to simply scale up crypto bigger than legacy capitalism. We literally automatically win if that happens. It's actually going to be a lot easier than many assume. The big players from the legacy system will jump into crypto and tip the scales instantly when we make them filthy rich. Already we can see with AMM that our liquidity pools are exponentially bigger on a percentage basis. All we have to do is scale up to the size of a large country and it's over.

And also, while I have an agnostic/atheist background, it's becoming quite obvious that there are many many things in this world that are totally beyond explanation and human understanding. Whatever is going on in the multiverse is much more complex than anyone could possibly imagine.

0.000 PAL

Anarcho-crapitalism is a thing, and that thing is an oxymoron.
Anarchism has always been a reaction to the violence of crapitalism.
Original an-com thesis.
Better to sell working people with.
The Conquest of Bread
Looking Backwards maintains money, but on a credit account rather than in cash.
The total production is divided by the number of people and an amount credited to the account.
Not impossible with a blockchain keeping everybody honest.
This one details a barter system.

If you haven't read these they are great mines for ideas.

0.000 PAL

Very interesting way to look at it. I have often gone down this thought process myself. Started out sounding like my thought processes when coming out of an acid trip, lol. We have to break the old way of thinking. I was a child of the 80's when they glorified the military like rock stars and then I made the mistake of joining when I got of in 2001... Great timing, lol. I served my time and was out and finding every way to skirt the system I can because what we are fed is crap. That is one thing I love about crypto is the breaking down of global barriers and the bringing together of minds from parts of the world that we would have never connected with before. It's a new day, and I am trying to be patient to let the old cronies find their way off the planet, cause they will not retire, lol, that's apparent. We just need to quit giving the so called authorities the power. People need to learn to produce their own food, and hell, people that have the space and resources, need to learn 3d printing or some kind of trade skills. The more those things are decentralized across the planet, the better off we will be in the long run. Crypto changing the face of the monetary system is a great start in this journey of decentralizing all industries!

0.003 PAL

I still don't think communism could ever solve the problem of scarcity.

All that aside, even though I would never have any interest in such a thing, I never saw a problem with a group of people pooling their resources, and starting a commune on the condition that it was voluntary. North Korea shooting people trying to leave, for example, is unacceptable.

If people were free to come and go as they please, I'm not sure how you would solve the problem of people "taking what they need" then taking off making little to no contribution.

0.001 PAL

What is the problem of scarcity?
The only scarcity problem I'm aware of this day in age is artificial scarcity.
Technology eliminates scarcity.

Again, I feel like if I had simply never said the word "communism" and just called it something else your response would be 100% different.

0.000 PAL

As long as there are finite resources, there will be scarcity. Time, raw materials, skilled labor, etc....

I don't disagree with the conclusion. Just struggling to wrap my mind around how you got there. Don't guess it matters, as long as your here. lol

0.000 PAL

Do you think that communism is "bad". Most people do. Because we're all being told it's bad constantly over the course of our entire lives. This is propaganda. This is brainwashing.

I know how BAD is communism/socialism not from "propaganda", nor from Wikipedia or Google dictionary.

More than HALF of my life has been spoiled under soviet socialism (ussr) regime - I am born in 1954m and we got out of that regime in 1990.

I discovered crypto in 2012, when BTC was just above $2
In last 9 years, I hardly spend more than 2-3 days a year without digging deeper into crypto world.
I highly disagree with quite a few statements you have said above.

Deep inside me, this builds a desire to downvote such posts.
But don't worry, I'm still not "out of my mind"

Enjoy the BOOM


0.001 PAL

I'm not sure that USSR what actually communism neither. At least not the one @edicted is talking about.

I'm absolutely not a sovietic expert so you'll be able to tell me if I'm wrong.

The power was totally centralized, one person was controlling everything, the means of production were not shared but the people and the profits even less shared.
The government was more trying to prove to the world that it was powerfully and could face the US instead of making his people health.

The wealths of the country did not belong to the people/workers/communities but to the government.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

0.001 PAL

That was pretty much exactly the point of this post.

To show that no matter what governance system gets implemented on a technical level,
if you call it 'communism' there's a huge built in group that will automatically reject it,
on a knee-jerk psychological level.

Semantics, definitions, and connotations are definitely worth exploring more judging by the comment section here.

0.000 PAL

Just because people have a brain, does not mean that they actually use it. Or…….use it on their own. Meaning it’s their own thoughts not someone else’s they are just mimicking.

0.001 PAL

You have given me a lot to think about, I am a brainwashed person. I find it is very hard to break out of one mold just to get into another such as crypto. I am here. I find that I still have a bunch to learn, and sometimes I fight my own learning process. Choosing instead to fall back on what I was taught in my youth. I do like your post and your way of discussing things.

0.001 PAL

Holy crap! This is a long ass article!

I do agree with the concept, and have came to think this way aswell.
Crypto is the best of capitalism, and allows for mechanism that are similar to socialism or communism, except for the fact that we have free choice to participate or not.

So rather than socialism or communism by force (as has been the case) we can voluntarily opt in or out at the click of a button.

0.001 PAL

Well I don't really delve much into Communism but I guess I don't like it because it builds a reliance on the government to control everything. In a way I guess it's trust and the politicians are not trust-worthy as they focus more on policies that benefits themselves.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

0.001 PAL

and IQ tests are ironically stupid.

Now some IS tests are taking into consideration the different kind of intelligence and making a sort of average of them all but with more data to explain what you have and what you don't have.

I follow you thought at 100%.
I still don't understand that today people are ok with the fact that I vestor are getting more money everyday while the workers are earning less.
I'm from France so I only know the numbers here.
Something like 10 years ago, around 10% of the GDP was the dividends, nowadays it's more than 40%.
McDonald's could increase all their workers' salary by $1000 each month, all over the world, and still make benefits, instead of that they are sending their money to Ireland to pay less taxes.

The world is crazy and we need companies to pay properly the workers. The market with investor just making everything to have bigger benefits it killing the humanity.

Fun fact in France :Since few months, the wealth depth between rich and poor people is deeper than it was in 1789, just before the french revolution.

Have a fair share of my daily !PIZZA

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

0.001 PAL

Former inhabitant of a communist country here, up until I was 19. After that, the country collapsed and entered a savage so called "capitalism" era. 30 years after it's still confused and not a very good place to live in.

From this personal experience, I would like to throw my 2 cents at your - extremely - long post.

Theoretically, many things are interesting. But once we put them in practice, they're not so interesting anymore. And you do seem to hint at that when you recognize that communism failed. The thing that stayed in the way of a theoretically interesting model is human nature. We are driven by greed and fear (some will say we are actually driven by our attachment to those) and no system can change that. It may, at most, incentivize one of them to create predictability.

All communist systems failed not because the theory was wrong. But because people applied it from their own frail structure, from greed and fear. In my personal example, about 21.5 million people lived in poverty, while about 0.4 million (the "nomenclature", the "aparatchiki", people that we part of the system at the top) lived very well. Where do you see equality here? And a fair distribution of resources?

Equality is a myth. A human concept related to dimensions, that we try to apply to an ever changing ecosystem. How can something be equal with something when everything is in motion? It's a utopia.

Humans will always want more, they would want to differentiate somehow from the others, being it by greed, or by ascetism, because of this attachment-based structure. So all systems that try to "solve this problem" are going to fail.

Crypto is a system based on a few components that have greater transparency and predictability. The computer, the internet, cryptography. But they aren't about equal distribution. Ask any whale about that. They increase predictability and make the turning of the knobs more granular. But at the end of the day, it's the human nature that's in charge.

From my perspective, coming from a communist country, I don't see crypto as communist. There's zero resemblance to that. If anything, crypto is a place of possibility. Of potential. If you educate yourself, you fire up that potential, you get to receive higher transparency and predictability in certain areas. That's all.

Behind the private keys are still humans. Frail, and emotionally unstable, and changing, getting old, attaching to various beliefs and so on and so forth. Fixing people with tech didn't work before and it will never work. Fixing people by making them understand we live in a self-controlled hallucination, well, that might lead to something good, but it requires a lot of work. Thousands of years have passed since we first realized that, and not much progress have been done.

At the end, just a polite reminder that it's easy to be a communist in a free country. Not so easy the other way around.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

0.001 PAL

Interesting post. I tend to agree with some of it, mostly that the popular use of term "Communism" is more in line with Cold War propaganda than what the actual Communists believe. For example, none of Communist countries, today or in the past, ever considered themselves "communist". According to Marxist ideology, Communism was the ultimate utopian aim of what Communists officially called "socialism". The state that controls everything is, according to Marxists, the means to an utopian end in which state itself would be abolished and turned over to free associations of workers and results in something more resembling hippie commune than 1984.

Use of "socialism" or "socialist" is more appropriate for state and regimes people associate with Communism, but this creates another sort of problems, because many consider the term to be too broad and even today many Americans like to think of Western European countries "socialist".

Another bad legacy of Cold War in USA is misappropriation of the term "liberal". In the second part of 20th Century it became some sort of euphemism or front for "left wing" or even "socialism". People usually called "liberals" have little or nothing to do with Liberalism as ideology in traditional sense and most of so-called classic liberals would be called right-wingers today. Things improved only after popular use of "progressive" as supplement for "left" or "far left".

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

0.001 PAL

yeah at the core level liberal just means you embrace change or you're willing to take risks,
and conservative is the opposite (less change less risk).

0.000 PAL

Give what you can, take what you need.

Absolutely agree with this point. This is the reason we need to spend time on research not allow others to wash our brain. This blog is really very interesting and focused in reality that I really appreciate. Thanks!

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

0.001 PAL

Very interesting all this reflection, we all have a certain level of brainwashing, the issue is to realize soon and think for ourselves seeing what happens around us.

As for communism, I have always thought that it has never been implemented, because reading its concept, wouldn't that be wonderful? Really!

I'm from Venezuela, believe me, here for a little more than 20 years socialism has been talked about daily, they have tried to do many things to get to "live in socialism" and although there were some successful attempts in some areas, no deep change was made from the beginning for the State institutions to adopt this concept in its real dimension and power to pass directly to the communities, it is now, after several years of economic crisis, blockade and sanctions by the US that they're trying to accelerate something, even the State created a cryptocurrency, the Petro, backed by the oil and mining wealth of Venezuela. But the demonization of socialism, which mainly attacks Venezuela from abroad has been savage, any country in the region that goes to elections and has a left-wing candidate with a chance of winning, they attack him and say: "be careful, if you vote for him you will be another Venezuela, communism" (that is, they are actually told: if you turn to the left, the United States will block you and you will suffer like Venezuela, Cuba, etc)... when neither here, nor in Cuba nor in any country has communism really existed , it's funny!

I do think that cryptocurrencies are people's money, and if that is communism, socialism, long live!

0.001 PAL

The problem has always been with who controls the money.
Putting a label on it like "capitalism", "socialism", or "communism" is largely irrelevant.
At the end of the day the entire legacy system is a corporate oligarchy.
That needs to change so we can move forward.

0.003 PAL

That's right, let's hope that cryptocurrencies become more and more socialized!

0.000 PAL

As usual, a shitton of words to try to keep selling the worst economic system ever invented.

Oh, oh, wait, I know :

"It hasn't been properly tested before. This time will be the real socialism, let me be in charge and you will see"


And by the way, crypto as a whole (even more so btc) is the absolute opposite of Communism, Socialism, Wokism and other forms of mass control and slavery by some elites.

That is why, for example, Elizabeth Warren hates it but Peter Thiel loves it. ^_^

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

0.001 PAL

Yeah I mean you obviously didn't read the post just like I said you wouldn't.

let me be in charge and you will see"

If you actually read the post you're commenting on you'll see that no one is in charge of this system.
It's decentralized communism, which is the exact same thing as anarcho-capitalism.
You'd know that if you read it.

0.000 PAL

Haha nah, I read it, sideways, ofc, too many familiar pitches.
Communism can only work, as the name implies, in a small "Community".
Complex systems cannot prosper. Even with the incredible reduction in friction that crypto provides.

Posted via D.Buzz

0.001 PAL

2/2 If you think DAOS like AAVE or UNI are decentralized... Mate, I have a bridge to sell you.

Posted via D.Buzz

0.000 PAL

Bitch please.

Literally all I have to do is rewrite the post and replace the word "communism" with "anarcho-capitalism" and your entire argument falls to pieces. I've already debunked by own argument a thousand times better than you have in my next post. Try reading that one as well before you comment again.

0.000 PAL

Wow, you are ordering me to do and not to do stuff already. Hahaha!

Nvm, mate, no sense to get angry over this. Each one is free (at least in some corners of the internet like this one) to hold it's own opinion.

Off-topic: Sorry for my low voting, I'm 100% on you as well

Posted via Blog | D.Buzz

0.001 PAL

I don't get mad! I get even!


Perhaps I need to pump the breaks more often in these conversations.
Seem to be going into rampage mode a lot lately.

0.000 PAL

First of all long ass article but very interesting, especially for how you express yourself in each of the points, political ideologies are a sea almost always dominated by ignorance but these posts add a little light to everything, I don't think cryptos have a specific ideology but it varies from currency to currency (many might see Hive as an extreme of corporatist capitalism lol) but in essence I think all cryptos would be better off in anarchism.

0.001 PAL

As far as I delve into the depth of a term, I start with the simple and ask for the most original form of a term. I try to find out or guess it myself first. If I manage to block out everything I have read and seen/heard, I would simply think that the term communism has something to do with a human group.

I associate terms like "community", "group of people", "congregation", "commune" or "communion" or verbs/adjectives like "communal", "common", "together" - there is no real evaluation to be found here and I don't need to be hooked right away.

I think any additional meaning can be attached to this term, because at first it seems quite neutral and refers to a plural group (more than two people).

Unfortunately, it's probably too much to ask that you can strip away what you've consumed so far in this way and approach it freshly for yourself. The terms socialism and communism are so occupied that they probably cannot be redefined, at least that seems unlikely to me.

Anarchism, I have framed this term positively for myself, it is just as misunderstood as the other two.

Basically, there doesn't seem to be any real positive connotation of terms describing a group or association of people at all. The most common terms I know carry a certain demonisation. No one gets off scot-free, see "Christians" as another example.

I already consider the search for terms to be rather questionable, because it is presumably always meant to unite as large a group as possible under one identity, and somehow that always seems to go wrong.

I would probably like it best if things simply ran without drawing much attention to themselves. Which has the advantage that they are not immediately seen by those whom one might not necessarily want to draw attention to oneself. A silent but effective word-of-mouth recommendation. But that also seems to be a contradiction in and of itself.

So I have no idea. Of course, I also hope that the forces currently at work will be opposed by something that doesn't immediately look like resistance or war to those forces.

0.001 PAL

People have to learn that not the *ism what kills, but those who abuses such systems. Capitalism killed much more than any other ideology combined, period.

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0.000 PAL

It's undeniably a wild, how much of a knee-jerk reaction I had to this article at the beginning. I am not very active or knowledgeable in politics or many political topics even. However, I know I am supposed to hate communism.

Luckily, I am the kind of person who occasionally sees things to the end, so I read-on.

Because in order for "communism" to scale up, the current implementations require that every aspect of society be controlled in a centralized manner by a "trusted" party.

Communism sucks due to the centralization of power. Decentralize that power, so decisions pertaining the community are made by the community.

With no one in charge of the centralized attack vectors associated in traditional communism, ownership becomes once again private and the government has very little power over the citizens.

This post is definitely food for thought and one that I largely agree with, although, anything associated with the term communism is stigmatized. Therefore, to avoid any of that stigmatization myself I am going to public declare I disagree. lol

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There are a lot of Venezuelans on Hive. Ask them how well communism is working out for them.

0.000 PAL

Spoken like someone who didn't even read the post.

they are going to immediately think I'm totally full of shit. They're going to think I'm attacking their intelligence. They're going to shut down everything: the dialog and the ability to think critically about this topic.

0.004 PAL

Yes, I noticed that you began by calling people who disagree with communism brainwashed. First off all, the brain is not a rag that you can wash, but a complex synaptic system that has taken millions of years of evolution to develop. Second, some of us don't agree with communism because we can clearly see the trail of misery that has been left by this bankrupt ideology. From Russia to China to Cuba and now Venezuela, anywhere communism has taken root, it's all blood, sweat, and tears. Lastly, Hive is not communist but one of the highest expression of free market forces to date. Some of us are here because the communists pushed us out of other platforms, or destroyed our economies. To be clear, I'm not attacking you but the misguided idea that Hive is communist. It's not, and it will never be

0.001 PAL

Hm yes I went over this as well in the OP.

Perhaps this is an issue of semantics?

What do I mean when I say 'communism'? Definitely not whatever China is doing, that's for damn sure.

All that matters is that communities need to retake control of the means of production in addition to currency itself. It doesn't matter what we call it. That's just semantics.

Again your comment reads like you didn't actually absorb any of the content of the post, and instead did exactly what I said a lot of people were going to do which is see the word "communism" and then blackout.

What I'm really asking you to comment on are your thoughts about anarcho-capitalism because calling anarcho-capitalism "decentralized communism" clearly is blinding a lot of people to the actual discussion I'm trying to get at here.

0.003 PAL

I appreciate your engagement, even though I disagree. My apologies if I came across rude. So let me try again.

Do you think that communism is "bad".

I don't think communism is bad. I think it's horrendous, as history has already shown us. Millions and millions of lives destroyed and incredible suffering for the rest. I appreciate that you mention that China's system is not really communism as theorized by Karl Marx, but it is the inevitable outcome that perhaps Marx, a product of the industrial revolution, did not foresee.

we're all being told it's bad constantly over the course of our entire lives. This is propaganda. This is brainwashing.

Many people think communism is bad because we have seen or experienced what happens under the yoke of communism. The idea of brainwashing is not just a semantic concept but a suggestion that someone was passively programmed into a particular set of beliefs, presumably because they lack the intelligence or will to think for themselves. Right or left, we all carry versions of reality based on social/cultural conditioning, neurological imprinting, and genetics. This sounds nerdy, but it's more nuanced and nudges us to better understand the environmental and neurological mechanisms underpinning a belief of those we disagree with.

All that matters is that communities need to retake control of the means of production in addition to currency itself.

The problem with Karl Marx's 'communism' is precisely that he called for the taking over the "means of production." In his time, the means of production were the tangible factories and labor that went along with it. But since then, we have learned that the source of wealth is not the means of production, or capital as Adams espoused, but information, knowledge, and cybernetic feedback. In other words, the source of wealth is the neuro-digital brain and its interaction with other brains.

It doesn't matter what we call it. That's just semantics. What matters is freedom.

Semantics are important. Memes like "means of production", "worker's revolution", "bourgeoisie", "one percent", "democratic republic of..." and so on can be powerful viral ideas that are either limiting or expanding. The concepts derived from communism appear expanding in theory ("you have nothing to lose but your chains") but in practice, they quickly turn into self-limiting and oppressive beliefs.

You mentioned anarcho-capitalism. This is something different than communism. I'm afraid I have no opinion on it.

Communism and freedom are not mutually exclusive concepts.

Not in theory, but at the end of the road, communism puts all of us in chains. After all, you have to do what is good for the community or else...

I appreciate that you have brought up this topic. I don't discuss politics on Hive, but this one did trigger me, and perhaps that's a good thing, though my approach could have been better.

I apologize for my crankiness. I don't have any weed left, so that may have contributed to my terseness.

0.001 PAL

lol @ no weed.

I think I usually beat most people at the rudeness game.
I doubt you have anything to worry about on that front.

But I would like to reiterate that decentralized communism is anarcho-capitalism.
So again we are just not talking about the same thing.

0.000 PAL

Here is where the banksters used marx to split the workingman's movement and to coopt the term communism to paint it as what it isn't.
Marx wanted violent overthrow and rule by force, Bakunin did not.

0.000 PAL

Bakunin. Man, I just had a flashback reading that name. hehe!

0.007 PAL

Wow you drank the propaganda koolaid as well. mentioning something like venezuela? if it was communism maduro and his rich friends wouldn't exist how they do, lol. they wouldn't need all that stuff they got and money and power , lol. those are more like capitalistic republic dictatorships..almost like what america is with a ruling class that's gaining everything off the backs of everyone else. that's not socialism and communism. they say it is but they faill to mention all the extras that make it something else. like my example earlier.. everyone in america says this is capitalism. now funny enough they don't say it works, lol. however they call it still capitalism.. when it's really neofeudalism. so you don't know what you talking about.

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0.000 PAL

Russia- not communism. Lol.
China- not communism. Lol.
Cuba- not communism. Lol.
Vietnam- not communism. Lol.
North Korea- not communism. Lol.
Laos- not communism. Lol.
Venezuela- not communism. Lol.

See a pattern? Come on, man. This is why I don't discuss politics on Hive. So, let's just be friends and drink some kool-aid. It'll be fun.

0.000 PAL

Well in the concept of communism and socialism i thought the people control the resources, lol. So how is it that you got super rich people in these countries? Shouldn't it be a little more even? lol. you got someone like putin who's a trillionaire, haha.. and every person in those countries that ran such systems what you call communism, that's not what most people define it as. however how you define it, that's how it works. So how is it that they can store away so much wealth without raising flags, i don't understand that, lol.

You can do it easy in the west because if you call something capitalism. It's a free pass to basically manipulate the system and steal peoples wealth and resources. Like some say well just look at the example of the united states. it got here under capitlalism. Well as i understood it it got here by having an atom bomb lol.

Germany was really close to getting the atom bomb first they were just slack on resources. nothing was wrong with their work ethic or incentive, lol. They had the best scientist of the time, lol. So we can be friends but friends don't lie to one another lol. How is it that we got all these super poor people and most of the people being poor in these idealistic communist countries you talking about but they got tons of resources, lol.. like venezuela it's full of oil. america has an embargo on it and all that lol. .so it's military reasons and systems also keeping these systems from working lol.

its interference, its' war its the brettenwood agreement where the us dollar becomes the reserve currency based on war not they masterminded some great system lol. yea friend, you need to tell a more complete story. if anyone really wants to decentralize a thing. that's easy do it through the money, lol. that doesn't mean making sure it falls in the hands of who you want it to fall into, lol. let it fall into the people hands who own it and inherit the earth that's where it belongs anyway, lol. everyonne is so eager to create systems they can get an edge and spend all day trading which is another way to spend yoru day stealing money from one another all day long. that's all trading really accomplishes, lol. so how bout that friend? have you thought about that? lol

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Well in the concept of communism and socialism i thought the people control the resources



Well communism first off is a very good system and the best system we can have. Now here's where the propaganda kicks in. Like we got these guys like one alfa coming out of the cold war and the giant propaganda machine of mccarythism and all these things. These manufactured concepts by the governments to polarize what would result in them being in less control.

See you all and i'm not trying to insult anyone. I believe it's clear as day. You all lack the intellectual and mental aptitude to even understand concepts like this at their core. For example if you were to say you wanted to decentralize the government or a nation or the world to any degree. Well every economist knows how easily you can control a country by controlling their money, lol.

So it's a real simple concept you make sure you put practices and systems in that doesn't allow anyone to centralize the money it's really that simple and i'll tell you why. rich people don't really want more control of resources. THey want more control of people and status adn prestige. That's an easy fix. it's not that they are clamoring and unmotivated if they don't control a million acres of land over you. That's not their motivation so our systems cause people to starve for no reason and it shows the people who believe in capitalism a high degree of idiocy and it also means these people aren't very intelligent people. If you really look at people who support communist like ideas and marxist, these are the most intelligent people period. Whereas and these are the facts and you know it.

if you characterize your average republican voter out of the state of alabama the first thing comes to everyones mind is backwards uneducated moron. NO offense to people from alabama .. huntsville is actually a very intelligent area with space camp which i tried my darndest to attend when i was a young kid. However such ideas don't come out of nowhere. It's many things historically that supports why people feel those people there are morons.

Now here's the problem with all you freedom alt right seeking capitalist. First of all as we underlined in the beginning it is the control of the money that controls a nation that controls a people. So how could you ever have any real idea of decentralization of government or people or money if you allow a system to enslave others.

Let's be for real about what capitalism is. Capitalism came about at the end of the middle ages by people like pope innocent. Who how capitalism should be defined is making money off the work and labor of others. Now pope innocent defined that as bringing comfort to those who God wants to bring comfort to. Most people, who are intelligent people and again no means to insult but i see hive as full of dumb people. Mostly alt right people with a false sense of freedom with no understanding of what really is beyond the brainwashing you speaking of. The reason this exist is nobody wants to be responsible for anything. That's why they elect the trumps and the bidens.. men on the extreme side of a spectrum on how to run a country. Now how in the world can you have any success in government where viewpoints are so extremely opposite the other that anytime any progess is made on one side the other side comes into power spends the rest of their term trying to undue that. That is insanity and lunacy, lol. we know it is we just so stupid we not going to do anything about it.

Now what they are calling capitalism is neofeudalism it's what we had before marx and all this modern communist marxist lefttist rhetoric showed up. Prior to that we had feudalism where someone decided they didn't wanna work and they wanted to instead advance off the backs of someone else and rob them in the process of their resources. That's what it honestly is.

Now let me point out this last part edicated all respect due i'm just being honest. You're another one of these full of shit people i'd never really trust you know why? You're a benefactor of such systems. What would i listen to you for? YOu benefit the most from systems like this. You do.

Your followers they hope by sharing yoru view they someone become part of the system however it's a system based on scarcity in it's philosophy which means this edicted. Even if it's no scarcity it's in the best interest of the systems you support to keep it scarce, lol. So i would'nt trust you on this. You have absolutely no reason for anything to change on hive or in the real world, nobody should listen to you about anything.

Now here's the good news. whatever you believe we live now in a robot economy. This is a real economic term for robots that will replace all human labor.. this is not a foreign idea or concept we see it happening every year in front of our eyes. WE still and this is why hive is full of idiots. We still got people going well i just can't believe it's going to be machines doing all human labor. This is how dumb you all are really now.

So but just indulge me. Let's say one day this robot economy does go into full effect. What are you all going to be saying then about who controls the production in your capitalistic freedom fighter bullshit view, huh? Are you then going to be saying well the guy who invented it he has the ip and he should control all the land and resources which is the idea as well behind ready player one.

The movie what happens when the people seek freedom into the metaverse from what's leftover of their dying impotent capitalistic system? The corporations who are no doubt in control of the government which is how capitalism works i'ts really corporatism we call it capitalism.. but it's really big companies and rich plutocrats which is the same thing contorlling the govt. Thats under the republican idea and less under the democratic idea because the thing is the democrarts are doing most of the distribution.

We know the republicans are full of shit because they don't distribute anything they'd let free capitalism exist in a law of the jungle dog eat dog world until one alpha animal just kills every other animal and controls the pride. That's why it's bullshit if we were uncivlized which many of us still are we would pick a system just like that. That's what we do and we see the end result of it.. Bitcoin modeled after capitalism let's look at the stats....87% of the bitocin network controlled by 1%.. it gets worse as you get down to the altcoins because they can't even distribute on scale like bitcoin. i can type another entire book on this and not be done.

The only salvation in a robot economy in this entire world are going to be projects like bitcoin myk. now when i say bitcoin myk i mean it synomous with other projects that have almost an identical model. .i'm not talking about a capitalistic model we're beyond that now. YOu all can put that dream away that 1960's reagan era capitalism will never exist again ever. we moving into all sorts of things and we better get use to it..the only winners in these systems will be a few people at the top like yourself and tha'ts not healthy for the rest of the world so that's not going fly.

So my advice don't pose questions and articles like this unless you want the truth. if you want bullshit maybe the people who follow you will keep giving it to you. if i see your articles be ready for some heavy commentary, you may not wanna respond or better yet don't write it.

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0.000 PAL

yes i am sure u are right.
thx for this good and nice to read article

0.000 PAL

Interesting read, I always find the american obsession with communism and socialism hilarious. Ive actually been told many times that I live in a socialist /communist country and i live in the UK lol. Every society will have elements that cross into these ideologies and Its a good thing too when you consider social security, community projects etc...even the old american tradition of Home owner associations display a communist element with everyone expected to follow rules on appearance of property and how to conduct themselves in that community, but mention the ideology behind it and the mouth frothing begins haha.

Have a joke and a token

0.000 PAL

I experienced socialism, or at least that's what the system was called, first hand. Everybody says it is a system where man is not free. Not quite true. Knowing the certainty of what the future holds, that bread, electricity, heat, rent, and similar necessities for a happy life will have, give or take small fluctuations, the same price tomorrow, in a month, in a year, in ten years, gives an incredible sense of freedom. You can plan for the future. Unfortunately, one of the human characteristics is the desire to have (own) more than the other person. It goes with man from his inception. When the stronger bands massacred the weaker ones to take over their hunting grounds. That's one thing. The other is the desire for power and the desire to keep it.
In my opinion, only a minority of the human population is capable of navigating a system like the cryptoworld. You can already see that the central power is trying to somehow control the cryptoworld. To insinuate themselves into it.
I think the current system that rules the Earth is starting to hit its resistance points. Just like the stock market, which also reaches a certain point and then crashes. The social order is coming to an end. Just as the slave and feudal order ended. But unfortunately, these ends are always accompanied by very ugly events. And that's what I'm afraid of.

0.000 PAL

I have to say, you have the best graphics to go along with your posts. I always perceive a bit of your sense of humor in them. I'm a big fan of sarcasm and irony. As, always, interesting post, always enjoy getting your insights !

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0.000 PAL