Brain Color Hacks
Oh no! Uber leet haxor alert!
People are animals.
You are made of meat.
Gross monkey is gross.
Repulsive creatures!
It comes as no surprise that such flawed lifeforms are prone to myriad deficiencies and other little quirks. We are easily prone to brainwashing and choosing the wrong hills to fight our battles on. We have all these emotions that seemingly get in the way of "rational" thought. There are many external stimuli that can trigger us and cause certain intended and unintended effects.
Color itself is one of these weird things.
I was shocked to find out that simple looking at certain colors can legit modify brain chemistry and cause people to do things that they otherwise would have not done without the visual stimulus provided to them. How bizarre!
The color Red will make one more aggressive, impulsive, and even brave (to add in a word with a positive connotation). The color Blue will make people think and calm them down a bit. I find this odd because red and blue are on the opposite sides of the color spectrum, and blue is a very high frequency light while red is the lowest visible frequency. Regardless, the affect on the brain is the opposite of what one would assume. "Seeing red" has never been a more valid expression for blind rage.
Could it be then... perhaps that simply seeing price going down as a RED candle is what causes so many people to sell the dip and freak out? It very well could be! I bet if we did a science experiment were red candles were painted blue, less people would lose their shit and rage sell their bags. I just thought of that right now on the spot. So weird. Definitely gonna have to try that one day.
Calm before the Storm: We are the Swarm!
Check out this post I wrote a year ago on January 17th. lol. I talk about the need for using swarm intelligence to trade the market and that big things are coming to Hive. A year later we are trading at x10 the price and people are still whining like the little children they will always be. Classic! I guess the blockchain itself needs to be the parent. All in good time.
Back to the topic at hand.
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There is a connection between our brain and our actions. Depending on how the brain is stimulated, a person can be rendered happy, angry, sad or anxious. The central nervous system is the main control center of human actions. According to studies, each stimulus received by the nerve cells first affects the brain stem then the entire nervous system. Human beings are subjected to many stimuli, including sight during the day.
Scientists have been studying this for over 100 years.
Apparently green is healing and and violet is love and magic? If I'm being honest, I didn't really want to come at this from the angle of "chakras" so let's look for some more 'scientific' stuff.
Wired eh? Let's see what they have to say.
BEVIL CONWAY, AN artist and neuroscience researcher at the National Institutes of Health, is crazy about color.
Sounds promising.
The ancient Greeks, who famously had no word for the color blue, argued over whether colors were composed of red, black, white, and light (that was Plato’s theory), or whether color was celestial light sent down from the heavens by the gods and that each color was a mixture of white and black or lightness and darkness (that was Aristotle’s)
Silly monkeys
I forgot about the blue thing.
Sometimes that means the brain will perceive the same object as two completely different colors; that happened with the famous dress, which in some lights looked white and gold and in others looked blue and black.
And sometimes those brain calculations mean that two completely different inputs can elicit the same perception. Yellow light, for example, has its own specific wavelength that the brain understands as yellow. But mix a green and a red light—each of which have their own unique wavelengths—and the brain will also understand that combination to be yellow, too, even though that light’s physical properties are different from the other wavelengths we perceive to be yellow. Figuring out why our brains interpret those two different inputs as similar has been hard to puzzle out.
What else?
It is even known that "Circadian Rhythm" is a pretty big deal as well. Light plays a huge roll in when we should sleep, wake up, and the quality and quantity of sleep we should be getting. Technically we should be going to bed as it gets dark and waking up as the sun comes up. Obviously hardly anyone actually does this, which is why so many weird artificial problems come into play, most of which are caused by technology itself. In fact, even cancer itself is mostly a man made disease that exists as an artificial result of technology. It will take humanity quite some time to evolve to the changes we create within our own environment.
The Color Pink – the Latest In Psychological Warfare?
It is a calming, non-threatening color. It is linked to innocence, hope and optimism. It also represents positive aspects of traditional femininity like nurture and kindness. Its negative sides are that it can seem weak, vulnerable and silly. It is also linked to shallowness and not seeing reality.
They agreed to paint the ceilings and walls this color and observe its effect on inmates; the color was found to cause a short-term decrease in aggression.
Another benefit was found at the Health, Weight, and Stress Clinic at Johns Hopkins University, where more than one third of nearly 1,700 subjects noted Baker-Miller pink reduced their appetite. Kendall Jenner has painted her living room this color because of its calming and appetite suppressing qualities.
The impact was deemed to be so intrusive that the Western Athletic Conference governing body introduced a rule where both teams’ locker rooms had to be painted the same color.
What the author of this post doesn't seem to understand is that the shade of pink that needs to be used is more mat and dull than the one he used for the website. This is why Bepto Bismol is the color that it is.
The color of the bottle and liquid itself is purposefully and psychologically designed to get the intended effect. Not only does this create a known brain stimulus, but it also synergizes with the power of placebo effect and the expectation that it's going to work.
Just look at this picture.
Can you feel it?
Just a picture of it is messing with me hardcore.
So are people just pointless biological robots living out a nihilistic existence? Tiny specs within a seemingly infinite simulation? Or do religion and spirituality have a part to play in all of this? Or is that just a defense mechanism to curb the inevitable existential dread that comes along with existence? As someone with an atheist/agnostic background, I bounce around this discussion often. Then again, who cares what some pond scum four dimensional ape has to say about the secrets of the universe?
Whatever the answer, it is undeniable that we often act in certain ways given certain stimulus. Color pallets are simply one of many stimuli that we normally don't even think about, until today. God-damnit I'm special! A unique snowflake even. Peace be with you.
Happy New Year man! Best wishes!
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I will read this later as I'm too drunk right now xD
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@lordneroo(1/1) gave you LUV. H-E tools | connect | <><
I've always loved the color black for no particular reason. It's funny how there may be an explanation to every of our conscious and sub conscious actions that we're not even aware of
so why they call it Blue Balls then ?
Because that's not a real thing. 😜
Can pink really pacify?
"According to psychologists, a particular shade of pink can reduce aggression in inmates. But, as Julie Irish explains, it toes the line between manipulation and gender stereotyping."
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If you haven’t read The Colour of Magic, do yourself a favor and track down a copy of it.
Color definitely is an interesting topic. I could never really bring myself to like the pink Pepto Bizmo even if it's to get better.
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