[ESP-ENG] reparando el internet de mi sector . /repairing the internet in my sector.
Ayudando a reparar el internet de mi sector con un trabajador de la empresa de telecomunicaciones inter, ya que tuve que irlo a buscar a la empresa y servirle de ayudante debido a que la empresa no cuenta con suficiente carros para trasladarse a reparar una falla. En este caso se determino que estaba fallando un " TAP para redes HFC" que es el que distribuye la señal a los usuarios y se procedió a cambiarlo por otro de mayor capacidad .
Helping to repair the internet in my sector with a worker from the inter telecommunications company, since I had to go look for him at the company and serve as his assistant because the company does not have enough cars to travel to repair a fault. In this case, it was determined that a "TAP for HFC networks" was failing, which is the one that distributes the signal to users, and it was replaced by another one with greater capacity.
###Estas fotos fueron tomadas con mi teléfono celular ZTE maven2.
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