Unofficial HIVE Awards | HIVE Income token of the Year!


Hello, EDSers. Today we look into EDS and its miner tokens and how they can provide you with a HIVE income in more than one way.

EDS which is pegged to 1 HIVE are minted only by the EDSM and EDSMM miner tokens. The EDS circulation increases by roughly 300 EDS per week. Both miner tokens are sold out but a secondary market exists and investors can still buy them from the hive-engine exchange.


EDSM and EDSMM are maybe the best miner tokens on HIVE. Most other miner tokens are connected to a HIVE tribe and perform well in the beginning but are not suitable and rewards drops when the price of the tribe token falls, they become worthless with no liquidity.

Both EDS miners mint EDS tokens that are pegged to 1 HIVE, we don't have this problem with price fluctuation and can provide a consistent income to miners of 20%. There is enough liquidity on hive-engine to buy EDS mining rewards at 1 HIVE or higher meaning they are liquid as well. There are always people willing to pay at least 1 HIVE for EDS tokens.

Creating a pegged token that can hold or surpass its peg is not an easy thing to do but when you have a project that is fully backed, it's a little easier and more honest. Saying something is pegged by an algorithm does not make it pegged. Saying EDS is pegged to HIVE and having the HIVE on display to show how its pegged is pegged.

Prices that @eddie-earner sold tokens

EDS1 HIVE20,000variable 36%
EDSM10 HIVE2500fixed 20%
EDSMM1 HIVE50,000fixed 20%

Investing into the EDS ecosystem can be done in a few different ways and even gamified to increase your future income based on compounding. You also have the option to go completely passive and just have HIVE paid into your account each Monday.

Lets have a look at the different ways to invest into EDS

Income Only


1/ Buy EDS
Buy EDS from the exchange. You can put in a buy order at 1 HIVE are higher and wait for it to get filled but if you have no patience you can overpay and get them faster.

After you you have some EDS tokens, you just hold them. There is no staking required and HIVE income payments are based on an average holding over 28 days to stop abuse. The current APY for EDS tokens is 37% paid in HIVE.

After you buy, its fully passive until to decide to sell out and get your HIVE back.

2/ Buy EDS miners
Buy either or both EDSM and EDSMM tokens and stake them in your HE wallet. There are 3 draws per day and 20 prizes per draw making a total of 60 miner rewards per day for EDSM. There are 24 draws per day and 20 prizes per draw making a total of 480 miner rewards per day for EDSMM. Both miners are set to ROI at 20% on average for investors and mining rewards are paid as EDS tokens.

You can either HODL your EDS mining rewards to grow a HIVE income from EDS or you sell them into the exchange for at least 1 HIVE each and take the instant 20% ROI. HODLing the EDS mining rewards would be passive and selling them be semi-passive requiring maybe 1 action per week to cash out weekly.

3/ Do a mix of both

EDS Income Growth


1/ Buy and compound into EDS
Buy EDS from the exchange. HODL them in your wallet and your convert weekly HIVE income into the EDS token.

If over the course of 1 year if EDS is able to average an APY of 32% and you were to reinvest your HIVE income payment into buying more EDS, you grow you EDS balance by up to 44% based on compounding over the year. Compounding for 2 years would increase your EDS balance and income by 68% based on an average APY of 26% assuming the EDS APY drops slowing over time and you could double your EDS balance and income if you compounded for 3 years.

2/ Buy EDS Miners and compound
Buy either or both EDSM and EDSMM tokens and stake them in your HE wallet. HODL all you EDS tokens. If you hold 500 HIVE worth of miners, your EDS balance should grow by around 100 EDS per year which will yield a 35% APY HIVE income.

You can HODL your EDS mining rewards and make it passive or you can compound your HIVE income rewards into more EDSM or EDSMM to increase your EDS yield or EDS tokens to increase your HIVE income.

3/ Do a mix of both

I am sure there are lots of different ways to go about it but the example above is the most basic one. Anyone could tweak things to make it work for them by doing stuff things such as HODLing EDS mining 1 week and selling them for the instant 20% the other week. You could use income payments to buy EDS 1 week, EDSM in week 2 and EDSMM in week 3. There are 1000 different ways to go about growing an EDS stack and HIVE income.

Do you even HIVE long term BRO?


If you plan to be on HIVE for a long time, it would be a good idea to invest in EDS because we're fully backed, sustainable and can provide a HIVE income for decades based on our simple model of converting everything to HIVE and powering it up. All HP leasing rewards, content rewards, tribe tokens, airdrops, everything is converted to HIVE and whats left over after the HIVE income payment goes out is powered up. Every HIVE got from issuing EDS, EDSM and EDSMM was powered up. Check out the lastest report and look at the charts and how consistent EDS is. Here's how EDS is looking for the past 57 weeks 😏. If your long term HIVE, you should be long term EDS.


Who says backed projects cant yield?

The EDS model course by design changed when EDS miners were created and sold. We see massive increases in the EDS APY when miners are being sold and the HP balance is increasing quickly. As more miners are sold, more HP is required to back the EDS they mint. When no miners are being sold, this results in the EDS APY declining each week by a fraction of a percentage and it's very slow.

Over the course of the next 4-5 years based on absolute minimal incomes, we will see the EDS APY decline very slowly to around 15% before a flip takes place and EDS enters its last phase of self-funding growth and back on its original pre-EDS miner model.

The EDS Flip


EDS miner rewards are set to mint a certain amount of EDS each week that need to be backed by HP. Currently, there are 300ish EDS minted each week and this is a set number.

The amount of HIVE we earn each week is dependent on our HP balance and as it grows each week, so does the income from it. This is not a set number and will increase over time as our HP increases.

The flip takes place when income from HP is greater than mining rewards (300 HIVE) plus weekly HIVE income pool.

I estimate this flip to take place in 4-5 years' time based on minimal incomes of 14-16% on HP plus 2.8% inflation while paying out 12% as HIVE income payments each week.

Contents rewards, tribe tokens and airdrops are all things that will speed up the flip time so always give @eddie-earner posts a big upvote. Burning EDS also helps alot but i don't think many are down to burn EDS 🤣

Round Up

That's about all I can think of right now.

The EDS project will go through stages. The first was issuing EDS tokens and we sold 20,000. This was not a number picked by me and was picked by demand. It took 9 months to sell this many, I think today I could mint and sell 20,000 EDS in a week if a heads-up was given. Back then the APY was only 12-13% but early investors believed and understood the vision and are now earning 37%.

The 2nd phase which we are still in is distributing EDS tokens. We have used up half the stash with miners and still have 200k+ to allocate. I have ideas but im, not 100% sure yet on how to distribute the remaining. There is no real rush on this but having something sorted by year-end would be my target.

Miners are good but I think if people could delegate HP and get EDS, that could be popular as well. The APY would be dependent on curation APY so would not be as good as miners but leasing HP is free (sorta).

Anyways, hope you enjoyed this post and you were able to learn a few things about EDS and how its a small powerhouse!

Unofficial HIVE Awards - #1 in HIVE INCOME - @eddie-earner



There are no HIVE Awards and this award has been awarded to EDS by EDS cause why not? Is EDS as a HIVE income token challenged? We're #1 (for now)


The current APR is simply awesome - what a great token !!!


i think I'll buy some.. Thanks
