When Nigerians get depressed (Part5: Parts) Following Hive stories


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once u fall into depression it’s hard to get out of

— ronin + (@npreeko) July 24, 2022

Chronic disease is one of the leading causes of depression. The person worries for his or her life.

When Nigerians suffer from depression, it is typically a woman who has just given birth. She has just given birth to a daughter, despite the fact that male births are preferred. She has just given birth and is currently experiencing postpartum depression.

When domestic violence occurs a Nigerian gets depressed; a battered woman stays in the relationship owing to her cultural background.

Hello Everyone, My name is Ebingo Kigigha and I'm an aspiring Psychiatrist. When I'm not joking around, I usually write about Mental Health on my blog. I will be talking about the part every Nigerian can play to fight this menace.

People with depression have compared their condition to "living in the dark" and "anticipating terrible uncontrollable situations." Depression affects a person's thoughts, emotions, and daily functioning. The risk that you have depression rises as the frequency, severity, and duration of your symptoms increase. There are several symptoms and signs of depression that we might observe in ourselves and others. Depression is a significant suicide risk factor.

When a depressed person raises concerns about a possible threat to their life, this should be taken very seriously. Intervention and aid could perhaps save their lives.

After reading a article regarding depression in Nigeria, I decided to write about When Nigerians Get Depressed.

Depression, a mental health issue that has claimed countless lives, affects 322 million people worldwide.

Symptoms include a melancholy disposition, loss of interest or pleasure, lower energy, feelings of guilt (especially related to a need to live) or poor self-esteem, disturbed sleep or eating, and difficulties focusing. Moreover, it inhibits a person's ability to function and do daily tasks, and can even lead to suicide.

In the previous post, We talked about the difficulty people have in getting the help they need for mental health issues
In continuation of the theme, I want to bring to light how difficult it will be to deal with these problems.

What is your part to play?


In order to guarantee access for all people, mental health treatments must to be incorporated into and made an operational aspect of primary medical care. In addition, there is a demand in this country for an increase in the number of people who work in the field of mental health in order to satisfy the requirements of the continuously expanding patient population.

It is critical that medical professionals make an active effort to detect depression in their patients and offer them with the proper health services in order to ensure that these patients receive the best possible treatment. This suggests that general practitioners and other health care personnel need to be appropriately and routinely sensitized to depression as well as other mental health illnesses.

There is also a lack of data regarding depression and other mental health illnesses, which highlights the requirement for additional study in this field, particularly in the community, as data is required for optimal health planning.

Raising awareness of these problems and having conversations about them is the first step in finding solutions to them.


In the last post, I talked about how sleep can affect our mood, I also talked about the adequate number of hours one is respected to sleep.

Today I will be bringing more light to a stronger tool for fighting depression, your thoughts.

Defeating thoughts are distortions that feel real and often perpetuate unhelpful behaviours. By writing down these thoughts, one can begin to see the distortions a bit more clearly.

Limit rumination- rumination is a type of thinking where you rehash a moment over and over again; you can learn to limit rumination by being more aware of it and redirecting yourself towards doing something more helpful.

Take a closer look at your thoughts and challenge the distortions.

Hive Stories

This is the last actual portion of this article, when I started it I didn't know I'd be able to complete it or how hard it would be. To say the truth, this is probably the easiest it is going to be. If I continue giving this content then it will become even harder to make it with my work going on.

I'd like to apologise for not getting the Hive story I promised. I will continue to request from writers who have included repression in their post to allow me to give more in site into the topic in a fun way.

My Story
I've heard that going into psychiatry for the fact that you want to fix your own problems is not a good reason to be in the field, but to be honest I have been through my fair share of depressing moments and I expressed every symptom of clinical depression.

Getting through it took a support group of friends who were experiencing similar things together and we help ourselves get out of the dark. But just because it worked for me, I don't want any one who would need professional help to feel uncared for.

If you have deep emotions that are not allowing you function or makes you stay in bed all day, or even when you try to work, it feels like you are struggling to make it through reach out here.

  • Questions
  • What are you going to do to help defeat depression?
  • What are those defeating thoughts that keep you stuck?
  • Will you like to join a safe space group where we talk about this topic daily nad you can meet people who want to help?

To join the safe space group simply click here.


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Check out the other posts here
Part 1
Part 2
Part 3
Part 4


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In order to guarantee access for all people, mental health treatments must to be incorporated into and made an operational aspect of primary medical care.

Have you seen the look on people's face when you tell them they need mental care treatment, or evaluation from the psychiatry department? Nigerians see it as a verdict of mental illness, whereas, it should be seen as part of primary health treatment.

People are always in denial when it comes to mental health evaluations and treatments in the early stage, and by the time they are wheeled into the facility by families or by the thoughts that are driving them crazy.


It's sad. The worst part is that even if it is not a major issue, just one that requires monitoring by a mental health professional, people will still be reluctant.

I think in the future people will be more open to these ideas but for now, they seem to be fighting it.

Thanks for reading!!


It will require a lot of awareness, possibly after a lot of people have lost their lives to it. Societal imaging is one reason why people are reluctant to getting help from a psychiatrist. They do not want people to tag them as being mentally ill


True, I wish people knew that nobody is perfect, everyone is dealing with their own issues and there is no reason to live with such a self-limiting mindset.


She has just given birth to a daughter, despite the fact that male births are preferred.

Do you have any data as to whether males are actually more successful than females? Traditional thinking in biology says that if you have a girl, there's an almost 100% chance that she will propagate the genes (i.e. have a child), but a male (especially in the past) has much less of a chance of doing that, and therefore having a girl is objectively (I mean biologically) the better outcome.


No, I don't have data on that. But I'm on your side in this argument...

There are sex preferences that exist in Nigeria. Families prefer male children in Nigeria and it leads to women being depressed when the give birth to females especially when their other children are all female.


I thinking for men, propagating genes is less likely...but a family name is what Nigerian families are interested in.
