A Girl Dressed in Traditional Papuan Dress


Good evening friends, how are you all, hope that everything is fine even though in the past few days we have been reported to be experiencing several major world disasters, including fires and also waste that is disposed of at sea so that this damages the preservation of nature which should equally be we take care. On this occasion I will share a photo of a participant attending the carnival, namely a woman wearing Papuan clothing, where we know that Indonesia is a country rich in customs and culture, and what I share this time are traditional clothes from the province of Papua.

Indonesia is a very large country, has 38 provinces with an area of 1905 million km2, and a population of around 278.67 million in mid-2003, this is the information I found when looking for it on Google search. Well, below I will show a photo object that I took using the Nikon D7200 Kit Lens camera, and I edited it using the Adobe Lightroom mobile application, hope you like it :

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Okay friends, this is all I can present at this meeting, see you in my next post and hope you like it :)
