

A comparison of the new card reward systems I'll use seasonal chests for the example because limiting it to daily chests seemed too small for a comparison and all the daily and seasonal chests from a season would be redundant.

Una comparación de los nuevo sistemas de recompensa de cartas usare los cofres de temporada para el ejemplos debido que limitarlo a los cofres diarios me parecia muy pequeño para una comparacion y todos los cofres diarios y de termporada de una temporada seria redundantes.

Viejas VFinal.png

With 57 chests I got a total of 12 cards: 1 legendary, 1 epic, 2 rare and 8 common. in addition to 3 packs, 22 SPS, 296 merits and 125 potions.

Con 57 cofres consegui un total de 12 tarjetas: 1 legendaria, 1 epica, 2 Raras y 8 comunes. ademas de 3 packs, 22 SPS, 296 meritos y 125 pociones.

Nuevas VFinal.png

With 53 chests I got 79 cards: 1 legendary, 1 epic, 12 rare and 65 common. in addition to 2 packs, 23 SPS, 136 merits and 88 potions.

Con 53 cofres consegui 79 tarjetas: 1 legendaria, 1 epica, 12 raras y 65 comunes. ademas de 2 packs, 23 SPS, 136 meritos y 88 pociones.


The legendary number is the same but giving the possibility of getting more copies per reward slot as I showed in a previous post with the new system.

El numero de legendaria es igual pero dando la posibilidad de conseguir mas copias por ranura de recompensa como mostre en una publicacion anterior con el nuevo sistema.


Also the number of epics is the same, although the chances of getting epics are greater than legendary ones, also giving more chances of getting copies, the score would remain equal.

Tambien el numero de de epica es igual aunque es mayor las posibilidad de conseguir epica que legendaria dando tambien mas posibilidadess de conseguir copias el marcador seguiria igualado.


Here we see the advantage of the new system getting more than twice as many rare cards in a single reward slot.

Aqui vemos la ventaja del nuevo sistema consiguendo mas del doble de cartas raras en una sola ranura de recompensa.


And to finish the difference in the abysmal number of cards with the new system, achieve victory by multiplying the number of commons by more than 5, even so, not everything is an advantage with the new system, since you cannot sell or exchange, level up or get the cards. creates an unattractive look.

Y para terminar la diferencia de numeros de cartas abismal con el nuevo sistema consigue la victoria al multiplicar por mas de 5 el numero de comunes aun asi no todo son ventajas con el nuevo sistema al no poder vender o intercambiar subir de niveles o conseguir las tarjetas crea un aspecto poco atractivo.

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[ES/EN]Splinterlands Art Contest // Week 228// Possessed Puppet

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