My Actifit Report Card: December 29 2023 // out of work and my views


Hello everyone. Still with me here. Today I started by working in a cafe. However, there is information that you might be able to take from my life. I will be leaving work at this cafe for the next month. There are several factors that made me stop working here. 1.) It takes too long for me to work in a cafe with an income below the minimum wage. UMR is the people's minimum wage / you could say the salary is too little for me. "Working 10 hours for less than the average salary" is the first reason. 2.) Looking at the person who works at my cafe, in my opinion and this is not meant to badmouth my co-workers, there is a lack of development here. And he is not the model of life that I want . Of course everyone has their own views and thoughts but this is my ninja way. I want to focus on 1 field. To try to become a master in the field I want to pursue. Becoming a content creator is my dream. 3.) I already earn income from working at home and the results have reached above my salary working in a cafe. To get what I want, it took me a long time to get to the current situation. In my opinion, the most striking small comparison is time. I work in a cafe for 10 hours. with little results. But I only set aside 5 hours at home to get a salary equivalent to a cafe salary. Maybe now that's all I can say. After I finished work and precisely at 23.00 WIB it took a long time to go home because there were customers who still hadn't come home from my cafe Work. I don't know why this is a place where I think the boss doesn't really pay attention to employees' time and I think it takes a lot of patience and loyalty to work here. Even though there was an agreement at the beginning that was not written down and only discussed. I don't get overtime money from there, aka I don't get any tips even if I come home later. After I came home I brought food to my girlfriend and her sister's house, noodles and drinks from my work place. I did this because my girlfriend wanted to go on holiday but I couldn't because I was quite busy and I had a lot of things to do. So my choice was to bring him food instead of a holiday hahahaha After I delivered it. I went home and went to my room to continue my online life at my work desk and after I finished I continued to sleep soundly LOL. Thank you for reading my experience today and I hope you have a nice day.
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