The Long Night Ahead


Everybody has their place at the Fairgrounds. It is a purpose-driven week and we are awaiting the reason for all of the shuffling of ponies around the island. The swim brought the ponies from Assateague Island to Chincoteague Island to auction the foals. This is done for the sole purpose of controlling the size of the herd. The island is small and would not be sustainable if the population wasn't controlled. It is also the largest fundraiser for the Chincoteague Volunteer Fire Department. The Chincoteague Volunteer Fire Company (CVFDC) owns the Ponies. and they provide their vaccines, veterinary care if needed, and hoof care, although I did not know that they do their hooves. The ponies are an easy keep as they do not need to be shoed. I own one and he never has had shoes, just a little trim now and then. If the winter is exceptionally harsh, they provide hay, so this fundraiser is important to the Firemen and the town.


The Coast Guard patrols the waters of Chincoteague Island. They kick off the Pony Swim and take care of the navigatable waters in the area. Their station is located:
Coast guard station in Chincoteague, Virginia
3823 Main St, Chincoteague, VA 23336
Hours: Open 24 hours
Phone: (757) 336-2874


Chincoteague used to be a peaceful little fishing village until it wasn't. It exploded as a destination with the popularity of the book "Misty of Chincoteague," a children's novel written by Marguerite Henry that was set on Chincoteague Island.


Fishing is king! In the spring, there is flounder, this is the best time for them, they tend to be larger, striped bass and drumfish can be found in the bay and I have caught them in the surf. In the summer: flounder, trout, croaker, sea bass, kingfish, and spot in the bay as well as the surf. Heads up! There are bluefin and yellowfin tuna offshore.

We have already talked about crabs and scallops and clams, oh my! There is no reason to ever go hungry.


I never tire of the beach. I never tire of fishing, clamming, scalloping, or crabbing. It is probably because I don't go every day. I guess it is like gardening in some ways. There is work to be done, but, the reward is free food. You just cannot beat that. So the sea is good to me and I, in turn, must be good to her. Take good care of our earth and she will take good care of you.

Center Crest.png

Thursday's Upcoming Events:

Misty of Chincoteague playing at the Island Theater, Free Admission, 1 pm
Family movie night: Island Theater - National Velvet. $5.00 for adults and children under 9 are free. 7 pm at the Island Theatre
Chincoteague Fireman's Carnival 7 pm - 11 pm at the Carnival Grounds
Trolley Service Last call 11 pm at Carnival stop $0.50 per ride


Tomorrow will be the big auction, so tonight they will take the mama ponies and will put them in the barn stalls to make the morning easier. The separation is never easy for me. It is part of what needs to happen, but, I am not sure that makes it any better. My heart is a little heavy when I left, I know there will be babies and mothers calling into the wind tonight. The little ones are tired and lay flat down on the ground and take a nap. It has been a long day. tomorrow will be longer and a little confusing for them. Sleep well, little guys.


All I have are my words, armed in my mind, written in pen, stand by stand. Oh, yes. Still by hand. It has a different feel. Altered not by keys, backspace, and delete, I write, erase, tear it to pieces and start all over again. And again.

It’s my way. I walk out to the deep end of the page and dive right in.


Get here early. It is always crowded and the auction starts bright and shiny at 8 am. Thank you for taking the time to visit my post. It's been a long day and I am calling it a night. And just like that, this post is over. Come back tomorrow and we will do it again.





The Road Not Taken

Two roads diverged in a yellow wood,
And sorry I could not travel both
And be one traveler, long I stood
And looked down one as far as I could
To where it bent in the undergrowth;

Then took the other, as just as fair,
And having perhaps the better claim,
Because it was grassy and wanted wear;
Though as for that the passing there
Had worn them really about the same,

And both that morning equally lay
In leaves no step had trodden black.
Oh, I kept the first for another day!
Yet knowing how way leads on to way,
I doubted if I should ever come back.

I shall be telling this with a sigh
Somewhere ages and ages hence:
Two roads diverged in a wood, and I -
I took the one less traveled by,
And that has made all the difference.

Robert Frost

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0.163 PAL


There you are! Chincoteague Island is fascinating... You make it so vivid, it gives a feeling of presence.

You look chic in red at the photo! I missed when you started to place it in the end of your posts, but I really love it very much, best of all. 💥

And you own a pony, aahhhh! ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️

Excellent idea about "The End", LOL.

0.005 PAL

The red one I got right before covid, I just use it here at the beach, it is the one I am wearing most, and then the blue one on the other days.

They call them ponies, but, do you know they are actually horses? :) It seemed like a good ending! I just bathed the pony now as it is over 36C today! He get hot too. There are actually three of them. :)

I am so very happy about the Hivefest!!! I know it will be exciting for you and people want to meet the face behind the words! ❤️

Thanks for the visit! Have a wonderful evening.

0.000 PAL

I believe that red is your color. Once, I was thinking about what I want as a birthday gift and selected a service, it was determination of color type, type of figure and such. And I found out that absolutely all colors that I love doesn't fit me. 😁 And some other interesting things.

I guess that pony is a kind of horse, in general, like a breed that is smaller. Horses are special animals, I adore them. You aare happy! Before covid, I had a dream to learn riding a horse. Instead, I.learnt that I shouldn't put things on ice if I really want it.

Thank you for reply, it's always a good start of my day 🌞 Wish you a wonderful end of a day too!

0.004 PAL

Sorry, I missed these! Thank you! I do like red, and my mom must have too. She dressed me in a lot of red and blue. She looked glamorous in red, with her jet black hair and darker skin. I look like my dad. :) Blonde and light skin.

I have to agree with you. Nobody should put off something that means a great deal to them. I think of that when I see young people getting ill and passing through this world.

So, I don't. You shouldn't either. ❤️

0.000 PAL

Oh, HiveFest! This is a big excitement and happiness, and a big uncertainty, I mean the part of the route within Ukraine. But despite all, the clkser it us the more I look forward.💙 Sometimes I doubt that the world outside of Ukraine is real 😆

0.003 PAL

I really do understand. The excitement is still there and wow! I am looking forward to you going! I know you will blog/post about it and as I have never gone, I will be on the lookout for it! :)

I understand the uncertainty, but, hopefully as the time comes closer, there will be a feeling of peace in your soul so you can go without worry. If there is nothing of the world outside of Ukraine, report immediately! :) I found during 9/11 my world became insular and all that mattered was us. I said that wrong, but, I wanted everything to be well once again in my own life and put the world on hold for a moment. I worried about myself, my friends working in New York City, and the firemen who helped put out the fires... one station was people I knew. I dated one of their own. Why do I tell you this? Because in some ways, but, not many, I understand. (a small degree but, I can only imagine... and then I know that I really cannot)

All will be well in the world. I wish it every day. xo

0.000 PAL

You always understand, and I'm so thankful for any of your thoughts, because it helps me to understand where I am in the world. You're right, my world is so narrow now. I don't think about is it right or wrong because we don't have to compare, the world diverse and subjective. What is right today will be wrong tomorrow.

in some ways, but, not many, I understand. (a small degree but, I can only imagine... and then I know that I really cannot)

You know, we are all in different mental states here. Sometimes it is very difficult to understand a person who has experienced something other than you (I mean Ukrainians), so don't worry. And no matter how sad or difficult it is, there is always someone who has it much worse than you. This Friday I was preparing for my daughter's visit (she had already left a few hours ago). And I thought that... I am happy. I really feel it, and I am grateful. I can see my family, I have a job, and my house survived so far. I didn't have to run away. Everything is the same as a few weeks ago, but only now this feeling of gratitude and happiness came to me. When I'm happy, it means I'm strong and I can share that with others. I wish I could stay in this feeling for long.

It'll be okay, too many people wish for it every day.
Hugs and !LUV

0.013 PAL

Oh yes crabs are divine! I used to go every week to Red Lobster's Crabby Monday. Taking off for a nice lunch made Mondays doable back in the day. Maybe they will bring it back some day. Kind of funny since the whole pandemic, all that feels like a whole other life!

0.008 PAL

It was another whole life. That is the way I think of it. None of this is normal. Nobody is doing what they are supposed to do, going where they should. The college experience is ruined for many. It is just not the same. :(

0.000 PAL

The separation of mothers and babies is hard-no question about it. But, if the horses are going to be truly domesticated it needs to happen BEFORE they are really independent. I was involved in a pen of 5 Welsh ponies where three of them had never been ridden. My Dad, his best friend and I tried hard but we never did break the three to ride dependably. The stud and dam both settled in to being ridden again but their colts never did. I was about 13 and that experience convinced me that I just wasn't cut out to be a cowboy. I hit the ground early and often (as did my Dad and his buddy).

I'm not a very good beach guy. I'm a river rat, mainly. Doesn't mean I wouldn't work my butt to the bone for fresh clams and crabs and scallops :) I just love fresh seafood.

It's quite a festival you have there. I'm really glad you get to experience it AND share it with us. Thank you.

0.005 PAL

Although I am a New Englander, which is probably where I got salt water in my veins, I did live in places (thanks to Uncle Sam) like Texas, Arizona, New Mexico, Louisianna, and oversees x many places where they only had rivers. I loved going down the Guadalupe in San Antonio on a hot summer day. Colorado Springs had a great whitewater rafting trip down the Colorado River. I like rivers, but, not to swim in anymore. It has got things in there!

I love the salt, but, not to fry on the beach. To do things, Clam, fish, scallop... walk. Frying on the beach is so done with. :) I have to say that once I used olive oil because we ran out of baby oil.

Fry baby! Fry!

Anyway, I think you are right about the horses, although, at Randolph Air Force Base, they had a nice barn to keep the horses in. There was a mustang round up and a few people got two at auction. They were never broke and never ridden. Well, sort of ridden, sort of a throwing party. Being thrown only a few times, I learned early that I wasn't really capable of breaking a horse. I can take one a little broke, but, not green broke. I have watched an adamant control session where the girl got thrown and honestly, her back has never been the same. It is all fun, but, you have to be cut out for that. I like riding, but, I am not cowgirl material. I am a Sunday Driver :)

Well, I will race you any day though. :)

Oh Seafood... Yum. I Love it too! Thanks for stopping by, Tom! @bigtom13

0.000 PAL

I do know it has to be done, but it is the first thing I think of every time the pony run comes up. Sad... but neccessary.

It's fun to see your photos and hear about it all again.

I think I saw a program on PBS once about some young folks that win a chance to own one. It was interesting, but of course I don't remember all the details.

0.002 PAL

I always think of it. Heart-wrenching to be sure and worse is that you know it is coming.

They do have a $1.00 raffle for a free pony. I explained it in one of the posts. They draw the raffle ticket, on the night of the swim. The pony that is the first baby to the beach from the swim is King Neptune or Queen Neptune. That is the winning pony! Free!

Also, there is the Feather Fund which sponsors a pony for a deserving person/family. The whole thing is a very touching story of a woman that was directed by God.

I buy extra raffle tickets and gift them to kids (I ask the parent first) It is a really cheap $1.00 way to bring a smile and a little hope to any young persons heart. None of my gifts won, but, some day... :)

There is great community spirit there!

Hi, El! I Hope you are having a great night! Writing my MarketFriday post. :) Le sigh... I put it out around 12:01 so the other side of the world can see it in their morning.

0.000 PAL

Good morning, Denise, thanks for sharing those beautiful ponies with us. It looked like the perfect day to be out enjoying the festivities. I remember seeing the pony swim in a post of yours last year and swore then I would get there one day.

I am sure you enjoyed yourself, did you go with the kids or go it alone?
Thanks again @dswigle, I always enjoy your posts, you write so well.
Now if I could only keep up with you, nah, don't think this old gal can.

0.002 PAL

Haha! I keep on clicking on this to watch the little clip! :)

I did the pony swim this year too, a couple of posts back. Surpsising that after two years of not having it in person, it got bigger and better! They did it online for two years during covid, and they had it this year, but it was a record breaker!

I did enjoy myself and the kids and I went. They love it too and it is close to our other house over on the Eastern Shore. You are so sweet, my friend! I am always so behind! OXOX

I am still laughing!

0.000 PAL

Are these wild horses or are they owned by someone. I remember seeing something when I was younger about wild horses that run up and down the coast somewhere. I can't really remember where it was though.

0.002 PAL

They are wild, however, the Chincoteague Volunteer Fire Company (CVFC) has taken ownership of roundups, veterinary bills if needed, and running the Pony Penning Week, Auction, and sales of the ponies.

As many of the people are volunteers, it falls to the town. :)

There are wild horses in North Carolina also and of course, out west. It could have been here too. It is amazing to know there are many wild ponies (even if they are all horses!) running free!

0.000 PAL

Flounder ... seabass ... you have me drooling then you start on the clams scallops and crabs, oh you are naughty Denise!

0.001 PAL

Yes, but it tastes good, doesn't it? Warm water fish (Florida) tastes much different than cold water fish. Even the Mahi-Mahi tastes a little different to me.

I actually prefer the cold water, but, perhaps it is because I am from New England?

0.000 PAL

I have tasted many fishes in warm countries and yes cold water fish is the best. The tastiest by far, and now I will be buying some cod for tomorrow!

0.000 PAL

Me too, but, I have to be honest. I cannot figure out why. Oh, cod!!! Now I want fish 'n chips.

I cannot find decent "chips" and french fries just don't taste right. Do you know how to make "real" ones, Ed? @tengolotodo

0.000 PAL

hehe as much as you do have some great food over there, chips are not one of them Denise.
The best chips are deep fried in oil, we do have some quite good ones for the oven, but chippy chips from a fish and chip shop are the best.
Every so often, I will get King Edward potatoes and cut them up to have thick chips and deep fry them, but you can't beat fish and chips from a good fish and chip shop!

0.000 PAL

There is only one in Old Town Alexandria. A British Establishment that does them pretty close (and one place in St. Augustine, Florida) another British pub... but, they are probably the best here. Making them at home has never seemed like a good option, even in the UK, people prefer them at the pub.

I use russets to cut them up thick and deep fry them, but, I dislike frying food. :)

I know! It is the most flavorful as they say!

Thanks for getting back to me. I miss those chips!

0.000 PAL

Yes it has been a long time since I got rid of my deep fat fryer. I have an air fryer and do our oven chips in there. They are okay but not like from a fish and chip shop. The pub ones are okay, but still not like a fish and chip shop.
And here we are talking about food again and I need to make lunch!

Oh yes I remember russets, they are good potatoes, one thing about living in Florida I remember the trouble getting good potatoes!

0.000 PAL

The island looks beautiful. The horse auction will be interesting to watch.

0.001 PAL

Thank you. It is a lovely island and the people are nice. The auction was fun and made a record amount of money this year, plus it was fun!

That is awesome!

0.000 PAL

It all sounds and looks amazing @dswigle ……….thanks for sharing it all 😊

0.001 PAL

Thank you for stopping by! Have a great day!

0.000 PAL

Looks like you really have a strong heart with this place and tradition Mrs @dswigle. You've shared posts about this a few times and it's really awesome.

I am very proud when you mention "fishing is king!". Fishing is a heavy hobby of mine, I always do it regularly and it really brings me the feeling of being a ruler of the ocean. Especially when he managed to conquer the various inhabitants of the very exotic waters. The fish you mentioned are very beautiful and really a very fun activity.

BTW, I envy you for having the opportunity to be in a place with such an amazing tradition.

0.001 PAL

I have been sharing the pictures here as it is an annual week-long event, from roundup to auction. I am backfilling the information on them so people will understand what is going on.

But fishing? Yes! That is a whole other game!! I do like catching dinner when the opportunity arises!

It is a nicee place to be from. Thanks for stopping by!

0.000 PAL

There is work to be done, but, the reward is free food. You just cannot beat that. — where is the lie in this ? I see none . Fishing as fun as it may seem to be can be a lotta work if those fishes won’t just eat the bait on time . Have tremendous fun at the movies and the auction. Stay blessed!

0.001 PAL

Haha! Well, in the ocean, I find it easier to fish than a lake. A lake is more challenging! :)

0.000 PAL

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Check out the last post from @hivebuzz:

Our Hive Power Delegations to the July PUM Winners
Feedback from the August 1st Hive Power Up Day
Hive Power Up Month Challenge 2022-07 - Winners List
0.001 PAL

Thank you for the notification @hivebuzz !!

0.000 PAL

You're welcome @dswigle, it's well deserved! Thanks for your constant involvement on Hive 😊👍🌹

0.000 PAL

This is so amazing... I haven't had d opportunity to go fishing, but it's something I'll always add on my bucket list!!!

0.000 PAL

Do you live near the ocean or a lake?

0.000 PAL

Seriously... I don't... But I sometimes go to places close to the ocean....

0.000 PAL

Close enough some days!

0.000 PAL

Always heart wrenching partying mother and child yet for the good of all some have to go with island being too small.

Only positive out of all this is hopefully ponies go to fabulous loving homes, those that stay behind flourish.

Always enjoy your annual sojourn to watch the ponies Denise.

!LUV concept some are free yet well looked after.

0.000 PAL

Thank you. It is heart-wrenching, but, I know that if not for this, the survival rate would drop significantly.

Thank you so much, Joan! @joanstewart

I love to go over and watch as one by one, a very wanted baby goes home with a family. That makes my heart happy.

Thanks for the LUV!

0.000 PAL

Now who would not want a young pony with a curly tail to take home if you have the space to give it all it needs.

I know I would love it, only ever had one friend growing up who had stabled a horse I was able to go a couple of times to enjoy brushing down, cleaning stable and watching her ride.

Take care and some !LADY love coming your way.

0.000 PAL

Indeed! I hear you!

I was really okay with riding another's horse, my aunt had thoroughbreds she raced on the track, usually about 5-6 of them at a time. I got to ride them off-season when they were so hot and ready to run, although they were always a little more than I needed to be on top of. I did exercise them on the track he built. It was fun and I have to admit, I thought being a jockey would be fun. :)

A girl can dream.

!LADY love back atcha!

0.000 PAL

Growing up with horses would be fun, being a jockey very slim, no chance of that here... Friends son started applying when fourteen, sudden growth at sixteen put an end to his dream.

Horses make amazing friends and companions to a lucky few.

0.000 PAL

Bang, I did it again... I just rehived your post!
Week 117 of my contest just can now check the winners of the previous week!

0.000 PAL

the ponies are so beautiful and they look beautiful. I like horses but in my area very few people keep horses mostly they keep buffaloes.

0.000 PAL

It's the differences in cultures. Both do their jobs! :)

0.000 PAL

I guess it is like gardening in some ways. There is work to be done, but, the reward is free food.

I have not tried fishing so far, but the fishing rod and the accesories costs money. Probably you need to catch many fish to earn back the price of these things. So it is free food, but not immediately. Of course if you receive these things for free (for example as a gift, or for temporary use), then it is indeed immediately free food.

0.000 PAL

In fishing communities, there are many fishing poles available for a very affordable price. Thrift shops, second-hand shops, and even giveaway ads. People accumulate more than they need and give away what they cannot use. I got my crab cages for free and I have given away fishing poles, lines,s, and accessories not being used.

Maybe it is the small community where everyone knows each other?

0.000 PAL

Maybe it is the small community where everyone knows each other?

Very good to be a part of such community. Nowadays this is very rare. My current co-workers are similar. I received and I still receive various things from them for free, including even food. I work in this place since 2019. This is the first place, where I experienced this, and at first it was very surprising in a very good way.

0.000 PAL

That ! Exactly that. It is axway of life here. People helping people. I know it is not that way everywhere, but when you find it, you realize that you never want to live any other way.

0.000 PAL