Market Friday goes House Hunting

I was on another house-hunting trip this week, and you know how I love you to be with me, wherever I go! Tell the truth! You love it too! This isn't a traditional market, but, that is okay! We tend to get a little creative! Let's go househunting! Are you ready? This could be fun!

We have gone househunting together. If you have been here a while, you will remember the good times we had touring the homes. Then, of course, covid, so nothing happened except perhaps a few wheels spinning.


The driveway was fairly long, at least a half mile, straight up the hill. I didn't expect that. I will say that whoever designed the driveway did so in a brilliant way. There is so very little incline even though the house sits up on top. You are surrounded by the forest and I know from the property description, that there are fields on the other side of the forest. Who said you cannot have it all? I am seriously kidding. Nobody can have it all!

Today is #MarketFriday initiated by @dswigle (Denise, that's me!!) Join me as we share our markets across the globe. I always look forward to seeing what you send me! It is amazing to see the different markets and cultures of our friends here on Hive.


No way! This was better than I had anticipated! The house was an estate sale. Side note: The owner had died in March and his family was trying to settle his affairs. The gentleman was almost 100 years old and living independently in his house with a housekeeper who came in twice a week. His children were in their 70's (Yes!) and just wanted to be done with the entire process. I thought the price was wrong or a joke, but, in fact, it was not. The price was below the appraised value by almost 1/4. That is a lot in a house. The market here is out of control with the prices of houses. I have to wonder what the catch is.


What is the first thing you look for when you are shopping for a home. (Of course, we know the price, but, if this were just a dream, what would that be?) Every Real Estate show says that you should shop for location, location, location. If I cannot go where I want, then I make other considerations. Do I like the neighborhood? Are the people nice? Does the house appeal to me? Can I make this home? If you are renting this time around, you are lucky!! You get to practice without fail! I always remember, if I buy it, I cannot unbuy it, so I try to consider all things when I look at a house.

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Have you ever bought a house? What are the considerations you used when you were looking for the house? Are you renting? What considerations do you use when you are choosing where to live. I can honestly say I had two: Affordability and safety.


This is what I see when I walk in. It has a nice entryway, open and light. I have to admit, the inside was pleasant and functional. Not over-the-top house beautiful, but much better than that in so many ways. I could see the gentleman in so many things that he did in the house.

A little bit of backstory on the past owner of the house. His name was Charles and I found out from doing my research on him that he was an inventor as well as an engineer. There was all sort of things in the house that showed off his ingenuity. He was super organized and made little bins for all of his toys. He had the entire lower level (basement level) broken up into five different rooms. He was 98 and still had a functioning Segway.

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There were small things about the house that I really liked. He has one of two secret doors in each room. I didn't know they were there until they were pointed out. You push your finger in and the door would pop open. No lie! Inside would be a broom closet, or in the kitchen, the walking pantry was behind one of those doors. I opened up the door and was shocked to see I could step inside and there was also a commercial deep freeze.No kidding! The secret rooms were the most fun. I loved trying to guess what was behind them. I wonder if he had as much fun building them as I had opening them up and discovering what they were!!? By the way, the kitchen was huge. Nothing else matters, just the kitchen. :) There were three other people besides myself that came to look at the house. The real estate agent has a difficult time keeping up with us. We were not together, so we went in all different directions.

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The door below, to the left of the clock? It is an Otis Elevator! No lie! I looked at it and shook my head. Secret doors and an elevator to all four levels? Basement, first floor, second floor, and the attic. The attic was really large! Note: The attic was accessible only by the elevator or pull-down stairs.


This was one of the bedrooms, the entire house was showered with light, but, in a good way. The telescope? Hmmm. I bent down to see what Charles was looking at last. Obviously, it was the mountain across the way. See the flagpole? It was a pretty tall one. That was the second floor. Way to be patriotic, Charles! In fact, Charles served in World War ll for Luxemburg, his native country. Do you know he did not move to the United States until he was a little over 70 years old? He came here, built his house, and lived for almost 30 years in it. In between time, he put out a few more patents and invented things.


Charles was married and his wife passed away six years before he did. I bring this up because Charles loved his wife, with all his heart. She swam laps in the pool (Oh! A pool!) every day and when she passed away, he called a farmer down the road and asked him to fill in the pool, for he could no longer look at it. It reminded him too much of his wife. I wonder if I can call up the farmer and have that farmer take the dirt out of the pool? Well, we will see how the bidding goes on the house. The bids (a legal document offering up a certain amount of money for the property) are due on Saturday by 1 PM EST. We will see how we all do.


This was 1/4 of the bathroom. It was too big. It can truly be too big. There was so much more to the house. 4 bedrooms with sitting rooms and full bathrooms, sitting rooms, and living rooms. I actually think the house had too many rooms. There was something that was on all four levels that I thought was a great idea. He had a water faucet behind a secret door, eand each floor had a hose and water available in case of fire. I thought that was pretty awesome! Always thinking, Charles!

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I stepped out onto the balcony of the Master Bedroom. Breathtaking views. He built on this for the view. So lovely. I wonder if it reminded him of Luxembourg. I lived 20 minutes from the Luxembourg border in Bitburg, Germany years ago. This reminds me of it.

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Please leave the link to your post here so it can easily be found by others. It helps you and me to have them in one place. Where else can you take such a quick trip around the globe? Thank you so much for joining us!! ❤

I have been away for a few days, so I didn't have time to get together an idea for next week's #MarketFriday posts... Drop an idea and the best one will get a 5 Hive prize and I will post it on my Saturday post. Be on the lookout!

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And just like that, this post is done. I hope you had a good time and learned a little something new. As always, I want to thank you for taking the time to visit, and just remember, #MarketFriday loves you! Thank you for supporting the challenge! Have a most fabulous day! Cheers!!


As always, there must be flowers to color my world. I appreciate so many of your for passing on the #alwaysaflower memo!! Thank you! ❤️

Now, I would seriously love this house and I will put a bid in for it. The highest bid will get the house. This one will be a little tricky because houses are going above the asking price, so the house can be anyone. The market is dropping for housing, but, not yet. Probably one of the reasons to sell it quickly. The property is in good shape with a few updating projects to go on. So you see, #MarketFriday can be decidedly anything that you pay to attend, intend to buy, or even a regular market. Use your imagination if you want.

Don't forget to visit other #MarketFriday posts! Have a great night!





Fridays are all about the #MarketFriday Challenge! Looking to take part in it? Here is how:

Rules of the Road to Join #MarketFriday!

  1. Go to the market, or anywhere that you pay money for a service.
    Take pictures! Be creative!
  2. Tell us a little bit about the market or the event. What brought you there? What did you buy? How much did it cost? Was it expensive? Did it go up or down? I need something other than 50 pictures of the market.
  3. Post the pictures. Of course, you should tell a little bit about the ones you post, it is too difficult to guess on some
  4. Use the MarketFriday Community Platform to post (#hive-196308) This is not required but appreciated.
    PLEASE Drop the link into the MarketFriday comment section so I can find it!!
  5. Following me and reblogging the post would be appreciated, but not a rule, more vision for more views on the #MarketFriday posts!
  6. You must put #MarketFriday by @dswigle somewhere on your post.
As always, please remember! #MarketFriday loves you!

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I sure hope you get it. Having all the stuff left in it would be a bonus for me. Some I might like to keep, some donate, and hopefully a lot to scrap.

I had a half mile private drive for a decade. Plowing the snow is fun. You are in for exciting times. Really excited for you! Best of luck on the bid!


No snow to speak of. About the same as I get here. No kidding! They will leave everything if anyone wants it, but, they would rather not. They came when their father passed.

You are hoping it gets snow. :) Sorry to disappoint. I am pretty sure you are excited for me. Hehe... You can hardly wait.

I thank you for the lucky wishes. :)

#MarketFriday loves you!


No really, plowing snow is fun! Well in a warm truck anyways. Of course I only had an open old Massey tractor which was less fun, but hey I was young and enjoyed the sport of it. Now I am looking to work less, but I do believe the non stop work keeps me young somehow. I mean I can barely walk and any movement is painful, but you know what they say about what doesnt kill you makes you stronger! I have cleaned out an estate a time or two. I am sure you will have it done in no time!

I honestly am so jealous! 😄


Honestly, it really doesn't get snow. It had one snow last year and never dropped a plow. It was only 1 1/2 inches.

This is mostly cleaned, not the typical estate. The barn and workshops are all cleaned out except for a tractor. There are four chairs there that look dated but are actually worth money. I will tell them if I get the house. They look worthless, but, are worth at least $1500.00 each, sometimes double that. Crazy.

He had some pretty cool finds and he wasn't a junk collector. Everything was really organized, but, that is just his nature.

I honestly am so jealous

Ha! Not a chance!


Totally jealous. I need a big project house. You know how boring it will be catching rays on the boathouse watching boats go by or even catching huge stripped bass nearly year round on the lake...I wont be able to take it.


This. Exactly this.


Wow! I mean really. Wow. Real estate people over use that word something awful but Wow fits this house.

From my perspective, the road comes first. A well designed gravel road is fine though I'd prefer paved (it's a motorcycle thing). Motorcycles operate on an impossibly small patch of tire (and only two) so loose stones and gravel are bad news, especially down hill (where you have to apply brakes).

But wow. What a place and with property and opportunity-Fauna and flora is impressive, I'll bet.

Secret doors? Sign me up. An elevator? Holy cow! That basement? If it were me I'd try to pitch the owners to let me clean it up. They could just walk away from all that 'junk'. I might go weeks without going outside!

I once owned a 4 level house. No elevator. The 'attic' was a glorious open space only accessible by an impossibly narrow and steep set of stairs. I loved to go there to be completely alone.

Anyway, before I write a post of my own here. Thank you for taking us along. A really pleasant and unexpected surprise today! Good luck on the bidding.


The house wowed me, Tom! @bigtom13

I can see where you are coming from, on the road. If I were on a bike, of the pedal sort, I would feel the same. The practicality of a gravel road around here for the weather they get maybe? The man was frugal, but not cheap so I don't think it has to do with cost, although maintaining a paved road would be expensive and more prone to erosion. I have to agree, it would have to be paved if I were to get a bike. :)

The gardens his wife planted were still being maintained and if it were to be mine, I would scatter daffodils and bluebells in the woods. There is nothing quite as beautiful as color peeking through the woods/forest. You know I just love the thoughts of flowers running through the property.

The secret door blew me away. Even in the hallway, across from the elevator, there was one. It was a cavern and all the cleaning appliances were in there, with room to spare! Vacuums, floor buffers, and all the cleaners. The best secret room was up in the Master Bedroom. You open up the door and there is a whole room to put your important papers, guns (if you have them), and personal things. Super cool.

Your attic sounds like most of the older homes. I had one like that growing up and it was my father's place, as was the cellar. He never minded how difficult it was, it was his peace and quiet. :) Remember, he had 9 kids.

They may leave the pieces in the basement. The basement, I just looked at the county papers online for how the land is laid, but, the basement is 2,000 square feet of five different rooms, all with a purpose. The man was a genius. I think they may leave what is left as they took all of the good furniture and there is just basic trash furniture now. The attic has a ladder that went up to the roof, and yes, there was a hatch. (It locked, I made sure!) It opened up to the roof, which had a flat piece of metal so you could walk without a problem on the roof. Also, you could sweep the two chimneys without a problem. Who does that? Here is another room in the basement. Just for you. They were all like this. :)

#MarketFriday loves you!

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I don't know if I'd ever make it to the attic if I had 5 rooms like that in the basement. Yes, I expanded those two photos and here's what I know.

He had a dog named Pixie-and thought enough of the dog to keep his 'name plate' (probably from the dog house) through the years. He may have been frugal but isn't tight. I have the same desk lamp as his. When he bought stuff, he bought good stuff. That drafting table is far and away better than any one I have ever put my hands on. Lower center of the last picture is a fitted drain piece (copper) that is undoubtedly a spare for the house system. Copper would be first class...

I'm thinking he worked for or did work for ATT/Bell Labs. He has an oscilloscope in his home work space-he probably worked with delicate circuitry at the early end of the industry. Not too many oscilloscopes around today because most circuitry is component business and the performance of each piece well known. He had a high end, variable soldering iron with 3 kinds of solder and 5 fluxes visible.

Oh, and I was reminded to buy some 80w Gear Oil for when I service my motorcycle.

Having a gravel road would require a little maintenance but looks really appropriate to the property. A paved driveway might invite 'lookie lous' and worse.


You should have been there in person! I will have to post the other pictures. The drains are all copper, as is around the chimneys, I believe. He has spares for all the obvious (in case of breakage) Unbelievably smart man. He has a few Pixie memoirs, including a painting in the sitting room, and dog tags. Everything he bought was first class, including the elevator, which was Otis. It's funny as the house isn't ostentatious, but, everything is well built and will last. He did work for ATT/Bell Labs as you can see from the paperwork, patents, and other contracting work. I didn't not much about the soldering iron as I don't know much about them. Believe it or not, his hand was still in the work field up until 2014 or 2015, isn't that amazing? He still had patents being approved in 2017.

It is a peaceful town and the house is not visible enough to make a splash on the street, but, yes. I like the fact that it is quiet and not shouting out to lookie lous! :)

Thanks always, Tom!


That´s an amazing house, wow! And also very interesting history / previous owner. I hope you will get it! Fingers crossed :)

@tipu curate


Sorry for the late reply! I really loved the house, but, it needs some updating. I went back to the house for more information and another view of the rooms and land. It is quite a distance from here, so I was gone for two days. The bid goes in today, so much luck is needed as they changed a few things and I am less confident about it meeting my needs, but, I hope for some internal guidance and I have to say, whichever way it goes, I feel okay with it.

I appreciate you reading the post and leaving your words and the tipu!

#MarketFriday loves you!


Oh boy, on house hunting trail again, last one was informative and exciting, thought you bought one on the beach, or did that just tickle your fancy?

What a home, big and airy, wonder why the children don't wish to keep it in the family.

Peace and quiet, views for miles there would be no question this would be a great place to live. Only downside is the massive size unless children still in the home you would be rattling around on your own.

!LUV the photography, description and graceful home, fingers crossed if this is on your wish list Denise.

PS: Affordability and safety always come first.


There are four of us, so it's all good!

The kids are in their 70's and there is one, who does not want it and looking to divest. She lives in NY and her family too. I have one on the beach, which me and my family use, plus anyone in my extended family I let use. Otherwise, if it is not used, what is the sense of having it?

Affordability and Safety! Yes! Thank you for your wishes. There is steep competition for this one, but, if I don't get it, it is God's way of telling me it is not mine. I never fight Him. :) I fought hard for a house one time and I was always sorry I bought it, so since then, if it doesn't go my way, I take it for granted it wasn't meant to be.

Thanks so much for stopping by, Joan! @joanstewart

#MarketFriday loves you!


Agree, if it's meant to be it will happen, look forward to hearing of your imminent move 😅, homes with hidden rooms a bonus!

Perhaps slight barn conversion, then I can move in to share with the horses, sorry thinking aloud!


Lol!! There's a room with your name on it!

No barn for you! :)


Hidden room, specially lost in African time....


Veld flowers to wish you a lovely new week.


That house is amazing, but the upkeep?

Here's my contribution for this week... Don't have a heart attack! lol


It will be updated and fresh paint, then the upkeep is really just a small daily run through one of the rooms. The house I live in now is just a bit smaller and I maintain it fine. I dust one room a day. Vacuum only one floor when I do it. Then there is something every day, but, small tasks and it is done in a flash. I have no problem with it. The dishwasher washes dishes, so not even that.

Upkeep such as maintenance is usually hired out to the pros.

You dropped your link! Awesome! Thank you!

#MarketFriday loves you!


You are so organised! I wish I were! Will you share photos when you're moved in and decorated?


I have to win the bid first! I will know on Tuesday. If I do, I will show the progress with pictures!

Thanks, Fiona!


WOW a mile long drive way, that Bath, the views, and Hidden doorways and rooms, sounds and looks pretty amazing

Good luck with your bid :)

here is my post for this week :)


This is probably ridiculous to go from here to there, but, it is so peaceful and beautiful and small town. Just what I need after this! I will still have the shore, so I won't miss my water, but aren't those views gorgeous?

The driveway is long, but, it was documented as 1/2 mile. The hidden rooms would be fun to map out as there are too many to remember! LOL

Thank you! I will know next week. The bidding will shut down today, so that means they have the bid they were looking for. Thank you so much for stopping by and dropping your link!

I hope you are having a great day!

#MarketFriday loves you!


small town maybe just what you need, many may thing your crazy and should be downsizing, but we didnt when we moved here and its all a matter of what works best for you
and yes indeed those views are amazing love them

Grandkids are here now so a good day for us :)


Sounds like a perfect kind of day! I am going back there on Saturday with a checklist of things so look at ... it is hours away, about three of them, so I am going to be running late on the markets!


Ohh it was a great day
Thats a bit of a trip but hope it all goes well


Yes, I just got home this morning, so longer than I thought. I think it was a perfect house, but, the medical facilities are lacking. This morning, pulling up to my house, the ambulance flew by and stopped up the street at a neighbor's house. The parents are visiting and the father was rushed off to the hospital.

The hospital. The nearest one to me is more than a rush away. Who says God doesn't speak to you? So, just has me thinking. Not overthinking, mind you. Just considering.

Hi @tattoodjay!


how close a hospital or emergency services is to a property one is considering getting is a factor to consider for sure


It is huge, and nice views!
If you owed it you would make it so pretty!!!
Keep us updated, @dswigle


Sorry for the late reply! I went back to the house for more information and another view of the rooms and land. It is quite a distance from here, so I was gone for two days. The bid goes in today, so much luck is needed as they changed a few things and I am less confident about it meeting my needs, but, I hope for some internal guidance.

I appreciate you reading the post and leaving your words and dropping your link! Thank you so much and I look forward to reading your post!

#MarketFriday loves you!


Oh, I'll pray so hard for you! This is the first time I hear you excited about a house! Whatever God's will, be done. I really hope you get it!!!

I love #MarketFriday!


I'm always excited about the houses I find. :)) It is sometimes hard to put it in a post and keep it interesting.

I am sure that things will work out just the way they were meant! Thank you so much!

Have a great Sunday!


The last time I bought a property here (we need to be super rich to buy a house here at Kuala Lumpur) which was an apartment that I am staying now, I merely looked at affordability and the convenience around it, whether is it nearby markets or supermarket or any banks and clinics nearby. The house you are hunting, this one, so huge and grand. And we rarely see this type of house design at Malaysia. I mean we don't even have attic here. Rare sight. I can imagine my children play hide-and-seek whole day for days and probably weeks if they stay at this house. Praying you get the best bid and God will provide. ❤️

Here is my #marketfriday:


Affordability was what I looked at with my first house and not so much convenience because I was interested in if I could afford it! :)

Thank you for your words! I appreciate them!

#MarketFriday loves you!


Nice and big place. They say one way to measure how wealthy you are is how far you are from the entrance to the house. I cannot afford sometime like this so I can only go for free tomatoes. 😎


Haha! You are so funny, Ace! @ace108 You don't know if you can afford this. It is an estate sale, where the kids are selling their parents' house, as they had passed away. So it is a bid that we all put in, and the best bid wins.

Thanks so much for joining!

#MarketFriday loves you!


Haha, we have been doing some househunting ourselves but hardly as fun or impressive as yours :)
I am expecting a lot more pictures from it, if you take it!

Here is my humble contribution to the #MarketFriday!


I'm sure I have been saving longer than you. If you wait towards the end of the year, prices will probably tumble. I have a family of four and my siblings visit me a lot.

Also, probably been saving a lot longer. :)

If I win the bid, you will get tons of pictures!! Thank you for the contribution!

#MarketFriday loves you!


Wow what an incredible home! I would love that place. The colors are soothing and luscious!

That would be so amazing to move into the home of an inventor. Does all that stuff come with the home??

I haven't purchased a home in 18 years, but my criteria have certainly changed. I would love a place that is more more modern than my very old home (aka money pit), is a bit further away from the hubbub, and is walking distance to trails!

Here is my Market Friday post link:


Sorry for the late reply! I went back to the house for more information and another view of the rooms and land. It is quite a distance from here, so I was gone for two days. The bid goes in today, so much luck is needed as they changed a few things and I am less confident about it meeting my needs, but, I hope for some internal guidance. Everything stays in the house! They already took the important things out. So all those cool things! It was fun to see it, and I went back to get a real accounting of things that needed to be updated, getting costs and adding that to the bi (mentally) to give me a true price. I won't lie to you. It was more than what I wanted to spend as I would have to do the floors all over as they have parquet, but, a different pattern in each room, which flows so it is not a good look. I would need to do this before I move in, otherwise, it would never get done. A roof in the near future, but, I need to count it as it would be an almost immediate $$ plan... and on. Anywho, I have been in new houses for the last few move and now that I will not be moving in the near future, have a need for a permanent house! :)

I appreciate you reading the post and leaving your words and dropping your link! Thank you so much and I look forward to reading your post!

#MarketFriday loves you!


Oh, Denise, please take me to the wilderness! You have fun and happy bidding! Those real estate are cool! I've been to the beach myself and here's my entry for this week.


Sorry for the late reply! I went back to the house for more information and another view of the rooms and land. It is quite a distance from here, so I was gone for two days. The bid goes in today, so much luck is needed as they changed a few things and I am less confident about it meeting my needs, but, I hope for some internal guidance.

I appreciate you reading the post and leaving your words and dropping your link! Thank you so much and I look forward to reading your post!

#MarketFriday loves you!


Hi, Denise!! I hope you get the best deal!!! Best of luck!!!


Thank you for sharing this house with us! What a great story it held.

Fancy moving in your 70s! Not only that, but moving countries and building the house! It certainly sounds like Charles lived a rich and interesting life.

A segway no less! A lift! Secret rooms, and a swimming pool filled in because the memories of his wife were to painful. It truly was a gripping read.

Here is my post for this week, an amalgamation of a DreemPort scavenger hunt and a recent house viewing.


Sorry for the late reply! I went back to the house for more information and another view of the rooms and land. It is quite a distance from here, so I was gone for two days. The bid goes in today, so much luck is needed as they changed a few things and I am less confident about it meeting my needs, but, I hope for some internal guidance.

I appreciate you reading the post and leaving your words and dropping your link! Thank you so much and I look forward to reading your post!

#MarketFriday loves you!


No need to apologise 🙂. I hope you receive the guidance, and you're happy with whatever decision you make. What will be, will be. 💛


Oh my! I love the house ma'am but guess what I love most about the house! 🤭

The location!

The greens, the route there and of course the inside is a given... I love the house already 😍

By the way, here's my marketfriday post

I had fun writing this 😊 thanks once again ma'am.


Sorry for the late reply! I went back to the house for more information and another view of the rooms and land. It is quite a distance from here, so I was gone for two days. The bid goes in today, so much luck is needed as they changed a few things and I am less confident about it meeting my needs, but, I hope for some internal guidance.

I appreciate you reading the post and leaving your words and dropping your link! Thank you so much and I look forward to reading your post!

#MarketFriday loves you!


It's fine, I understand
I really do hope you get some internal guidance... It's very much needed


Oooowwww I could make this definitely home Denise 😁
It has so much we are looking for.
I love househunting, do it rather regularly hehehe with us moving this much. Either for buy or rent.
I’m already looking into zilla for a few months now so we know what the markets are doing. What is available in certain areas and how fast does it sell.
All exciting.

This house you show us is rather special. The elevator makes it a home you can stay in forever even old age, like the past owner.
He was genius for making so many hidden rooms.I think he had loads of fun creating it like you opening them. The kitchen… wow. The views, breathtakingly beautiful. I can imagine him living there for so long.

I look for a garden first now. What neighbourhood it is in. Than the kitchen needs to be functional to my needs as I love to cook and bake.
Than 3 bedrooms minimum. It needs to have space for my artstudio and a man cave for hubbies work at home and music - guitars.
The rest we are flexible with… 😉

Can’t wait to start on the otherwise, first rent… then look for our home 🥰🥰🥰
Have a wonderful Friday Denise, will write my post shortly and link it here… and go around to spread some love 👋🏻😁😎💃🏻💃🏻💃🏻


I don't look at anything that wouldn't have a garden, I have to agree there. I agree with that! This is one of the most functional kitchens I have seen. A butlers pantry off the kitchen and a separate walk-in pantry with a deep freeze. Plus the commercial refrigerator. Plenty of workspace and cabinets. I'm in!

The problem is, the house was so nice, that someone with more $$money may come in and outbid, but, that is half the fun of the chase. There will always be another. The elevator was a real plus! The pool, should this be mine will be uncovered or another put in. I like swimming every day too, but haven't had a house with a pool in this area, not since Texas.

Le sigh.

It is really fun to do the house hunt through Zillow. I am glad you like it. It makes the search much easier when eliminating places.

Have a great day, Jackie! @littlebee4. It promises to be 95F (35C) Thanks for spreading the love!

#MarketFriday loves you!


Yes, the chase is fun in every way.
Good luck Denise 🤞🏻🤞🏻🤞🏻 Who knows… hope their doesn’t come somebody with more $$$
But like you said there will be others.

The pool… so great to exercise and cool down. Yep, the grounds do lend themselves for either uncovering or putting in a new one.

My #MarketFriday post for today: “Market Friday” ~ Let’s go to a garden centre today 🌺🌸🌼🌷🌹🪴🌱🌴 - South Spain 🇪🇸

The kitchen does sound to die for… 🥰 everything is there and then some. Just wow.

Yes… it helps so much, also in getting to know areas. As some houses do have great descriptions and you find out things about the neighbourhood. I do mark them down.

Thanks you so much @dswigle you too… and try to keep cool in those temperatures. Here 29 degrees Celsius today.

Anytime… 👋🏻🤗🥰💃🏻🐝


The thrill of the chase is what moves me! I feel like this, I would be over the moon to get it but, I will not let it ruin my life if I don't.

The pool is a must.

When you find a neighborhood you like, I always look at the local police department for crime reports/statistics. It tells you a lot about the area. Don't be alarmed. Most places in the world don't report or document all of the activity. I am always surprised about that.

Yes! I already tipped the blinds so the sun doesn't beat in. Keeps the house much cooler. I still need the light. I like the light.

Have a lovely afternoon!


Yep, I so get that feeling. I understand 🤞🏻😊 either way it’s fine. Keep us posted though.
I did notice you find much more about crime reports/ statistics in the US. Here you won’t find it like that.

Yep, one of the things we would like, a light house. We don’t like to sit in the dark.

Thank you so much Denise, and you too.
I just managed to post my #marketfriday post… now off to comment 😉👋🏻😁 with some multitasking still hahaha 🤣


I never found any in Europe. They mostly sweep their problems under the carpet unless directly asked. Even then, not so much. It doesn't make it better. I think it makes it difficult to find the information needed. Even hotels. Which is best? Least crime? No place to find out. It seems to work okay for them. So who am I to complain? 😉

I need a house that is light!! I cannot, will not sit in the dark! Light=happiness.

Yes, commenting isn't so bad today! I am ready for dinner! :) Okay, later...


I know what you mean 🤓 they don’t want you to know and sweep it under the carpet, just like you say. There is a little bit here and there for info. But not much.
I don’t know what way is better. Both are so different.

Yes, light is life… we are like flowers, we need it 😎
Good to hear that commenting is going great, just had dinner 😁👋🏻
Did you see my post yet? Got a beautiful selection of flowers for you 🌺🌺🌼🌼
Have a wonderful evening and nice dinner @dswigle 👋🏻🥰


Haha! You zip through the posts, but, I have had other things going on here. ;) I will get there! I promise!


Hahaha I so do my best… 😉 was away for a few hours, will dive back in again 😁
It’s fun to see all the different posts today, such a diversity on places this time 😎

I do understand Denise 😁


Any update on the house yet Denise @dswigle 🤓
I’m excited for you 🤩
Hope you know more soon…
What state is it in? As the views are stunning and it made me wonder 😉
Have a wonderful Monday 👋🏻☀️


The bids are closed and the agent will contact us, either way, tomorrow, but, probably close to the end of the day. I will know it all then. Aren't the views stunning? That was exactly why I loved it. My sisters and brothers thought I was crazy as we are water people. Everyone is on the water, but, I have a house on the Eastern Shore of Virginia, so I already have one.

Thank you! Monday is going great and being away all weekend, I am just finishing up the Markets!


Oh tomorrow 😁🤩 crossing my fingers 🤞🏻🤞🏻

Yes the views are stunning 🤩 we are planning to go into the mountains somewhere. As we been so long on the coast. We never go swimming or sunbathing not our thing. We just walk along the coast. But we can do that on holidays, right? We always wander around in nature, love forests, mountains… so it does make sense.

You can still visit family along the water and your other house. And just step back and enjoy nature, mountain views and a more laid back life.
I can imagine Denise. Catching up after the weekend away.
Enjoy your day further 👋🏻😁🤩


I need a house that is light!! I cannot, will not sit in the dark! Light=happiness.

well said. same for me, we are in the same boat in this.



wow...what a wonderful home and estate, Denise. That's a cracking #marketfriday post. I love that you considered what he might have been looking at last through his telescope and took a peek. How special ❣️ The scenery is absolutely stunning... open fields, rolling hills, and mountains. Did I see mountains? SOLD! hehe ... I imagine, being an inventor, his home is very interesting with all sorts of nooks and crannies and interesting things to find. I do hope you are successful with your bid... it would be amazing for you to be able to keep exploring that wonderful property, and for us to have you share your new finds with us. It probably has many secrets to tell...



Sorry for the late reply! I went back to the house for more information and another view of the rooms and land. It is quite a distance from here, so I was gone for two days. The bid goes in today, so much luck is needed as they changed a few things and I am less confident about it meeting my needs, but, I hope for some internal guidance.

I appreciate you reading the post and leaving your words. It was a pretty amazing house, and I went back to get a real accounting of things that needed to be updated, getting costs and adding that to the bi (mentally) to give me a true price. I won't lie to you. It was more than what I wanted to spend as I would have to do the floors all over as they have parquet, but, a different pattern in each room, which flows so it is not a good look. I would need to do this before I move in, otherwise, it would never get done. A roof in the near future, but, I need to count it as it would be an almost immediate $$ plan... and on. Anywho, I have been in new houses for the last few move and now that I will not be moving in the near future, have a need for a permanent house! :)

#MarketFriday loves you!


Wow...what an awesome place, and those views, looks so peaceful.
The house is huge, how would one keep it clean. It would be awesome to fill it with children and grandchildren, lovely house @dswigle .


My current house is almost as big. Mine is 4700 sq ft and this one is 5600 so not much difference. I have two at home and they keep their areas clean, vacuumed dusted. I do a little something every day, so it never really gets dirty. It is always nice to have the house filled with the sound of life! Sorry for the late reply! I went back to the house for more information and another view of the rooms and land. It is quite a distance from here, so I was gone for two days. The bid goes in today, so much luck is needed as they changed a few things and I am less confident about it meeting my needs, but, I hope for some internal guidance.

I appreciate you reading the post and leaving your words. It was a pretty amazing house, and I went back to get a real accounting of things that needed to be updated, getting costs and adding that to the bi (mentally) to give me a true price. I won't lie to you. It was more than what I wanted to spend as I would have to do the floors all over as they have parquet, but, a different pattern in each room, which flows so it is not a good look. I would need to do this before I move in, otherwise, it would never get done. A roof in the near future, but, I need to count it as it would be an almost immediate $$ plan... and on. Anywho, I have been in new houses for the last few move and now that I will not be moving in the near future, have a need for a permanent house! :) I love the lines of a house like this and it has so many cool things, least of all the lift/elevator! I love the secret doors and played with them while I was there yesterday. Anyway, you are always a joy to hear from. I dislike that my life has gotten so busy and complicated in the last year and more now, but, I am carving out a little more time for myself! :)

Thanks so much for stopping by!

#MarketFriday loves you!


The house is awesome and the views look so magnetic, I wish you all the best in making the right decision. Maybe this house is what you need right now. It really sounds awesome. One could write a romantic novel around it. Lol.
Good luck on your decision @dswigle I wish you well in your new venture.


I love stories like this! I even sometimes open real estate agent websites to look at houses for sale. This house is amazing. Secret rooms, huge kitchen, elevator, and spectacular views out the windows! It's gorgeous!

Here is my entry:


Me too! I love looking at real estate and even looking when I am not in the market to buy. It is fun and it satisfies any curiosity of want. :) I don't have to buy to be happy, just looking does it most days.

The secret rooms were intriguing! The kitchen is amazing and the elevator? That is a big bonus! I can only imagine waking up to that view every day!

Thanks for stopping by and taking a peek! I appreciate you dropping a link!

#MarketFriday loves you!

Really, hunting for residential house, the most important thing is location and location, then the ability to buy. Good I see luxury homes, good paint shapes and color adjust to nature. Happy days. Thank you #marketfriday by @dswigle. Thank you.


I agree! Location is important. The location and the view are spectacular. Thank you for stopping by and leaving your words and dropping the link!

#MarketFriday loves you!


Thank you are welcome.


That house looks amazing and very interesting, I would love to stay there!!

Here is my contribution to #MarketFriday just click on the link.

I hope you all have a great weekend.



I hope I do win the bid, although that sounds too good to be true. I should know by the end of the weekend, or Monday at the latest!

Wish me luck! I am so happy to see a post from you! Thanks so much for joining and dropping the link!

#MarketFriday loves you!


ohhhhhhh lady!!!

Look at the grounds and the views... and the BATHTUB. hahahaha the bathtub sold me - though, I have to admit - having secret little rooms and cubbies in a house is a DREEM for me! hahaha

I actually wrote a children's novel and the family's home had all these secret little compartments and nooks and things hehehe

This place was so lovely -but I do feel bad for the family that just needed to part with it. I mean - I get it. at that age, I'm sure there are just too many things that need to be done and you just have to get on with it!!!

But can you imagine waking up to those views daily - and the green lush grass - so beautiful!!!

just really beautiful!

That particular home will be a delight for whoever gets to have it! that's for sure! hehehehe

Thank you for sharing - and I LOVE how creative this is for Market Friday! hey - people are in the market for a home - right? so!!! hehehe makes perfect sense!

here is my post! :)

hope you enjoy it!!


No way!!! You would love this house then! The tub is pretty nice, and that is pretty common for this side of the country to have at least one jetted tub, especially in the newer houses. This was built in 1994, so not so new, but, he was a visionary.

I loved all those secret doors! They were all big enough to walk into, not a little closet, perhaps that is why I was so shocked. The children are from Europe, they were probably 50 when he and his wife left, so they already had a life. They were probably comfortable and there was no need to keep another house. The upkeep, distance, taxes. Especially in another country?

Whoever gets that house will be lucky. The views are killer and to the left, there is pasture so even the horses could come. :) For additional money, there are pastures to be sold.

I am so glad you like the market this week! I like thinking outside of the box! Thanks always for the love you are showing the #MarketFriday!

Thank you for dropping the link!

#MarketFriday loves you!


looks like a very big house to keep clean :) damn those windows in the kitchen alll those small squares that is a shitty job to keep clean :) but then a again you get a view to kill for.
The elevator sounds future proof you're not getting any younger, a nice woodland garden wilth a wild maddow for macro photography gosh if i had the money to spend it was sold :) and then the bathroom with a bathtub i miss that in this houe where i live, but i love my energy bill in this house sollar panals and good isolation keeps my monthly energie bill gas and electricity below € 50,- a month .


I have looked at the energy bills for the last three years on this house. The top hits around $136.00 and averages about $96.00which are pretty incredible for the electric and less than 1/4 for the gas. That sounded too low, but, I saw it with my own eye. I would put some solar panels on the roof, should it be mine. It has a perfect roof for it. There is a well already and no issues with the house.

The windows! I love all the light, but, realize it makes it less energy efficient. Still... those windows! :) All those little squares. I won't lie. If that got too much to do them, I would hire it out, but, even now, with this house. I have two kids living at home and everyone, myself included, does a window a week, and the windows never need to be done. It makes it so simple to do it that way.

That is so great that you already have the solar panels up. Not only a money saver but, not so dependent on the utility company. I want to be in that place!

Thanks so much for stopping by, Mick! @stresskiller

#MarketFriday loves you!


I'm shocked! the owner was 100 years old and he lived alone in such a house????!!!!! Wow! when we rent apartments, the first requirement is also safety, and the second is cleanliness! The cleanliness of the house as a whole, the area where this house is located. Secret doors?! This is intriguing! I was blown away by his basement! Amazing house and amazing owner!!! The story of the pool touched me 😔 very interested in what will happen next with this house!


He was almost 100, but still!! He did live alone and had a housekeeper come in twice weekly. Seems like he had daily communication but was a tinkerer by nature.

The story of the pool touched my heart as well. The bids will close today and I am sure one of us will be contacted sometime this weekend to let us know if we got the bid.

The house was a lot cleaner before they had people coming in to remove furniture and other things, but, the original pictures I saw showed it off much better. I am sure it will be a very comfortable house once settled. The secret doors were fascinating!

Having an elevator was brilliant on his part. He was a visionary. Thanks so much for stopping by and dropping the link! I hope you are having a wonderful day!

#MarketFriday loves you1


Hehe, I would look forward to fresh air and security( can I ignore affordability notes hehe) camera confronting the greenery is indicating that photography can be done apart from getting freshness.
Hehe here is my #MarketFriday post

Hopefully you would be curious to visit Dreemport Market 😁


Yes!!! I do sometimes! :) Kidding! Sorry for the late reply! I went back to the house for more information and another view of the rooms and land. It is quite a distance from here, so I was gone for two days. The bid goes in today, so much luck is needed as they changed a few things and I am less confident about it meeting my needs, but, I hope for some internal guidance.

I appreciate you reading the post and leaving your words and dropping your link! Thank you so much and I look forward to reading your post!

#MarketFriday loves you!


The house is really beautiful but the views literally took my breath away and I saw are pictures lol. If I see it in real life I probably won't want to ever leave.
Hopefully your bud wins the sale.

The story of Charles is a really touching one, he seemed to have a lived a fulfilled life which is great. Please keep us updated on how it eventually goes. It'll be a little heartbreaking if someone else gets the house.

Secret doorways though? That's some fairy tale stuff lol. It's really really cool that the house has those 👌

Your post was a delightful read🥰

Here is my entry!

Gracias ❣️


Sorry for the late reply! I went back to the house for more information and another view of the rooms and land. It is quite a distance from here, so I was gone for two days. The bid goes in today, so much luck is needed as they changed a few things and I am less confident about it meeting my needs, but, I hope for some internal guidance.

I appreciate you reading the post and leaving your words and dropping you link! Thank you so much and I look forward to reading your post!

#MarketFriday loves you!


I'm also sorry for the late reply, I hope you get or you got the internal you needed.
I'm keeping my fingers crossed for you 🤞


Wahoo, this house is just awesome 🤭 Everywhere looks stunning and spacious like a paradise 🤩🤩

I do real estate business as a side hustle and when clients are in search of a house to buy or rent, location and safety are their major priority which is fine.

Here is my entry ma.


Sorry for the late reply! I went back to the house for more information and another view of the rooms and land. It is quite a distance from here, so I was gone for two days. The bid goes in today, so much luck is needed as they changed a few things and I am less confident about it meeting my needs, but, I hope for some internal guidance.

I appreciate you reading the post and leaving your words and dropping you link! Thank you so much and I look forward to reading your post!

#MarketFriday loves you!


Oh I LOVE this house! That kitchen - jaw drop. The bathroom - drool. (Still curious about the fact that you went househunting....buuuuuuut what a fabulous post) Sounds like old Mr Charles was a remarkable man. You and I both love history added to which, this house certainly oozes personality. Tell me it will be yours!?!!! Do you know, Denise (I bet you could've guessed) that ever since I was a child I dreamed about a house with secret doors and hidden little closets. This is exactly my type of house! Complete with a beautiful lawn and a view! Perfect in every way!


Househunting wasn't on the agenda this week, but, when I saw this estate sale was only going to be for just a few days, I went. I just submitted the bid and should know this weekend. I love the house I am in, but, this house is in wine country and far and away from Washington, DC. oozes charm and oh!! All those secret doors! You would be fascinated with it! It was so much fun and the listing agent had fun showing them all off. He missed a few and I showed him! I have never been in a place that was so well designed, right down to solar for the future, so he orientate the house the correct way, a whole house generator, a deep well, septic system, 110 acres of forest, and 76 acres of field. Only 20 come with it, if you want more, you can buy them separately. It has a barn and workshop, so the horses would be happy.

The elevator was a bonus, and the kitchen is perfect. I could so easily fit in this house and be happy for the rest of my life.

ever since I was a child I dreamed about a house with secret doors and hidden little closets.

I get it!!!! Yes!!! And the view! I am trying not to get my hopes up. Anyone can come in with more $$ and sealed bids so who knows what anyone is bidding. If it is meant to be, it will happen, and if I don't get it, it wasn't meant to be and there will always be another. There always is.

Thank you for reading, it was really fun exploring that house!

#MarketFriday loves you!


Oh my, where to start?! I was just amazed at every photo and every detail of the house. It sounds like a playground of sorts with all those secret doors and then the view. So in love with those. If I am to build/buy a house, I want something with a view too.

I like how organized Charles is and that is really evident with the way everything is built. I like the story you told about Charles.

Anyway, here goes my entry for this week


Sorry for the late reply!Oh, good! You are as late as me! Hehe! I went back to the house for more information and another view of the rooms and land. It is quite a distance from here, so I was gone for two days. The bid goes in today, so much luck is needed as they changed a few things and I am less confident about it meeting my needs, but, I hope for some internal guidance.

I appreciate you reading the post and leaving your words and dropping you link! Thank you so much and I look forward to reading your post!

#MarketFriday loves you!


Oh that's too bad if you won't get it. It would be interesting to see what will you do to the place if ever.


We will see! I am good with how it works out! If I don't get it, there will always, always be another! xo


That's the spirit :) Always the positive outlook.


Those photos looks excellent, I love the green field, I hope everything goes well for you 🤗.

Here's my post for this week's Market Friday please enjoy 🥰🥰.


I am fascinated by the number of acquaintances and by all these publications that I can see, it is unbelievably good. @dswigle
My entry for this week.


Thank you so much, Oscar! @oscarps I appreciate you dropping your link here. I have the most dedicated people! Thank you for being part of #MarketFriday!


Good luck in your bid on the house, Denise. You would be right in the middle of nature living in this wonderful location. The house is amazing and huge. Love all the secret openings.


Isn't that such a cool house!? Thank you for your wishes and I am looking to move out of city life and back into the good life. I can visit the city. :)

The secret openings are fun and keep everything put away and in order.

I hope you are doing well, Jo! @redheadpei The summer is going by swiftly~!!


You are getting a new house. This is awesome! I hope you get it as it is beautiful. A very large property and the house has a lot of natural light coming in. I love the bathroom and the view there is amazing. If ever you get it. I think the pool needs to be excavated and revived. The house needs the pool.


@mhel I agree!! :) A house like that needs a pool. I agree, the views are beautiful on the top of the world. How are you, Ryan? I hope all is well in your world!


Yes still good just hanging in there. Just needed a breather. Things feels more normal these days except for the petrol prices 😂


Hello dear friend @dswigle good morning
What a charming house, I really like its exterior infrastructure and interior design, you can see a lot of natural light, the views from the windows are spectacular, without a doubt I would live in a place like this
I appreciate that you let us know all the history that is related to its owner
I take this opportunity to wish you a splendid weekend


I really found the history interesting! You could tell the man was an inventor of some sort. He was a very accomplished man and when I Googled him, he had an amazing presence on the internet!

The house is beautiful and with a little updating, it will be gorgeous. Whoever gets the bid for the house, I wish much luck in them keeping the charm alive.

Thanks so much for stopping by, @jlufer ! Much appreciated~!!

#MarketFriday loves you!


There is nothing to thank dear friend @dswigle it is always a pleasure to accompany your initiatives
I love #MarketFriday too


A house with an elevator, secret doors, big baths, and the kitchen! OMG. The kitchen. I really enjoyed this house tour! Thank you for taking us with you.

Here's mine after a very long time -


I loved the kitchen too!! It was such a fun place to go through. I am happy to take you. You all were so good ! Thanks for coming along!!

I appreciate you dropping the link!

#MarketFriday loves you!


What a wonderful view opens from the windows in this house.

I would sit for hours and watch over the surroundings :-)

And I really liked the huge dining room, just a springboard for culinary fantasies...


It does have nice views from the window! Almost every window has some kind of view. I could definitely sit for hours and hours, watching over the surrounding areas.

The dining room is separate from the kitchen, but the next room over. I do love the kitchen! The culinary delight that would come from there!!! Thanks for stopping by Svetlana!

#MarketFriday loves you!


Have a great market Friday folks.


The only market I prefer to go to these days is right to my garden.


Hahaha . I'm sure you must have a rich garden in this case


If that is a preview, I am eating at his house!


LOL 🤣... @dswigle actually, we are eating at his house not just you alone haha😅


You know that your own garden is the best garden! Those certainly look yummy!
Thanks for stopping by and making us hungry @enjar !!

#MarketFriday loves you!


That house is massive, wow. You could do some serious cooking in that kitchen. A mile long driveway!?! The view from the master bedroom is incredible in itself. I could wake up to that everyday, no problem.


I know!! The kitchen was laid out quite nicely and I only used my phone to snap shots of it. Although I brought the camera, it felt a little awkward, so I left it in the car.

That is so unlike me! I never feel awkward with it!

I hope to be the person that wins the bid and does get to wake up to the views. I don't think I even need a telescope! I want to thank you for stopping by and leaving your words. It is much appreciated!

#MarketFriday loves you!


I am new in your list who are doing comment to your post. The house looks so beautiful. From my childhood I have dream oneday I will go to abroad and settle their with lovely house and family. My dreams did not come true. I am 32 but still hoping it.


Dreams are meant to be that, dreams. Hope is always carried in my soul. I hope you get your wish someday.

Thank you for leaving your words.

#MarketFriday loves you!


Just by looking at it by the photos, it has a good feel. I think you may understand what I mean about the feels. It may be different if you are there, but how you explore and found those backstory makes you love the house as it is. The views oh, what a lovely house on top of the hill. That would be a great buy.


I am going to look at it again tomorrow! I need to look further at things. The backstory was interesting, so it makes the house more interesting.

I do love the wonderful views! Thank you for stopping by!

#MarketFriday loves you!


Wow this is a really pleasant home and much better on the inside than I expected. I love the architectural designs of the house and I'm sure it looks futuristic both interior and outside the building.

Alot of work had been done in this home and it's very conducive and lucrative. Such a beautiful mansion to me. I love how it is situated at a very conducive environment... I could live all life here.


I do love where it is situated and I hope that life continues to be good for it. It had done well for its former master and he loved it, as I can see from how he took care of it.

It is beautiful and I am happy to have given it a look. Thanks for stopping by and leaving your words.

#MarketFriday loves you!


Totally gorgeous. My taste exactly, but probably not my pocket, haha.
Magnificent those little secret rooms and oh, that telescope and the view. Haha, such temptation in one place. Lovely and such a clever Market Friday post. 💕💓🤗💓💯💓💕💯🙃


Haha! We will see if my bid says it is in mine. Remember it is an estate sale and it is priced under its value. Whoever it goes to, I hope that it is well-taken care of for years to come.

Thanks for stopping by and leaving your words.

#MarketFriday loves you!


Hope u win, it seems to have your name on it💓💓💓


Thank you! I appreciate your vote! :)

Have an amazing day!



I so love the idea of affordability and safety in buying a house, Denise. Perhaps I love to be in a place close to the heart of nature. Happy Market Friday!


Affordability and safety are paramount! I do love to be one with nature and this affords all those possibilities.

And I do love the view! Thanks for stopping by today!

#MarketFriday loves you!


You are very much welcome Denise. I enjoyed your content. Have a nice time.


Secret rooms? An ideal for a good hide and seek. Lol. The house is perfect to me. The outside view is really giving.... I'd definitely go for it as long as the environment is safe and of course from the man's age one can decipher that the place is definitely safe. It's a beautiful house with a lot of space and fresh air. It's just breathtaking 🥰.


Oh, yeah!! Hide and seek for sure! I can only guess the same with the age of its former master. I have to agree with you there.

Thank you for stopping by and taking a look at the view!

#MarketFriday loves you!


It was definitely a pleasure feeding my eyes with those beautiful images🥰.


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Dear Denise, is it possible to write a market about a coffee shop?


Wow, this looks like a pretty solid house. It’s very well arranged and located on a seemingly peaceful location. The owner seems to have taken care of the place very well, despite his age. Of course the home keeper was doing most of the job here. I would happily live in such a place.


I think he did a good job of caring for the house on the outside and in general. Of course, he had a housekeeper to do his daily needs, but, he was almost 100 years old. :)

I agree with you, it actually was a pretty solid house! Thanks for stopping by and leaving your words.

#MarketFriday loves you!


Wow! What a house ... This is more like a big mansion. Fingers crossed you win the bidding! Looks an awesome place to live.


Isn't it just fabulous? This was quite the find and I hope it works well for me! Thanks for the wishes! I will know by next week!

It would be a perfect place to move to. I like my house now, but, this offers some beautiful views that I have never had!

Thanks for stopping by and leaving your words!

#MarketFriday loves you!


It was so eye opening, will love to reblog if it's okay by you, so that my viewers can also learn what I learned... thanks and God bless 🙏


Have been hunting for one for the past 5months now and I'm still on it. It happens that I do not seems to get all my preferences in an apartment, its either one or two of it is missing at some point my wife and I thought our standards maybe too high for a rented apartment and maybe we should review it but then we realized we weren't hoping for too much

A 2 bedroom apartment with 3 toilet, spacious bedroom, compound, kitchen and store, regular power supply, good security, and a location with an accessible road, these are our preferences but none seems to show forth, still hoping.

Here's my #marketfriday link


Sorry for the late reply! I hope you have all your wishes met! I went back to the house for more information and another view of the rooms and land. It is quite a distance from here, so I was gone for two days. The bid goes in today, so much luck is needed as they changed a few things and I am less confident about it meeting my needs, but, I hope for some internal guidance.

I appreciate you reading the post and leaving your words and dropping your link! Thank you so much and I look forward to reading your post!

#MarketFriday loves you!



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@dswigle(3/5) tipped @itsostylish (x2)

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Watch out for the human traffickers at hivefest. You wont know it until its too late. STAY AWAY! Beware, traffickers can be women or men! They will act nice until they dont. There is human trafficking going on around this type of crypto. I have witnessed it. They literally have attempted my murder and are trying to kill me with V2K and RNM. Five years this has been happening to me, it started here, around people that are still here. Homeland security has done nothing at all, they are not here to protect us. Dont we pay them to stop shit like this? The NSA, CIA, FBI, Police and our Government has done nothing. Just like they did with the Havana Syndrome, nothing. Patriot Act my ass. The American government is completely incompetent. The NSA should be taken over by the military and contained Immediately for investigation. I bet we can get to the sources of V2K and RNM then. ..... if you run into one of them you may want to immediately shoot them in the face. 187, annihilate, asphyxiate, assassinate, behead, bleed, bludgeon, boil, bomb, bone, burn, bury, butcher, cap, casket, choke, chop, club, crucify, crush, curb, decapitate, decimate, deflesh, demolish, destroy, devein, disembowel, dismember, drown, electrocute, eliminate, end, euthanize, eviscerate, execute, explode, exterminate, extinguish, finish, fry, grind, guillotine, gut, hack, hang, hit, ice, implode, incinerate, kill, liquidate, lynch, massacre, maul, microwave, mutilate, neutralize, obliterate, off, pop, poison, punnish, quarter, ruin, shank, shock, shoot, shred, skin, slay, slaughter, smoke, smother, snipe, snuff, squish, stab, strangle, stone, suffocate, suicide, SWAT, swing, terminate, torture, terrorize, whack, waste, wreck. You better fucking kill me.
