Effortless in Nature

Effortless in nature
Simple beauty just takes my breath away


The illumination of the mind... The myth falls away, and we see deeper, beneath the surface of everyday attention, and we get a glimpse of an unseen beauty and wonder that seems to expand our consciousness. Those moments can be so full that they seem self-authenticating.

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In those
Heartfelt moments of you
My words spoke
The most
Inadequate things

I hesitate to use my thoughts
Real and true, I change my direction
Falling back on those before you
Indulgent and comforing


In the last month or so, being too busy has been a problem, so posting has been little. Time is usually to blame when we want to do something, but don’t. Sometimes, it’s because, you took the long way home. Colored the town. Let your hair down and raised your spirit. It's always in the details, isn't it? I wish my details had been so colorful. It was just being too busy. I feel like it is almost my turn again.

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I've had no time to muse, live in my dreamy world
Perhaps post a picture and allow some feelings to flow
Isn't that the way I love to do it?

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Some days, all I can feel is the whisper of your thoughts
Caressing the very depths of my soul
I run my hands through the memories
Where time only counts in moments of you
I turn my face to the touch of your lips
The hint of your breath upon my imagination
Drawing me closer to the naked truth
As I know it
Your lips, your kiss, the mere touch of you is bliss
I cannot deny it tonight, who am I to resist?
The drifting of time and again
Far and away, the delicate balance of me
Begins and ends with you


All I have are my words, armed in my mind, written in pen, stand by stand. Oh, yes. Still by hand. It has a different feel. Altered not by keys, backspace, and delete, I write, erase, tear it to pieces and start all over again. And again.

It’s my way. I walk out to the deep end of the page and dive right in.


I couldn't stand all that hair another day, so I went to the hairdressers and let her cut some of it off. Ta-Da! It is done and overwith. I let my hair get long along with so many others in the days of Covid. How many let their hair/beards grow out during this time? Many of our places still have mask requirements. How about where you live?

Thank you for taking the time to read my post. It goes without saying, although I will... Flowers. Always. There must always be a flower to color your world. And just like that, this show is over. Come back tomorrow and we will do it again!





The Road Not Taken

Two roads diverged in a yellow wood,
And sorry I could not travel both
And be one traveler, long I stood
And looked down one as far as I could
To where it bent in the undergrowth;

Then took the other, as just as fair,
And having perhaps the better claim,
Because it was grassy and wanted wear;
Though as for that the passing there
Had worn them really about the same,

And both that morning equally lay
In leaves no step had trodden black.
Oh, I kept the first for another day!
Yet knowing how way leads on to way,
I doubted if I should ever come back.

I shall be telling this with a sigh
Somewhere ages and ages hence:
Two roads diverged in a wood, and I -
I took the one less traveled by,
And that has made all the difference.

Robert Frost

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Well I am a DIYer at heart. So for the past 20 or so years, I have opted for the self shearing route. You know, anything to save a buck or three!

I would imagine a lot of long hair would feel hot when it is this hot especially. Before you know it, I am sure it will grow right back again.

Oh I havent seen a mask in ages here. In the stores be it the old or the young, there is nary a mask to be seen ever!


Your daughter has long hair. Does she get hot in the heat? It does grow back pretty fast. Of course, you can see how long it is in the picture. I had quite a bunch taken off, but, to be honest, it is still long. I was afraid to make it any shorter as I do the french braids and chignon. When it is short, I cannot do too much with it. Well, I can style it, but I, cannot put it up at all.

No masks? I guess our numbers must be up, people have opted on their own to wear masks. The store workers never (didn't) wear them. I think it must be policy or we are weak souls down here. :)

Hi, Paul! @old-guy-photos!


Oh I havent seen a mask in ages here.

Me neither. Only one or two people wear a mask occasionally here and there. Hopefully this stays this way, and the remaining few masks will disappear over time, and the life will become completely normal again.


Oh my hair has grown too, but with purpose, hehehe!
I'll chop it off some when I get back from Hawaii.
Beautiful words, @dswigle !
Very romantic!


As long as we are getting it cut, we might as well donate it!

When will you be back from Hawaii? I am sure you never want to come back from the island of beauty! Thank you so much for stopping by and leaving your words. ❤️ It is always appreciated!

Hi @silversaver888~!


Trimming hair down to feathery light to flow gently like a flower taking another turn down the path makes one feel a lot better, confident between the beauties along the path.

Masks are individual decision each to their own, bar a couple of places that may insist they still worn, yet to go anywhere where this has happened. Perhaps very busy shops it is still good to consider with people breathing down each others neck.

!LUV being busy, part of life, no so?


Ah, yes. I have almost forgotten what it is like to go to a salon as a regular part of life. Many of ours here have closed permanently, and could not stand up to being close for almost a year.

I was out all day and only three places have signs to wear them, most are doing with whatever you wish. Thank goodness.

Busy people are happy people. ;)


Many places still closing after the past two years not able to pay rental to carry on.

Thankfully our hairdresser opened over a year ago, first with strict requirements, now none at all, nice to pop in and have a chat while watching heavy locks fall to the ground.

Never enough hours in a day always a good sign!


Your hair looks beautiful; I have let my hair grow as well. Though I have taken to cutting it myself. Perhaps I will give it a trim.

The poem was sublime beauty:)


Thank you so much! ❤️ That means a lot coming from you. Truly.

My hair feels like such a mess. LOL Mine is layered (although not really anymore) or it needs to be or it gets too bushy. So I don't do my own. I wish I could. I will bet yours is gorgeous!

We are all a bunch of long hairs now. :)


I'm a complete hippy:)


Me too. Parts of me always were and some of me still is.

Le sigh.

It is the best of both worlds.


Well ... I am more of Bohemian ... wine over weed. LOL
Art over dropping out:)


Point taken.

👉 No weed, too close association with the government. Wine however was okey dokey.


Shut up! You have such lovely hair!

Your flower photos are also lovely, as always.

I hope you're well dswigle.

Becca 💗


You are so darned sweet! Thank you! ❤️

I am well, just persistently on the busy train. That is okay, it is better than being bored out of my skull. I hope all is well in your world and I appreciate your support! ❤️ Thank you, always!

You need your own flowers!

Hi, Becca!



I can't see beautiful hair and not comment, it goes against all my principles.

I've been well, a little sad over the last few days for various reasons, but otherwise ok. I made the mistake of watching the news a few days ago, I couldn't avoid it, and it depressed me. I don't usually watch it. It's only just today I've feeling a little more spritely. I posted about it just now; I just didn't have it in me to post for several days.

You're right, I need flowers.

Becca 💗


You are too kind! Really!!❤️

I am sorry you were sad but lean into the love. It is the only thing we can do. Soon enough you will be surrounded by it and you won't be able to do anything but embrace it once again.

In the meantime... flowers! A little bit of Yarrow for you.




See? They never fail to perk me up. I like being perky.

Becca 🌷


Me too! I like that about you. :)


I haven't been TOO busy since covid began. I probably haven't been busy enough. That gets old too !

I've been wearing my hair really long for years, so the covid time didn't change that since I trim it myself. It probably could use a nice professional update. Maybe one day.


I totally agree! It is like I am out of step with the world, with things not being like they once were. What has happened to my life? My town? My world?

Le sigh.

Your hair has always been long, as far as I know. A lovely shade of auburn. Every man's dream. What is it about that color? ❤️ Down towards my waist is too long for me as it is pretty thick, but, this length makes it easier for me to french braid, twist a knot, or put it in a chignon. There are a lot of ways I can get it up off my neck, but short like I used to wear it just clung to my neck. Never happy, right?

I work hard for that.

I think you should take your wonderful Wednesday day off and do a nice update. Then a mani/pedi and then - oh? Too much? I was just thinking about how I need a pamper day. I was living vicariously through you. That is okay, right?

Well, I hope you are having a great day. It has been a hot one today!!!

Hi, El! @jacey.boldart


My doctor told me yesterday I should start working back to my normal lifestyle before covid. He said although it is definitely still here and contaigious, that the changes in the covid virus had lightened it up so much that by now most of it was no worse than other general viruses we have already. He said here, people are not having to be hospitalized for it and they are not dying from it (I'm sure there are exceptions, just like there has always been with the flu) He said the virus was never going away completely. As he said all of this he was indicating our hospital that his clinic is attached too. The hospital is under Cone Health, but this particular medical center is under the Duke umbrella. I was surprised he said that, but he did. It would be hard to just go out and about like I just don't care after all these precautions for so long. I'm rolling it around in my brain though. He said to keep a mask in my purse in case I go in somewhere like a restaurant or whatever and someone is coughing and the such, but other than that, it is time not to worry about it so much. Now, how I said it was not his exact words, but that is still what he said. Of course there are places that still require it, but other than that.....



Check! I keep a mask, Kleenex, and hand sanitizer on hand. I go out, today I was gone all day, same as yesterday. I know I said I don't really go anywhere, but the anywhere is the travel that I have stopped doing since covid. I have been on two small trips. That is it. I went to Bermuda for just 4 days and Maine for five days. I drove to Florida in the height of Covid to give my sister a car. A funeral for my brother... there is just no way we can stop living. Look what it is doing to you!

I have to say that I think it is borderline depressing for you because you have been alone. Very alone. Unbelievably by yourself. You thrive on people and your family, so I have to say that I would ease back, but, get back. My sister and I are meeting up in Pennsylvania next week. Two and a half-hour drive each. :) We are going to meet for lunch and go back home.


LOL !!!


I had to add the text to it! LOL YOu didn't wait!


I thought the photo was a perfect response....ha ha

I know it has not been good for me. The only thing that made it not as bad as it could have been, was that I did not constantly go out all the time before covid (but I knew that I could at any time) and have been on my own over 20 years, so some of the isolation was normal. It has just lasted too long and it IS depressing. Great faith and a few good mental skills has kept me from going too far down, but I certainly am not used to needing to fight that.

Sounds like a fun sister time you have planned.


Probably a good time to have some of your hair gone. I hear it is going to get miserable hot in the DC area this week! Hopefully you are able to stay cool! That second shot of the flower petals is really awesome!


It has been 94 this week, so I am thinking that is as high as we will get. One can hope. I usually Frech Braid my hair or another way of keeping it off my neck. In some ways, it is easier to keep cool with long hair put up than with short hair sticking to my neck.

Thank you so much. I appreciate the words.

The weekend is almost upone us!!!!

Hi, Jay! @bozz


That makes sense about putting it up. My wife lives with hers up in the summer.


I don't blame her! Her hair looks thick and luxurious, which usually equates to hot!


Haha, funny that you notice that. When she goes to get it cut the stylist wastes five to ten minutes just playing with it!


I mean, look at her hair!!! A blind person could see that. :)


Yes, time… it flows away so fast somedays Denise.
We want to grasp it and hold on, just a little longer… I need this or that, still to do. But we end up so tired… especially with the hot 🥵 weather. Can’t think at the moment. Air is not fixed… 🤬
You will have time again 😉

I have let my hair grow… can almost sit on it hahaha 🤣 but I had it that long, always since I can think, and a couple of years ago I cut it off all. Until just under my ears… and made it platinum blonde.
(I am blond… and used to be so light but now… getting older it is a dark blond… ashy colour) but I always coloured it. I could not get used to the short hair those few years ago… I didn’t see “me” in the mirror so the last years I started growing it again. (4 years now)
And I coloured it Dark amongst many other colours hahaha imagine this… it is coloured a very dark brown and now it is growing out… I haven’t coloured it since March.
So it is getting really light and grey on the top. The rest is dark brown almost until I can sit on it. Hehehe not sure what I want to do with it yet.
Am thinking about it. We will see. Maybe I post my hair changes over the years one day 😉🤓

Have a wonderful Thursday further 👋🏻☀️🤗


Ha! That is really long. I cut mine and now it is only halfway down my back. That is long enough for me as it is really thick and heavy. Mine is blonde still, my dad was blonde forever! My mom had dark hair and started turning grey before she was 20!

Mine was just above my ears before covid and then I just let it grow and grow... and then grow. I was a towhead growing up, but, then in my twenties, it started getting that mousy blonde from not enough sun. Then it started getting lighter and still looks all blonde, but, I know some of that has to be grey. But, it is fine with me, I don't want to mess with color anyway.

I am sure your hair is interesting looking! ❤️ That would be a fun post! :)

You think about it!

Hi, Jackie! @littlebee4


You hair is gorgeous 🥰 Denise
Mine was very damaged as I tried to go with crazy colours about 6 years ago. And one hairdresser messed it truly up. A few weeks later my hair started to break half way. That is when I went with the short.
After I didn’t colour it, but only a very soft washing with colour that can be washed out. And still until today I use that. So my hair now after letting it grow again and not using any damaging colour, it is sooo healthy. Luckily… much thicker too and nothing breaks or gets split ends.

I just need to decide what next. 🤓😎🤩
My mom was dark brown until she went grey she is 88 already, my dad was blond until his 60th but than his hair changed to dark dark blond almost black… he never got grey. But he died before he was 70.
My brother is light brown.

You know, I envision myself with long grey hair when I’m “older” like those wise women… that love their gardens, making her own soap and everything is just nature. Free spirits. I won’t cut it hahaha 🤣 make a braid sometimes… with ribbons. Yep that’s me 🥰

Maybe I will. I do have some photos of some crazy stages of my hair and crazy colours. 😉
Hi @dswigle 👋🏻☀️ Have a wonderful day today!


hair and beard grow fine , and when they annoy me i cut it off myself, barbershop is just not my thing.


You wouldn't want me to cut mine off! It is hard enough finding a hairdresser that can do it properly. It is so thick, that it grows out like a bush unless someone that knows how to cut that kind of hair layers it properly.

I am so jealous. :)

Hi, Mick! @stresskiller


I love all the words you used, they were just as beautiful as the flowers 😍❤️.

I hair looks really good, my hair is so short compared to yours and I'm admiring it so much 🙈.

Here, the use of nose mask is no longer compulsory as it was 😁.


I am okay with the mask in most cases, this too shall pass.

Thank you for your words, that is so kind! Short hair is good! Mine was short before Covid! :) I just got lazy and all the hair salons were closed up tight. I cannot do my own hair, so it was the only thing to do.

I hope you are having an amazing day! ❤️


Oh, that is nice.

The covid restrictions was not really easy for most of us though 😒.

I will Ma'am, you too.


Oh I would so take some of that length off you Denise!
Beards age a man, and the wrong hair length ages a woman.
I bet you felt so much younger after your cut ;)


I think I felt just right! :)

That used to be the golden rule. The older you get , the shorter your hair should get... then somewhere along the line, whoever was in charge of that phrase got older and they started backpedaling. So now, I did have shorter hair and no places were open during covid and so I let it grow, and then, when they started opening up, I had found different ways to do my hair. I got proficient in french braiding and all sorts of fun ways to pull my hair up and off my face/neck.

I agree, no matter how old/young you are, the wrong hair length is No Bueno! Beards, the same! Although you don't need a hairdresser for a beard, not so for my hair. I am not so good at DIY!


People forgot that how a person's face shape is totally changes how a hair style and length look.
The number of people that would come to my wife's salon asking to have such and such celebrity's hair cut and being told it would not suit them, then coming back to have their hair fixed after getting it done elsewhere was laughable.
Same thing with colour.
Whatever makes you feel good inside is all that matters:)
Have a great weekend Denise:)


No, not me! :)

My sister is a hairdresser and has the same issues with people! She lives in Connecticut and I live in DC, so I never have her cut my hair anymore!

Too expensive to drive up to get a haircut! :) Although, gas went way down this week! Hooray!


Ah yes, relatives and getting their hair cut, I remember my sisters-in-law were not amused when my wife moved overseas🤣🤣🤣
It went down really?
Damn that is good news, things are still going up and up, I was at the local shop today buying two bridies that last Friday cost £1.49 each and today were £1.79 I was like wtf!


I love your flowers. Colors are emotional
Have nice moments


Thank you for your words. I appreciate them!
Have a great day!


Glad to have seen your post, your post making experience is very much and I learn a lot from your post.
I sincerely appreciate your post


My favourite part of the hairdresser is having my hair fussed over. Washing. Drying. Brushing. Oh....and the cutting of course! I'm sure it was a wonderful appointment for you. What a beautiful mop of hair you have Denise! Love the streaks. Do you colour or is it natural? My childhood on the coast really sunstreaked my hair. My teachers used to get upset that I had coloured it.


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I did! I am not sure it did, but, it doesn't matter! It is the thought that counts! ❤️


I always know when it's time to get my hair cut when I need to start brushing it. Ew! I typically like to keep it short enough that I can just wash, towel dry, and be on my way.

But it's always very relaxing to visit a hairdresser, particularly when they wash. I've become infatuated with many a hair dresser that way.
