She was so beautiful, with her blended cultures and historical buildings. The towers have the most incredible views.I really love the charm of this city. Look how the reflection of the cobblestone streets takes possession of the city at night. They just seem to breathe new life into the old blue pavers that are characteristic of this beautiful old city.
A stroll through any one of their ally's is a memorable experience. Old San Juan is vibrant and a busy area with foot traffic in the city. The cobblestone streets remind you of the important history of the area. San Juan, Puerto Rico was one of the first cities established by Spanish colonizers in the "New World." The streets were paved with blue cobblestones starting in 1784. The original cobblestones were made using iron slag, the waste from smelting iron, and were used as ballast in ships that came from Europe in the 1700s. Most of the blue cobblestones have been replaced in an effort to make streets more evenly paved, but you can still see originals on Calle Cristo. Calle del Cristo is a steep cobblestone street in Old San Juan that is best known for being the Shopping District of Old San Juan. A stroll through any one of their ally's is a memorable experience. Old San Juan is vibrant and a busy area with foot traffic in the city.
It goes without saying that this cruise line is a gastronomic event. Food is so very subjective in my opinion and if you ask a hundred people about their food on board, you will always get a different answer. I have to say that I think the food differs a bit from ship to ship, but, I can say that the smaller ships always get my vote for the best food. Usually, the service too. I have to wonder if it is because there are fewer people to contend with?
The food is always served so elegantly. The courses are many and varied. Spoiled? A little. The service is the best. Absolutely. Who could ask for anything more? Thank you for taking the short tour through some of the ship.
There are cooking classes. You can learn to make sushi, decorate cakes and many other delectable delicacies. If you are lucky, you get selected from the audience and get an up-close and personal demonstration. It's fun and you can learn a lot. French classes, seminars, organized gambling gaming. Something for everyone.
This is the end of the line for me. Walk down the gangplank and you can disembark here. I want to thank you for coming along and supporting #MarketFriday! Have an amazing day!
Please leave the link to your post here so it can easily be found by others. It helps you and me to have them in one place. Where else can you take such a quick trip around the globe? Thank you so much for joining us!! ❤
And just like that, this post is done. I hope you had a good time and learned a little something new. As always, I want to thank you for taking the time to visit, and just remember, #MarketFriday loves you! Thank you for supporting the challenge! Cheers!!Always and always, there must be flowers to color my world. #alwaysaflower
The view from The Faro Blanco Restaurant in Aruba, is amazing at lunch and a wonderfully romantic place to steal away the night. I was taken with the scenery, and the sumptuous menu stole me away. Take a peek at it here.
I will say that traveling to different places all in the same vacation can be fun, but, if you don't like moving from place to place on vacation, you need to look at the itinerary a little more carefully.The truth is that you have usually a day, sometimes two in beween ports, especially on the longer cruises that exceed 14 days.

Fridays are all about the #MarketFriday Challenge! Looking to take part in it? Here is how:
Rules of the Road to Join #MarketFriday!
- Go to the market, or anywhere that you pay money for a service.
Take pictures! Be creative!
- Tell us a little bit about the market or the event. What brought you there? What did you buy? How much did it cost?
- Post the picture(s) Of course, you should tell a little bit about the ones you post
- Use the MarketFriday Community Platform to post #hive-196308 (this is not required, but appreciated)
5. Drop the link into the MarketFriday comment section so I can find it
- Following me and reblogging the post so more see it would be appreciated !! Not a rule, just appreciated, more vision for more views on your posts!
7. You must put #MarketFriday by @dswigle somewhere on your post.
As always, please remember! #MarketFriday loves you!
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Wow! What a journey, good to see the cruise industry seemingly making a recovery. That is one form of travel I have never done, but some day I'd love to visit the USA by way of freighter ship. The cost is the same as flying, but you've got all the additional transport expenses to get to ports and food costs, etc. First time seeing or hearing of bumper cars on a cruise ship.
The freighters are an excellent deal, sometimes beating the price of the airlines. The only thing you don't get is the entertainment and the posher quarters, but, that is not a big deal because the freighters always have a better itinerary, going places that the cruise industry won't touch.
Right now, there are few that are even hawking extra passengers, but, the time will come again. Do it! You won't be sorry!
The bumper cars have been on Royal Caribbean since 2016? I would have to look it up. They now have roller coasters! No kidding. Ice skating rinks, Trapeze shows... and of course, the ifly. If you can dream it, I think they would try to build it. Crazy people.
Hi, Justin @justinparke Hope all is well with you and the family!
Geez, girl. That sounds like an amazing experience. And the food. You got me hungry. I will have to make due with some frozen shrimp. LOL. That is hardly fair;)
Darn it! It's not fair. You just need to stow away. I am so lazy. I love the service, I won't lie. It makes me never want to come back, but, you know. We have to. Eventually. :)
Frozen shrimp? You almost live on the water! Just you and 18 miles separate you. Yikes!
Thanks for stopping by!
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More like 400 meters but you can't just go down to the Bay for shrimp.
I wrote 18 miles? Yikes. It was late! :) Mercy! LOL
throws you a fresh shrimp
Haha ... I went running the other day for the first time in years. I am good shape from martial arts, scooter rides, and lots of walking but not running shape. I am now sore literally from head to toe and so it might as well be 188 miles.
It hurts to laugh, beauty, it hurts to laugh:)
Inhear you. It was a tough spring after sitting out this winter. Oh my God.
I hear you. It was a tough spring after sitting out this winter. Oh my God.
oh my gosh - so we were looking at a cruise for this year - just a quick little getaway! They have FABULOUS deals right now!! hehehehe I've never been on this ship before but it looks like a BLAST!!!! The one we were looking at has a rollercoaster and an ice skating rink!! hahahaha what in the world?!?!?! LOL just like you said - it's just amazing what they can do!!!
up that high?!?!
NO NO NO NO NO NO NO!!!!!!!!!! I seriously got scared just looking at it! i'm serious hahaha and then STUCK up there?!?!?! you went back after you got stuck!?!?!? hahahahahaha
you crazy girl! LOL
I really should not have peaked at the beef wellington, and the lamb chops. ohhhhhhhh the lamb chops. hehhe
but you know what- I so agree... the best thing on the ship is when the service is top notch!!! It truly makes the difference!!! oh man - i'm so dying to go on another one soon!!!!
I hope it happens this year!!!!
What a great post for Market Friday!!! loved seeing all the things around the ship - fabulous idea to get people excited and having more fun exploring with you! hehehehe
Love you!
I love cruising! It is relaxing and such an easy way to get away to someplace beautiful and not have to fuss at all. I can go to Baltimore from here, about a half-hour away, and jump a ship there. Or take a train/car to NY, only 4 hours. It is pretty convenient. Baltimore is the best, just smaller ships. Which is good too. Smaller has better service. But, you have younger kids, so you need to keep them entertained.
It must have been the Carnival Mardi Gras you were looking at. They have the roller coaster. I am loyal to Royal. LOL I own their stock, so I have to use them. I use Royal, Celebrity and the Italian Line MSC OMG Doesn't that sound like all I do is cruise? Not true!
I don't mind heights. :) It did get stuck. Twice. Once over the water for ten minutes and so they didn't take it over the water for the rest of the trip. (You know because it is safer crashing on the ship!) eyeroll
The meals are always amazing and the cooking classes are fun. Well, everything really. :) The service? I love it. I am glad you stopped over, it has been fun. I hope you are having a great night!
Stay away from my tootsie rolls!
#MarketFriday loves you! ❤️
At least if the ball drops on the ship, they "may" be able to recover your body. Heavy ball drops into the sea?... unless it's water proof and floats, down to the bottom you will go. Talk about resting in peace !
Haha! OMG! Aren't you a bottle of sunshine! 🤣
I know ! Aint I ????
Lol! Yes!! Always! I hope you are having a great weekend! We had rain for about three minutes and then it just threatened for hours.
It might as well have rained.
Two days ago Lexa said it was supposed to rain a lot of the day today, but it was sunny and bright all day. Right about sundown, all of the sudden it started raining very large and loud drops. I think it only lasted about 20 minutes.
Sounds about right. Honestly? She is fired.
She will just say anything!... and I have considered firing her for real lately as she can't shut up with all the "by the ways" and "did you know?". I liked her better when she was from the old days and only spoke when asked a question.
Should have known she was too good to be true and now Amazon advertising through her unrequested by me.
I don't think so !
You can fix that in the permissions and settings. She just wouldn't let it go! She was relentless. By the way, can I address you by your 1st name? H*** no you can't! Now Get back in your Box.
I looked online for ways to make her stop it, but so far I haven't figured that out.
On the Amazon Alexa App, go to more, click on notifications, click on amazon shopping, scroll toward the bottom and disable shopping notifications - there are two, Also the Amazon community notifications also the Amazon followup- if you buy a book or anything, she will follow up.
For the one where she tries to call you by name or get too familiar with you, it is in the more settings like the other, then go to Alexa privacy. Within there, click on everything, there are multiple options: review voice history, review history of detected sounds, review smart home device history, and manage your Alexa data. There are descriptions for all, delete the history, and based on the description of what you don't want, have her erase your history so she doesn't remember it. Have her record as little as possible in the future. Does she recognize your voice? If she does, that in More Settings: account settings, recognize voices. Within there is also Amazon sidewalk, I turned mine off, it uses your bandwidth to connect all of your compatible devices and anyone in your area. Hello?
I didn't proof read that, let me know if you don't understand.
Lots of creeper options in there.
There are more than that, but, that is all I can think of right now... poke around and if I think of other creepy things, I will let you know.
Go to MORE SETTINGS: Reminders: missed reminder notifications. Personal Reminders. She will use voice recognition to differentiate.
You are safe. You are alone, just don't tell Alexa. I turned mine off.
Receive notifications for new things to try: That is under MORE SETTINGS: Notifications: Things to try. There are two options.
When Alexa has a hunch that you left a light on or a door unlocked, she can let you know. That is under the things to try: Hunches OMG! Really. Click on the gear in the righthand corner, options will pop up. @jacey.boldart
Oh.... she has offered to do the hunch thing and I said NO !! ...really mean ! LOL
I have gone in and changed anything I could find about shopping or other communications, suggestions and whatever else I could find, but so far, nothing has stopped her from taking the btw and did you know after she answers some question I ask. Gah !
Didn't it help in any way ? I hope so and if it didn't let me know I'll look around a little bit more.
I have previously went on the net to ask how to stop her and some places have suggestions and tell how, but I have done all that and so far, she still does it !
Did you look at all the different directions I gave you?
Yes and most I have turned off before. I worked on it before, but I keep hoping for a complete and total solution.
All the instructions I have previously done and all the forums I have found indicate there is no way to stop her. Of course as soon as she starts I tell her to stop and she doesn't finish, but that doesn't keep it from being annoying. :)
I'm back again with a second reply to this comment.
Just so you'll know, I put a comment on the FB amazon page and today Brandon (I didn't know president biden worked for FB ha ha) replied and stated there was currently no option to stop it !!
CRUD !!!!
Your trip and the ship sound awesome. I love the mock-skydiving experience it looks so fun.
Sublime food and fabulous, pampering service, oh my so tempting
But the thing that GOT me was that table overlooking the blue at Faro Blanco, now that’s my style. WoW 😊❤️🤔🤔❤️😊
I got so excited that I forgot to leave my link. Haha. (Anyway my little excursion looks so boring by comparison ❤️🤔❤️)
It is tempting, isn't it? The restaurant we went to did have a view, didn't it? I love it there and I am not even that fond of the island. People love it, but, the volcanic rock doesn't do much for me. But, that view? Yes!
The mock skydiving is fun. I love doing it.
Your post was not boring! I had fun and I love fabric too!!!
Thanks so much for joining the challenge!
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Hehe! Thanks for dropping your link! :)
and here is my #marketfriday post 💞
Thank you for dropping the link!
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Oh my gosh, those cruise ships really are like floating cities, aren't they? Mind blown! We have talked about doing one, but we keep fearing being trapped on board with contagious people. Ha ha. Someday.
I didn't know they had art galleries! Or that you could take cooking classes. Now I really am tempted! I do love great food, and that surf and turf platter looks so incredibly scrumptious!!
Okay, I'm writing my Market Friday post. I'll be back with my link....
And here it is!
They really are! You clicked on as I clicked off last night! Boo! I finished all the markets I had and ran off! :)
I always get a balcony so I never feel trapped. They always make it tempting, so go on a short one, 3 or 4 days and test the waters to see how you like it. That is what I did the first time I went. :) I still love going.
Oh, you did a market post! You are awesome @jayna! I am flying right over to check it out!
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Yes, I really think I want to do one some time. That's a great idea to start with a shorter one. I've always wanted to cruise to Alaska, but someplace tropical sounds good too. I understand there are people who live on cruises full time. Isn't that odd?
There are!! I met one guy!! His name is super Mario and he sails with Royal Caribbean. He is a widower with no children but only leaves the cruiseline for doctors appointments. It is strange, but they have ships you can BUY a cabin. No kidding. Weird!!
If flights to Florida are cheap , they always have 2 to 4 day cruises and even 5 day cruises all day long. By all day long, I mean everyday.
If I were going to attempt to stay on a cruise more thanA few weeks I would take one of those around the world Cruises. But I don't think I could stay away from my kids that long.
A cruise! That's what I call a vacation. An experience many of us will never have and here it shows how useful it is that we can read your experience here, told with your talent and your very good photos. Thank you!
My post, fortunately for me, today I managed to write something: What Other Shopping Did My Wife Do?
Thank you! I am truly touched by your efforts to put out a #MarketFriday every week. It does not go unnoticed.
I really hesitate to put out posts on things that may possibly be out of reach for medical/physical or financial reasons. I don't want to make anyone feel bad, just merely have a little fun. I can remember how fascinated I was when they started coming out with the big ships, but, I never want anyone to feel bad about it. I am not talking about you, you tolerate me. :)
A cruise from the States is actually cheaper than they are over on the other side of the pond. It costs 2 and 3 times as much for the ships from Europe and Asia. The ones ported here are much cheaper. One of the reasons a lot of Europeans fly over here to get their cruises instead of starting the cruise there.
I cannot figure out why.
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Well, if it was noticed, I'm very pleased, thank you!
This is a problem I often think about when I write, I wouldn't want to read someone hungry when I write about food or sadden someone who can't travel when I show my short vacations. They're no big deal, extremely modest but for someone who can't afford them they can be painful to look at. I think about it a lot... and I hesitate and I don't know what to do. I don't know how to write about anything but what I've lived and seen. I don't know how to write literature and fiction, I don't know how to write about crypto. I remember in my teens and young adulthood being angry that I couldn't have or couldn't travel, but now I don't have such problems. I've long gotten used to the thought that I have to be content with what I have. And I really am but I understand very well that there are many people on this earth who are more deprived of everything...
I also understand this aspect, that something that seems very luxurious and unattainable can be affordable without great expense. Those who prefer these cruises are not millionaires, are they? I didn't detect a millionaire attitude in you. You are a woman who has seen an enormous number of places, things, and situations and knows very well how to manage your life, so I think that what you show can be an example to which many of us should tend, each one with the level of his life.
Hope you have a great weekend!
Trust me, I notice that you always put the effort out. You are a much better person that way than I am. But, yes. I do notice.
It is such a difficult problem and always has been. A large part of my travel out of the US has been sponsored by the job, to do work for them, sometimes living there, sometimes traveling there, and occasionally visiting on my own. I felt lucky to have been paid to travel so many times. I think I benefited more than they did- in many ways.
Those who prefer these cruises can be millionaires, but, don't have to be. I have also become expert on how to make money work for a living, getting the most value from it. Mostly luck. You are definitely right. It is a stuggle to know which is okay and which may not be so okay. I constantly have internal fighting, trying to do the right thing. Perhaps I watched to many happily ever after movies and like to dream.
Thanks so much for your words, Dan! @bluemoon. I always appreciate them. Have a beautiful Sunday!
Well, you can't say I'm better than you, even if only in this situation. I know well the effort you make with this community and challenge.
Yes, I have long understood that you have traveled so much helped by your work and this kind of travel is the best and desirable but there are few who can have that. This was your fate and of course, you must be happy that it happened.
I have known people who have traveled all over the world because of their profession. He was a sports journalist and went to all the sports competitions in the world.
Now I already have to wish you a wonderful week!
That would be amazing, of course! Having to travel to sports comptitions! Hurt me, yes? :))
Yes, it is already late there in Bucharest! I wish you a wonderful night!
Yes, it was late, I didn't see this answer again. I'm thinking it's now your night and hopes you have a good rest!
My wife and I love cruising and Royal Carribean is our favorite line. They always have so many activities. We have only done Oasis and Allure though, which are basically the exact same boat with different shows. These two boats look awesome as well.
Royal is our favorite too. I no longer go on Oasis or Allure as their itinerary is only okay and the shows don't change. Because of their size, there are a lot of places they cannot get into. They had to build special ports for them to get in.
One of the reasons we go on smaller ships is because they go to more ports (ones that I want) for longer. Anthem docks at Bermuda for 3 days. There are trade-offs either way. They do the same shows for 2 years or more... now I cannot remember.
We went on the Italian Liner MSC as their itinerary had very different ports than Royal did. The ship was beautiful, but it lacked organization, sanitary conditions, and response to customers. :)
But, a little improvement could make it go a long way. Thanks for stopping by!
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Yeah it's hard to do the same ship more than once because of that. The stops are often the same too so it can feel like you are doing the exact same trip and it can feel a bit repetitive. We often switch up the boats if possible. We like the celebrity line as well. The food is a little better but the entertainment isn't quite as good as R.C. so there are trade offs. We did one Norwegian ship and the bars and nightlife were excellent but shows mediocre and food nowhere near the other cruises we have done. R.C. tends to be an all around better choice for us. High ratings all around in my opinion. We haven't done a cruise in at least 4-5 years though.
I went on two MSC cruises just as COVID hit. I had to hurry home to make the ports. They were Italian ships, but the ports were all different as was their itinerary. It was great. Entertainment was very Italian, so all opera (no kidding, only opera) and there was no real ship life, so swim and drink and gamble. Boom. That is it. But, the ships are beautiful, and every time you leave a port, they put on the loudspeaker Andrea Bocelli singing the Goodbye song. It was a nice touch. They can hear it for miles.
I am not a fan of Norwegian except for the bars and some of the nightlife, Celebrity doesn't have great customer service or the dining but, I like it and all in all, RC is our favorite.
I need a cruise. Pronto. Or Italy. One of the other.
There you go!
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What a beauty there is . Thank you, dear, for the wonderful mood that appears looking at such photos. I can imagine how well you rested in all this variety and luxury :-)
I wish you a wonderful weekend and excellent health, Denise!
Greetings, Svetlana! @singa You leave me such beautiful flowers, soft in color and I can only guess the perfume to be sweet! I am very lucky to be able to go on these cruises every once in a while. It is special, every time.
Thank you for stopping by and leaving your words. I hope you have a super Sunday tomorrow!
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My wife wanted to go on a cruise for a long time but I didn't really like the idea of stuck there with mostly the casino.
Anyway, off to the night market again recently
Wow! The cruises of today do not only have a casino! They are always stopping at different ports. Perhaps you need to do a cruise from the US... They always go to the Caribbean or Alaska! :)
I don't gamble so I don't care if it has a casino. Besides they can't gamble unless they are 7 miles out to sea. :)
Thanks so much for dropping the link!
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Yes, one that goes Anchorage when there is 24 hours of daylight should be interesting.
The Alaskan trips are very popular and sought out. Nearly one-third of Alaska lies above the Arctic Circle, but Alaskans are fairly informal about claiming they live with the midnight sun. All parts of the state enjoy long daylight hours in summer, even Ketchikan, the state's southernmost population center, where there are more than 17 hours of daylight on June days. Then again, in Barrow, Alaska (renamed to their original Indian name) for two months, they have polor light, which is darkness. :) from November to January, where late January, the sunrise comes back again for the rest of the year.
It is interesting to have night/day all day.
Hey, I got a new #MarketFriday post. I'm not exactly sure where it would be best to leave a comment, so I picked your last post in this community. Also, I hope the fact that it's posted on a Tuesday won't take anything away from it.
This is the exact place to put those posts! Right here on #MarketFriday. Tuesday is hard because most people interact in the first few days of the posts, but, it may get lost posting off cycle.
Here are the guidelines:
Take pictures! Be creative!
5. Drop the link into the MarketFriday comment section so I can find it
7. You must put #MarketFriday by @dswigle somewhere on your post.
Okay, so I guess I did everything correctly then. The only thing I'm still not sure about is the "MarketFriday comment section". I assume that would be the comment section of one of your posts in the MarketFriday community, most probably the latest one. At least that's what I think would be the most likely place for you to find it.
You are in it @stortbeker I usually recommend that you check out a couple of other people's posts so that there is interaction on here. Plus, it is a nice thing to do in a community. I especially tell the newbies that it is important to their doing well overall on Hive. You are not so new. :)
You are correct in all of your thoughts. Thank you for posting in #MarketFriday. Sadly, my voting power is almost nill at this late date as I always have a lot of posts and I am the only one upvoting them. My apologies.
#MarketFriday loves you!
No worries about the voting power. It's all good if you spread it out. I can help you with that too.
It really is and I like to see the new people get rewarded. Being new is hard enough. :)
This reminds me of dodgems from my childhood. Some kids did the same. As long as they do this in bumper cars/dodgems, and not on the road in real cars, this is fine.
This may sound weird, but I do not have fear if I think about skydiving. I rather have excitement. I have not tried it so far, but I think that it would be interesting and exciting. Once it would good to try it out.
Have a nice day. All the best. Greetings and much love from Hungary.
I have fear but I went anyway. The 1st time I went it was before I had kids, And I have only been a few times since then. There's something about having kids that grounds you And I no longer feel the same as I did when I was just me. Thanks so much for stopping by I'm moving your words and I just want you to know that #MarketFriday loves you!
A lot to do. There is no time to get bored or dizzy because the movement of the ship (if you feel any). Do you feel any movement of the ship, being such a big ship? I wonder. I would have driven the bumper cars and tried the ifly too. The wave swimming pool is also great. Quite exciting to me . I guess those attractions are not included in the price of the package. I guess you have to pay on board for them , or am I wrong ? Too many people in the pool for my liking. I would spend lot of time in the bar and the restaurant or anywhere I could sunbathe ,and enjoy the sea with no many people around ( is it possible? ) .
Those boats are huge. God! How amazing! I have never seen one of those.
Beautiful picture from that restaurant in Aruba.
My room had a balcony and they are all private. You can sunbathe on your balcony without a problem. I actually did not show you 1/4 of the ship because it just takes too much time and nobody would read it if it's too long it's too long. There is a whole casino and library and many restaurants and shopping. There is an ice skating rink, about 25 bars, and lounges, maybe more, piano bars, little conversation corners, and several theaters for plays/musicals and entertainment. they have dancing, comic clubs, and jumbo movie screens at the pools All of the things that you saw are included in the price of your cruise. The ships are huge and you don't feel real movement unless, of course, the sea is angry. Lol
Most of the locations are exactly like that. They are only incredibly beautiful. Thank you so much for stopping by and reading my post. I hope you are having a wonderful week.
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Amazing ! So interesting for me to get to know people who have enjoyed such a great experience.
The can be fun and very relaxing. I mostly prefer to go on a vacation to one place but, this is easy to arrange and if the timing is right, it actually saves money. Can you believe that?
WOW what an experience that must be, the size and granduer of the ships always amazes me, and so much to do as you showed us here, I wondered how you got that shot of the pools then you showed me right way, now gettign stuck up there wouldnt freak me out, But Lulu well lets just say that would be a different story
here is my post for this week
It is an experience, which is fun for me, especially when I want to go away for a short time, but, don't want to do a bunch of planning. Of course, planning is half the fun, isn't it, but sometimes, I am okay with letting them do it. I just want to eat and have fun. LOL
Getting stuck up there didn't freak me out either but, one lady truly will never, ever do it again. Trust me. They never did go out over the ocean with the arm for the rest of the trip. Because dropping on the deck would feel much better! LOL
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Lulu likes to plan
Me for vacations I prefer the go with the flow planning for me goes as far as deciding where to go and then I wing it from there
Haha! No wonder she is in charge. Women like to know how it is going to go down. We had kids. We know how it can all go south without a plan.
I actually like it both ways. Plan and no plan. Both work, unless there is a monkey wrench and then best-laid plans don't work either.
In the past we have semi compromised a bit of planning but sometimes throwing the plans out the window and we go where our hearts take us
And that's a plus with no planning never a monkey wrench thrown in lol
Of course you love pink! It is such a joyful colour. I didn't realize these luxury liners offered such a diverse selection of activities. While I would definitely throw myself into a flying session, I think I'd prefer sipping champayne and sampling all those wonderful dishes! What a wonderful vacation Denise. And a fascinating floating market!
Hehe. Well, you know how I like to be different. :)
There is time for both! You can do all the activities and you still have plenty of time for the champagne and fancy food. I do love pink and red and blue... Can we love it all? I think we can! I did take a cooking class/seminar too. I didn't show nearly 1/4 of what goes on. The ballet and broadway-like shows with professionals in the billets were and are always pretty amazing.
Of course, I like regular days away too. Each has its own place. I didn't take my kids when they were really young, but, people do and they have daycare there! I never put my kids in daycare, but, most were happy to be there so it must be part of their life. Here is one of the smaller dining rooms. It was called Wonderland, as in Alice in Wonderland. They had the right food for the story!
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Wow. This cruise is insane. What a wonderful experience. It has everything on it and the food looks amazing too.
I have never been on the cruise and to tell you the truth, I am scared to go on it but I love seeing the experiences people have and the beautiful views.
It is actually very safe, I have been on many of them and I have to say that the first time, I was a little bit apprehensive as I didn't know how things worked, but, it was comfortable once we got there.
It is a very wonderful experience and from the broadway shows to ballet, to outright musicals and music, it is always moving. However, you can do as much or as little as you like. That is the joy of it.
I think you would like it once you went. They go out of their way to make you comfortable. They even have spas, hairdressers, nail salons, and jewelry shops. I couldn't believe it when I saw it for the first time.
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Hi Denise! I always love to read about your market adventures and I haven´t been cruising. I once experienced these huge ships docking in the ports of St.Croix in US Virgin Islands and they were really really huge. I hope to be in one of these cruise liners someday.
Here is my adventure :
Thanks and enjoy your future cruises..Cheers my dear Denise!
They stop all over the Caribbean! I have been to St. Croix on a cruise ship again soon! Sometimes people fly over from Europe as the cruises are cheaper from here than Europe.
I hope you get to go some day... in the meantime, I want to thank you for joining #MarketFriday and for dropping your link!
#MarketFriday loves you!
How grand the cruise ship is, and so much to do. And all those activities.
Haven’t gone on a cruise yet so far, but planning too one day, just to experience it.
It is just to bad that you don’t have longer after docking to explore an area… but yes, it is sure a different holiday.
The food does look delicious.
And the views on Aruba… stunning. It’s in my list to visit the abc-islands as Dutchie I sure should 😎
Thanks for sharing Denise 😁
My post for today:
“Market Friday” ~ Beautiful and award winning Benalmádena Port - Spain 🇪🇸
Have an amazing Friday… I’m a bit later today… but will go and spread some love around in the community!
You actually do get to spend days at some places, it just depends what kind of cruise you book and who you go with. Things have changed a bit since Covid, so I am not as familiar with all of them anymore.
I take one out of Baltimore which is close and it stays in Bermuda for three days, long enough to see plenty of island that is only 1 mile wide and less than 12 miles long. :)
It is a different holiday and for busy people that cannot get much time off but want to relax, choosing the right one can be amazing. I prefer the smaller ships with more personal service if I am lazy. :)
Aruba is amazing but not my favorite island. I really like Bonaire and Curacao in that group. I have been to Aruba the least to be fair. I flew in once and cruise the others.
Thanks for being part of #MarketFriday!
Ok, will have to look further into it than. As I think we would like to see more than just a few hours somewhere.
That’s sounds interesting and it does give you plenty of time. Thanks for the info Denise.
It works for them yes, still a holiday, taken care off and just relax… I can imagine.
We probably prefer the smaller ones too.
I hope to visit all tree of them and just explore a bit. As all 3 are so different from each other. But that’s with the Spanish islands too for example. All are so different. To many places to visit and on my list hahaha 🤣 one day at a time….
Happy to be here!
Most of Europe is like that to me also, each and every country so close, yet, so different. The 3 islands are totally different from each other. Bring your scuba gear to Bonaire! Best diving ever! Walk off beaches! That is so different from any other place. I just love Curacao and their swing bridge, and all the little tiny things that say the Netherlands. Aruba surprised me the first time I went, but, the beaches are gorgeous and the terrain is volcanic. That surprised me.
You will get there, of this I have no doubt. All of the islands in the Caribbean have their own flavor, one of the reasons it can be fun.
Some many places to see!
Yes, indeed… all countries in Europe are like that. Each so different from the next.
Ooo that sounds just lovely. Yep one day. I think it just went higher up our list to visit them 😉🤓
I had that with Guadeloupe. One side of the butterfly wing different to the other wing. And the left one was volcanic too. It creates such a beautiful and interesting landscape. 🥰
Indeed, but we are still young 😉 kinda hahaha 🤣
Kinda. LOL
Hahaha 🤣 💃🏻💃🏻💃🏻
Happy Sunday 👋🏻☀️
Thanks for dropping your link!
Of course… makes things easier 😁
It really does! Thanks again! Let's run out and get some fresh calamari!
You are welcome!
Yes…. On my way 😁😁😁🤩🤩🤩
Well, I failed. I made pasta sauce with sausage and meatballs for tonight. Not a fail, but, really calamari would have been my first choice.
I was too lazy to go down to the docks after the morning slipped by. No way I want to get stuck in that traffic and first off the boat is always best.
I was putting together sauce anyway, so that worked.
Aaawwww don’t worry Denise. I didn’t manage either. But….
I go tomorrow out for lunch to a Chiringuito with hubby, he’s back home from the business trip. 🥳💃🏻
So we will get some fresh calamari.
Pasta sauce with sausage and meatballs sounds delicious too. 🥰 You had a valid reason not to get stuck in traffic.
I worked till late today and had not much time.
I had the meat from the dish I cooked yesterday for yesterday’s foodie post. “Limburgs Zuurvlees” the one we talked about.
Just today I didn’t make it with fries, I baked sweet potatoes in the oven and made a fresh salad with it. The meat was even better than yesterday.
Have a wonderful evening @dswigle 👋🏻😁
Yes! I did and then I never got finished with my day until a little while ago. But, I am here and hopefully will finish up the markets that were posted after I was done last night.
I hope your day was awesome!
Good morning @dswigle
It sure was Denise thanks 😊
Glad to hear yours was too, even though busy. And you managaed to go through all the posts.
There were many, I didn’t manage them all 😉 will check later today.
Enjoy your Sunday! 👋🏻☀️💃🏻
I did but of course, there are more today and tomorrow too usually - sometimes Tuesday. Never-ending. :) There were actually few this week, even fewer comments on the post than normal. It is summer, so usually in the summer we are all busy doing things and winter seems busier with posting/blogging etc. I am good with that.
Busy having fun is needed. :)
Hope your Sunday is going well. I jut checked back in after finishing things!
Yes, they will remain and come in every day… posts hehe
It’s sad to see that there are just not more people engaging and commenting. Would have thought it would have been more with dreemsteem’s challenge…
But yes, it’s summer time. Probably a big reason and some are not as much on here with the crypto crashing. People are more busy now than in the winter time. And they should go out and enjoy themselves too 😁👋🏻☀️
So far it was great, after being back from being out all morning. Now just caught up on my notifications… so can have a look around 😁🤗
Have fun Denise… it’s so important 😎
Yes, it is, many people post and run.
Why would you think that out of curiosity?
Summer always is quieter and the price only compounds that. Yes. That is par for the course of normal. Oh, yes. I take my time and use up all my fun cards. :))
Oh, baby! You are preaching to the choir! Been there, done that already today. Now, it's time to Hive for a bit. Bye!
I thought as people that follow dreemsteem, her challenges, would join in for her challenge, Market Friday last Friday. As I read some posts of them, they haven’t done so before, joining in at market Friday I mean. So I thought more people around the community. Maybe some stay 🤞🏻But turned out, as you say, there are not more posts.
Good to hear… doing the same. We had fun most morning and afternoon. Now chill out, some hive, some reading and cooking dinner in a bit. Maybe a movie and some wine 🍷 later 🥰
Yep live is good 😊
Bye bye now 👋🏻 Talk later!
I'm grateful for the collaboration and its fun having different cultures and people join. We always have a good mix and the first time for some is difficult. Most if her people hadn't, a few have, but most were commenting not posting. .. such as you, Ed, and a couple more. It's all good and I hope she gets some positive movement from it.
Enjoy your evening!
Yes, they are great and much fun. I love it when different cultures do mingle. And we see posts from all over the world.
It’s all good and we had sure some beautiful entries 😁
Thanks and you too 👋🏻🤗
A very interesting place. I really liked it!
Thank you. It was a no-fuss vacation! They planned it all for me. Of course, I do like regular vacations planning it all myself too. This is just a different exerience.
Thanks for dropping the link!
#MarketFriday loves you!
I have never heard about a cruise @dswigle and your post tells that it is beyond my imagination. I never could imagine that a boat trip be that beautiful and exciting. The nost thrilling of all I found is sky diving. What an exciting and wonderful experience it would be...
The view from the testaurant is prolific, amazingly brautiful that would sink a person in its beauty. I would love to visit such a place someday.
Here is the link to my post
Thank you! I am glad you enjoyed the post and the ifly skydiving adventure was fun. although a little more difficult than I imagined.
The island that you see in the picture is the island of Aruba in the Southern Caribbean/off the coast of Venezuela.
Thank you for reading the post and the comment, and dropping the post!
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Sounds like everything is in there. You can ride the water and be in the water, be in the sky and ride the air. Enjoy a historical place, learn to cook, reflect on those arts then enjoy the food and the view and your your favorite color. What a tour!
I will be posting my entry later on.
Happy weekend!
Hehe! Truth, isn't it? You can do all that and most of it is already planned for you. It is a fun sort of relaxation, but, I also like a regular vacation too.
There is room for both in this world.
I look forward to getting your post. Thank you so much for reading and supporting #MarketFriday!
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Given the chance, if I was on that cruise, I would probably be staying longer than what I intended initially lol!
Haha! I have gone on a back to back because it was so nice!!
(so is this the one I stick my post on hahahaha - if not... shhhh just tell me and I'll delete it hahaha)
but you already visited... but i still want to follow the rules hahaha
This is the one! ❤️ I love it when you follow rules! Thank you! Now everyone can find you!
Thank you! This is fun, but, after a whole day of work, I am off to bed in a few! I will be back in the morning!
#MarketFriday loves you!
Wow.. What a wonderful cruise trip with dear Denise! I really enjoy the overall trip you presented..The beautiful pools, bumper cars, especially the art painting with Water lily which is amazing art piece, I like the color matching of painting as it looked very refreshing.
Here my link #MarketFriday:
THANK YOU SO MUCH DENISE! Have a great weekend, stay safe!
Thank you so much, @cherryng !! I loved that painting so much, I bought it! It was an amazing piece and I spent a week before the auction, watching the man paint it!
It was a great trip! Thank you so much for reading and dropping your link! Your support is appreciated!
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Wow it is very eyes catching! I like the colour and it stand up! It must be costly as it is really an amazing art works!
Thank you! I really do like it! They shipped it to me after the cruise. It came by freight and it was heavy once they crated it!
Hi! My post for this week!
Nice pink vibes! Hectic life as usual over here.
Have a nice day!
:) Yes. Pink Vibes for sure! Thanks so much for reading the post and for taking the time to submit it to #MarketFriday! I know it is hectic there and I hope you slow down a bit and get some rest!
Have a peaceful week ahead! One can only hope, yes?
#MarketFriday loves you!
Thanks so much for your generous support always. Trying to be more centered in a stressful world at the moment. Too many diversions for my limited energy! Must be more focused though!
Have a wonderful week.
I like cruises... for the food! That's a substantial dinner there of Beef Wellington and Lobster thermidor. How about that Lamb!
Hehe. For the food. I agree with you! Which cruise line do you use? The food is usually really awesome! Thanks for taking the time to drop in!
#MarketFriday loves you!
Norwegian, Princess Cruises, Carnival, and (one the best) Disney Cruises. But I haven't gone in two years. I'm planning one July next year to Alaska.
Here is my entry, @dswigle. Every other week, I do my #marketfriday on Saturdays.
So, you are a repeat offender @silversaver888 ! :))
I agree Disney is awesome, but, I have been leaning more towards Royal Caribbean in the last few years. (okay, we cannot count covid time!) Alaska next year? That is an incredible trip. It's possible I will be there next year too! I don't want to travel overseas quite yet, so I am refocusing on the US. We have so many amazing places to go.
Thank you for taking the time to put together a #MarketFriday post. I realize you have to stretch yourself so thin to be there for everyone and I appreciate how you operate! ❤️
You know #MarketFriday loves you!
It's a whole baby world on those ships, Denise! hehe, I haven't been on a cruise, ever... but I have been up in the London Eye, which offers great views of the city and river as it turns round and round, so I have an idea of what it must have been like. Every New Years the London Eye forms the backdrop of the fireworks display too. I've done the indoor skydiving thingie too. It was fun... not so easy to grasp the climb and descent though, ... needed a fair bit of steadying if I wasn't just hovering in one spot !LOLZ. I think I might take in the odd cocktail on a sea cruise and definitely, most definitely look forward to the times that we docked and I could stroll the cobble streets of some ancient town, explore the old churches and architecture, and finally chill out and take in the restful views. Bliss, such is life... throw in a mountain... and I would be made up... having said that... that is just what I am about to do with my own post... I am going to take a little wander back 21 years to an amazing day trip I took whilst on holiday...!!! !LUV
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I told him that's the last thing I need.
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Thanks for the lolz!
Excellent! I will catch it tomorrow as I am headed off for the night. I am familiar with the London Eye and wouldn't that be cool on New Year's Eve!
The ifly is not that easy and that was me hovering, and you are right, it is not that easy, but, if you relax, the movements are much easier. You can even flip! :) It is all about the relax and posture.
Oh, yes, the adventure is what it is all about! I am looking forward to reading your post! Thanks for joining and I hope you have a great weekend!
#MarketFriday loves you!
Great tour. Coincidentally, we also went to a carnival and here is our entry for #Marketfriday:
Thank you and that is great!!! I love carnivals! I was traveling through a small town on the Polish/Russian border years ago, in the middle of nowhere, and came upon a little carnival!!! I didn't have any money left, only dollars and they let my kids ride for free! It was so nice!! It was the best carnival simply because the people were so kind. And nobody spoke English.
I appreciate you dropping the link!
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wow! I remember it!!! you wrote about cruise ships. it's grand!!! I have seasickness but I can safely travel with you))) 6 swimming pools!!!!! Oh no! I would never climb into that capsule!!! 😮🙈 art gallery is great! It's always interesting to look at beautiful works of art. I completely agree with you: what you buy should evoke pleasant emotions in you. I didn’t quite get it: cooking courses right on board??????? 😮 The view from the restaurant is really beautiful! 😀 I hope you had a great time on this cruise.
For most people that get seasick, the larger boats don't bother them, mostly because you don't have the same movement as you do with smaller sailing vessels. Funny enough, I have one brother who gets seasick, but, he never did when he was growing up, we lived on the sea and he went fishing all the time in the boat we had.
Hehe. The capsule was kind of fun until it got stuck. :) I do love looking at art, all different kinds. I always worry about people that buy in a rush of emotion and then, it disappears.
Yes! Cooking classes/courses on board. It is pretty fun! I had a wonderful time on that cruise! Here is the cooking class: We were making cakes, exotic ones. :) Thanks so much for participating and dropping your link!
marvelous!!!!! you can go on a cruise and come back with the profession of a cook! 😀 stuck in a capsule oh no! I would die of fear there 😮 you are very brave!
Haha! Well, perhaps I will be able to perfect one dish! LOL
Not brave! I didn't know we would be stuck! :) I might not have gone up! Maybe if I take a class every time I go, I could become professional something, right? LOL
Hello, I appreciate your post ma.
This is my entry for this week -
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Hello dear friend @dswigle
This is my entry to accompany your invitation
Enjoy the weekend
Thanks for reading the post and dropping the link @jlufer!
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That is an awesome place.
Here is our entry to Market Friday
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Here is my link
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Hello dear friend @dswigle good day
What pleasant memories, I imagine what those walks with your parents must have been like. That's what life is all about, doing something different
What beautiful shots, a beautiful way to invest our money enjoying the game
I appreciate you sharing this beautiful collection of images with all of us. happy market friday
Thanks so much @jlufer! They are pleasant memories and guess what? They are cruising and having fun already. :)
It is different, but, it is a good different most days. It is a carefree vacation where they do everything for you. All you worry about is the fun and the relaxation.
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Its an awesome friday, i like the bumper car, sky drive and water skate board too. Beautiful food and finally a flower, everything make it more attractive to watch.
Thank you for reading the post and for dropping your link! I hope you are having a wonderful weekend!
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Hey!!! Enjoy my #marketfriday
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That pool looks fun!
It was pretty awesome! So cool that you got your daughter posting! She is adorable!❤️
Thanks for stopping in!
#MarketFriday loves you!
You're welcome, Denise and thank you to you too. Xoxoxo
i love your area, with so many sights i have never seen.
this is really amazing :)
Thanks so much for stopping by and leaving your link!
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you're welcome :)
My market 😉
Look at you! Looks like Candyland! :)
It really looks like fun and a little delicious too! Thanks so much for dropping your link!
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Thank you for the notification @hivebuzz!!
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You're welcome @dswigle, it's well deserved! Congrats on being so active on Hive 😊👍
Have a nice weekend 🌹🌹🌹
Upvoted on behalf of the VYB Curation Project
Thanks for the upvote! Much appreciated!
@dswigle, sorry originally wanted to post about the fish market and port, but the narration and photos aren't ready yet. Thank you.
That is fine. You can save it for next week and work on it during the week. That will make it easier! :)
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Thanks so much!
wow it's a very beautiful place. looks like a lot of entertainment there.
There is a lot of entertainment, you have to choose what you want to do - you cannot do it all.
Thanks for stopping by!
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Yes friend, thank you very much
haven't been in a cruise! thanks for sharing your experience and enjoyment. I did enjoyed the cruise today :)
They can be fun, but, I love regular vacations too! This is just a different experience!
Thanks for stopping by and leaving your words!
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Did you drop your link here @eylz619?
oopps not yet.. will drop it here :) sorry I forgot
Nice, luxurious cruise ship and super complete facilities,like a super hotel. Certainly happy and not everyone can get on a cruise, it may be expensive to take a cruise. Thank you very much.
That is true, but, it was a fun post to do. I never knew what it was like until I went on one.
Thank you for taking a look!
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Upvoted on behalf of the VYB Curation project
Thank you very much! :))
This is amazing place to be trust has all the qualities that made it awesome
Thanks so much for your words - it was a really nice vacation. I would do it again and again ... and maybe again.
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Alright ma'am.. enjoy your weekend
You too!
Thank you for dropping your link!
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My entry
Thank you for reading the post and dropping your link @cindynancy! Much appreciated.
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Thank you so much for Reposting, @pixresteemer! Much appreciated!
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