Burnside Farms Flowers of the Sun: Market Friday

Welcome back to Burnside Farms! First, there were endless tulips, and every time you went there you could pick 10 flowers for free. Never a limit on when you could come. I went at least 4 or 5 times a week. I went, took some flower pictures and went home. Endless tulips at my house stopped to give flowers to my neighbors, the retirement village, and even the post office. Everyone got flowers. I bought vases at the dollar store, for $1.00 each! So for the price of $1.00 each, there was much happiness in this town. I got many pictures of tulips and had some cards made and a good time was had. I count that as a win!

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Today is #MarketFriday initiated by @dswigle (Denise, that's me!!) Join me as we share our markets across the globe. I always look forward to seeing what you send me! It is amazing to see the different markets and cultures of our friends here on Hive.

Thanks for purchasing your Passport!
We can't wait to see you in the flower fields this spring and summer
So, what's next?

They have been sending me all sorts of little notes to let me know they were expecting me back. How nice was that? Tulips in the Spring and Sunflowers in the late summer. Could it have gotten any better? Look! I even got a bonus bee.

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Burnside farms is a flower farm in the more rural part of the area. I was gifted a pass, called a Passport to Burnside Farms for Mother's Day. I looked them up on the website to get the information and found that the passport is $70.00, which is a lot to just look at flowers, but, it is for one month. You can go every day, three times, four times, whatever you want. Ten free flowers every time you go! Anyone you want. Also, included in your passport? You get to go to the sunflowers! Fifty acres of sunflowers and you can go every day to that! You get three free flowers every time you go. This will close in the first week of September, so six weeks of sunflowers. I am in flowers all season practically! For $70.00!

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This was the very first day. So people would not be disappointed they sent everyone a note saying, The first day and the last day are when there are the least flowers. Don't worry! New sunflowers pop every single day. I'm going back later today, closer to sunset. I could see they are a lot taller and more abundant! I am ready for it. They are open 8 am to 9pmm every day. Sunrise would be nice also, but, the owner is there the entire time they are open and I will just have to imagine how pretty it is, or I can hunt down a farmer's field of them. I usually come across many of them, but, the weather was crazy this spring, leaving the farmers to go instinctively rather than how they usually plant. What's going on, Mother Nature?

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Has your weather been crazy this year or is it in the same weather pattern as always? Truth be told, we have been having rain, more than normal, but, it usually comes at the end of the day, mostly into the night. What is strange is there have been so many lighting and thunderstorms this year, that it even struck four people that were visiting the White House. (standing on the outside South Gate looking in) Four struck and three of them died. Crazy. So many lightning strikes/deaths this year.

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Our Summer of Sunflowers is a bit more predictable, so you can expect us to email you around the second week in July to let you know the date for that event. Our Passport holders will be the very first to see the spring and summer flower fields this year!

We were the first! There were four of us for hours, while the rest of the world took care of children and worked their jobs. It was a marvelous day to not be working. Of course, there weren't that many sunflowers, but, there were enough to make me happy. I am so very easy to please. A few camera club people showed up later and it is always good to hear their tips and ideas on how to take the best pictures and angles. Of course, then the botanical people from the flower club showed up and they started dissecting the sunflower. In all, it was fun listening to some very interesting conversations.

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Fifty =/- acres. I know that isn't big to most of you, but, it is a generous amount of sunflowers.It is nice to not that there are benches all over for people to take a break and sit for a moment or three. See that farm, way back and to the right? The farm belongs to the people that own Burnside Farms. You can take a picnic as they have benches and tables, a huge playground for the kids, tractor rides, drinks, and of course, sunflowers!

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For those of you who read the post, you are probably the ones who take the time to read a few #MarketFriday posts. As a courtesy, it would be nice to see people doing that without me having to ask. I have to say that it warms my heart to see a genuine comment. It is the interactions between people that make this platform special. People caring for people. I am interested in what your life is like. Stop and take a moment with people. It isn't all about the money. Sometimes, it is about the people too. For those that read the posts, thank you, truly.

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Burnside Farm
11008 Kettle Run Road
Nokesville, Virginia 20181

Visit Burnside Farm to enjoy the beautiful sunshine, walk among 50 acres of sunflower fields, and pick your own to bring home. Bring a picnic (or grab some barbeque from our friends at USA BBQ under the tent near the picnic area) and, if you have kids, they can expend some energy in our play area to ensure a great night of sleep. Don’t forget about the amazing Sunflower Sunsets on the farm. There’s nothing more beautiful than enjoying the colors of a summer evening beyond a field of stunning flowers.

Your well-behaved, leashed four-legged friends are welcome to the sunflower fields, so no need to leave your dog or kitty at home.

Burnside Famrs

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Please leave the link to your post here so it can easily be found by others. It helps you and me to have them in one place. Where else can you take such a quick trip around the globe? Thank you so much for joining us!! ❤

As always, there must be flowers to color my world. #alwaysaflower

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And just like that, this post is done. I hope you had a good time and learned a little something new. As always, I want to thank you for taking the time to visit, and just remember, #MarketFriday loves you! Thank you for supporting the challenge! Have a most fabulous day! Cheers!!





Fridays are all about the #MarketFriday Challenge! Looking to take part in it? Here is how:

Rules of the Road to Join #MarketFriday!

  1. Go to the market, or anywhere that you pay money for a service. Museum, art gallery, bowling, barber shop, or hairdresser. Cultural event. You are allowed to think outside the box!
    Take pictures! Be creative!
  2. Tell us a little bit about the market or the event. Where is it? What brought you there? What did you buy? How much did it cost? Was it expensive? Did it go up or down? I don't need 50 pictures unless you are willing to explain them all.
  3. Post the pictures. Of course, you should tell a little bit about the ones you post. What seems obvious to you may not be obvious to all.
  4. Use the MarketFriday Community Platform to post (#hive-196308) This is not required but appreciated.
    PLEASE Drop the link into the MarketFriday comment section so I can find it!!
  5. Following me and reblogging the post would be appreciated, but not a rule, more vision for more views on the #MarketFriday posts!
  6. You must put #MarketFriday by @dswigle somewhere on your post. Please. Please.
  7. Please check out some of the other #MarketFriday posts!

As always, please remember! #MarketFriday loves you!

#TeamUSA is a growing community of quality-content people from the United States or those living here. Check us out on Discord!

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I would say 70 bucks is a pretty fair deal for all of the fun to be had. Just all the photo opportunities make it worth it, especially for tulips and sunflowers!! A farmer here had them along a busy road for a crop. He should have taken a page from these guys and charged admission. He would post sign to try to take the photo seekers out, but I am sure they still knocked down some of his crop. He hasnt planted them in ages now.

I got my MF done finally.


I love going there and am making some cards out of the tulips and the sunflowers. I agree the $70.00 has been well worth it. Although it was a gift, I would daresay that next year, I would get it for myself. I could spend many hours there! Many farmers plant the sunflowers for borders and fields of them. These make wonderful cut flowers and the seeds are great too! They also try to attract birds for the use of pest control and bees to improve the harvest. Farmers plant them to try to detox possible contaminated soil. They are such a great deal! These flowers are more than a pretty face! They are actually useful! :) They come from Maryland and are over an hour away to get pictures. Your farmer is losing money!

Thank you for continuing to support #MarketFriday! It is always appreciated!

#MarketFriday loves you!


Here I am visiting you beautiful blog full of love, laughter and flowers. Always so enjoy the light and energy that flows from you heart onto this social platform dear Denise. ❤️



I have missed you and hope all is well with you and yours. I would travel through your profile, with only the lonely blowing of the wind calling out to me.

Le sigh.

I am happy about your return and woo-hoo! You #MarketFriday-ed me! ❤️ Thank you and again, welcome back, baby

MarketFriday Loves You!


Burnside Farms! It's a place where I'd love to spend many hours, as you do. Unfortunately, they're far too distant. In the part of the world where I live there is no such initiative. It's all about money! A real market, isn't it?
Tulips and sunflowers! Lovely flowers. I know how much you love them and I'm glad you have them in abundance.
I'd buy a passport with my eyes closed, even if it meant a tenth of my pension. If there were more kinds of flowers to choose from, I'd save big because I buy about $200 worth every spring-summer.

Since there are no Burnside Farms near me, I have to make do with the fields of sunflowers grown for seed and oil. It gladdens my heart every time I leave town and travel to the sea.

I'm glad, Denise, that you have access to such a pleasant and giving place with you and your love of flowers!
Wishing you a most enjoyable weekend, @alwaysaflower!


I have to agree with you! I love to spend many hours there! Many farmers plant the sunflowers for borders and fields of them. These make wonderful cut flowers and the seeds are great too! They also try to attract birds for the use of pest control and bees to improve the harvest. Farmers plant them to try to detox possible contaminated soil. They are such a great deal! These flowers are more than a pretty face! They are actually useful! :)

The truth is I probably would spend that much on flowers, so the passport covers me from early spring for a month and then a few months in the summer. It is such a lovely thing to have flowers in your house. I cut some from the garden too.

There are farms at the Shore that are grown for their seed and oil, but most of them you have to know where they are as they are off the one main road they have. :) There are two on the road, but, they were small still when I looked last. Seems this year was a little slower. It will get there.

Thank you, as always for your support and friendship! There is #alwaysaflower by you! Thank you!

#MarketFriday loves you!


I see there are many uses for sunflowers. I like that it can also be a border, I think it looks great with an endless string of flowers.
You are a great lover of flowers but they love you too if there are so many around you!
You know I love #MarketFriday too, thanks, Denise!


Thanks, Dan! @bluemoon You know I do! There is something peaceful when I tinker around in the garden. I am sure you feel it too. I never like to race about out there. I like to take my time and wander about. I could do it half the day without even noticing how much time goes by.

I hope your day was good! Enjoy your evening!


Thank you, Denise!
It's natural to feel comfortable in this house and garden. I really thought you were spending too little time in this place, of course, prevented by other obligations you have in Washington. It was hard for me to understand why you would want to move out of the city because that would mean moving away from your vacation home (or would it not?).


The house is only hours away, so not really. I am stepping back from a lot of my obligations, giving me more free time. :) That and the reason that things were getting a little too political for me. Not in a good way, and I didn't want my family to have to be part of that.

Of course, the entire world is like that right now.

But, I didn't need to be part of it. I am spending more time at the Shore House and although most of that had to do with the pony swim. :) If I sold this house here, which at this point I am doubting, I was just going to buy a little bit out, to be away from the crowds. But, not remote! Just less.

Fleeting thoughts. I am all better now. Thanks, Dan! @bluemoon


I'm glad you're feeling better and I'm glad you're managing to have more time off. I think you are allowing yourself to take a step back and good for you for doing so!
Now I get it, you don't want to move very far from where you are now. This is different and if you find something better, it's probably worth it.

My pleasure, Denise, @dswigle, you know I love to share stories with you. True stories!


What a fantabulous gift to be given, obviously this farm is not a great distance away.

Being able to visit regularly through all the seasons with furry friend or alone enjoying fresh flowers for the home, now this is more like shopping being fun!

People know you well enough #alwaysaflower says it all!


It is not too far away, all things being relative. Believe it or not, there are farms not very far from Washington, DC metro. Remarkably interesting how the area is laid out and the easy access, unless you are commuting, then it is pure evil. :)

They denied the four-legged furries for the tulips because the season before errant owners allowed them to run across from row to row, digging up the tulips. :( They should have charged the owners of them instead of punishing all, but, I realize it is business and they have to do what is best for the business.

People are not in the habit of watching their children (I cannot imagine not keeping mine close to me when they were young) and they love picking pretty tulips and then dropping them wherever.

Le sigh.

But after not allowing them, they changed to every Monday, and this season, opened it back up. They are animal lovers!

Thanks so much for the love and support, @joanstewart

#MaretFriday loves you!


Perhaps seasonal tall flowers not a bad idea with pets, cannot imagine my dog lifting his leg on tulips embarrassing moments.

Children when young always on leash much like the furry friends, no running around when my wooden spoon was at home, tongue lashing a wee bit much when in a quiet zone.

Now sons are grown up they flabbergasted that parents allow children to run awry.

Have a great weekend Denise, sunshine kisses from the South!


Haha! Yes! The ole wooden spoon. I still have it. I'm sentimental that way. :)

Now sons are grown up they flabbergasted that parents allow children to run awry.

Ha! Right? LOL

Thank you, Joan! I hope the weekend has been treating you right!


Wow, 70 bucks is a good price for a one month season ticket but you have to go there at least a few times to get the money worth.
For me, it was 30 bucks for the few durians.


The $70.00 is for both sessions! Tulips in the Spring and Sunflowers in the summer! It works out to approximately 6-7 weeks! It was a wash by the first week and 70 tulips later! If you get them by the stem in the grocery/retail store, they are about $1.00 a stem. In the nursery/florist, closer to $40.00 a dozen. Sunflowers are more.

Durians? I hope they were delicious!

Thanks so much for supporting the challenge and dropping the link!

#MarketFriday loves you!


You're welcome. I think it is good for people who think it is near enough for them by their definition


What a lovely post, @dswigle! That is so cool that you got a pass to the place for Mother’s Day! And even cooler that you can go as often as you like and get free flowers. I love visiting farms. Aren’t they wonderful? I’ve never been to a flee farm, though.

I love that you have delivered flowers to people and businesses. Like you said, a few vases from the dollar store and you can spread quite a bit of joy. You are #alwaysaflower, @dswigle!

Here is my link for this week: https://peakd.com/hive-196308/@jayna/market-friday-at-the-taco-pub


That is so cool that you got a pass to the place for Mother’s Day!

I know!!! Right? That was the best gift ever! It was the gift that kept on giving and giving and giving! You could feel the waves of love spreading with each vase given. Honest. It is not something you look for, it just feels fun to do, but, the feeling of love wafts through me every time I think about how it made them feel.

Farms rock! I love them and it makes me sad to see some of them folding up and selling to housing developers.

But, with the economy, can I blame them?

Thank you, sweet @jayna for supporting the challenge and for dropping your link! ❤️

#MarketFriday loves you!


I have to agree. $70 sounds like a great deal considering you can go back there every day with free flowers a day. That's like 300 flowers in a month if my math is right lol! Are the 3 sunflowers addition to the 10 free flowers you can get or it is included in the 10? I like that you can do other activities there like picnic and camping and even pets are welcome. It really is a place for everyone.

I wish we could have something like this here. Flowers farms are now starting to open up and be tourist places. One must travel some distance to get to these farms and pay the necessary fees. Aside from the experience and photos, nothing else is free.

This is my entry for this week https://hive.blog/hive-196308/@leeart/ramen-at-gohan-for-market-friday


One passport covers the tulip farm in the spring April/May for about a month of picking and the sunflowers are summer July/August. They plant the sunflowers right where the tulips were. You get both for $70.00! What a deal. They have been doing this for years and years... and years. So yes! Both different flowers are included in the deal.

All sorts of activities. they even have a working barn for the kids, showing milking cows, shearing sheep, and chickens laying eggs. It is huge and so many bulbs! Here it is!

Thanks for dropping your link!



Omg! Color attack! That's just pretty to see.


For them to use "passport" as your means to get into the farm is clever! Reading this gave me the idea to bring my fur baby to a flower farm someday!

The sunflowers are just beautiful and definitely brings a smile even just by looking at them. Picking one and handing them out yourself to your loved ones or friends is delightful. How wonderful it would be to spread this practice or tradition of just giving out flowers to people anytime and anywhere! We don't have this culture here. We usually need an occasion or event for people to bother into buying flowers.

Since we are a tropical country and rain is expected however, lately it's been raining every night accompanied by strong wind and lightning! One time, felt like anytime our trees could get hit anytime.

I've been wanting to share something for #marketfriday. And now I've done it! 😍
So for anyone wondering about how cheap you can get when going vegan or plant-based, here is my take: https://peakd.com/hive-196308/@indayclara/going-plant-based-is-way-cheaper-than-i-thought


We usually need an occasion or event for people to bother into buying flowers.

I actually don't care if it is in my culture or not. I love giving flowers, cookies or little things like that. As long as I get those flowers free every time I go, I would be remiss in not sharing them!

Oh, yes! I am glad to see this post. I think it will be helpful to a lot of people who have been thinking about it and haven't committed!

Thank you for supporting #MaarketFriday and for dropping the link!

#MarketFriday loves you~


Beautiful sunflowers. I love these plants for their beauty... and the fact that they give us seeds and oil :)
Great photos!
Cheers and !BEER



Thank you! They are gorgeous AND happy! Thank you! Getting seeds and oil is a bonus.

Thank you for supporting the challenge and for dropping the link!

#MarketFriday loves you!

Cheers to you!


My Pleasure 🖐️ 😊



Fantastic sunflowers... I see acres and acres of it here!
It aways brightens my day. Maybe it is the color yellow?
Have a wonderful day, lovely @dswigle !
!LADY 😍🌺🤙


Yes!! Here too. Many farmers plant the sunflowers for borders and fields of them. These make wonderful cut flowers and the seeds are great too! They attract birds for pest control and bees to improve the harvest. Farmers plant them to detox contaminated soil. They are such a great deal! These flowers are not just another pretty face.

Thanks so much for supporting the challenge!


Hahaha, not another pretty face, these flowers!
It's wonderful... they attract so many bees, and you know how important bees are to our lives!
Here's my #MarketFriday this week! You missed last week's!!


I do know how important those bees are! Did I miss last week? No!!! Now I need to go look! :(

Sorry and you know #MarketFriday still loves you!


Here's my #MarketFriday this week! You missed last week's!!

Dear @silversaver888 Could you please link me to the post? I must be blind but I couldn't find it. I know I remember thinking that you never missed it and I looked for it, but, I swear to God, I cannot find it.


wow how many people have been killed by lightnin 😮😞 I love this open-air store of yours! 😃 such a beauty! flowers are great! great that you went there again 😃 my post: https://ecency.com/hive-196308/@tali72/sports-complex-near-my-house


I know!! I was shocked!! Mother Nature is retaliating!

This flower farm has been so fun! I have been going every couple of days. Thank you for supporting the challenge and for dropping your link!

#MarketFriday loves you!


your flower farm is amazing!!! and tulips and sunflowers! if there was something similar near my house, I would also go there often to admire the beauty of flowers


hello @dswigle amazing photography results !!!, every element in the photo has a contrasting color and makes people notice every time they see it. The green of the leaves, and the yellow of the sunflowers look very beautiful.

here is my entry :


Thank you! You are way too kind. I guess you could say that everything looks best in living color!

Thank you for your words, your support of the challenge and for dropping your link!

#MaretFriday loves you!


Wow that sounds a bargain especially if you make use of it and take your ten flowers daily.
Fifty acres is a lot and yes I love the fact they put benches for people to sit take a breather and live in the moment!
Sunflowers are cool, I remember in Spain we have field upon field upon field of them, all standing to attention but swaying in the wind and saluting you!
Gorgeous post as ever Denise, may you have a wonderful weekend:)


There are lots of sunflower fields here, but, it is hard sometimes as they are way off the road or in the middle of a field. Plus, they don't let you pick three sunflowers every day! LOL

The ten flowers were for the tulips. Both flowers (same farm) were for the same passport! Win! Bonus win!

The benches were a nice touch and there is a huge playground with playhouses, a bouncy ball pit, all sorts of blowup slides etc. It is more than 1 acred large! The sunflowers greet me in the morning and turn their back on me in the evening.

Thanks much, Ed! @tengolotodo I am hoping my time allows me to get around to more posts! I seem to be stuck in my own comment section. That feels wrong! I need to visit you and others!

Have a great weekend or what is left of it!

#MarketFriday loves you!


Love the sunflowers Denise 🌻😊🥰 such great captures.
And I would have listened to their conversations too of the others especially tips for photography. Sounds like it was the perfect day and time to visit.
I would get a pass in a heartbeat. And spread some flowers around too in town 😉🌻🌻🌻

Here the weather is so different than other years, it looks like it is changing. More extremes in every way.
O my, I had not heard about the lightning strikes. Wow 😯

I joined in with the immersive experience of Van Gogh today :
“Market Friday” ~ When I visited VAN GOGH - The immersive experience in the UK 🇬🇧

Let’s say hi to others 😉👋🏻☀️
Have a wonderful day today @dswigle 💃🏻💃🏻💃🏻


Hehe! Yes! The tips! I need all the help I can get! The pass is totally worth it and spreading the tulips was fun and brought happy smiles. That is worth it!

The weather is curiously different than normal and everything is seeming to grow out of sync. The extremes seem to be real all over the world. What is going on, Mother Nature?

The immersive experience is awesome! So glad you shared it this week!

Hellos are in order! Thank you!

#MarketFriday loves you!


Yes, I can imagine those happy faces 😉😊 and smiles… receiving flowers 🌷🌷🌷🌻🌻🌻 wonderful 😎
I know, Mother Nature is of her alignment. I hope she finds a new balance, as all changes around us.

Thank you so much 😊 much appreciated! Happy to share something completely different.
You are welcome Denise 🤗🤗🥰🥰



Thank you for the tip!

Mother Nature needs help, I think! Glad you got to the Van Gogh event! Have a wonderful evening! You should be relaxing! Just got off the phone with my sister, who I talk to every day except not now! She is so fatigued by the end of her day, even earlier, and still taking naps! She still feels off. 😟


She does 😊🥰🌱 I help were I can.

Thank you so much Denise, oh believe me I’m resting a lot… you know I had insomnia… I don’t manage midnight at the moment and I wake up around 11 o’clock in the morning. So definitely catching up, a lot.

Sorry to hear she still isn’t feeling 100% yet, Hope she recovers soon xx
I’m not there either. It is day 15/ almost day 16 now.
It takes a while. But I see improvement. 🤞🏻🤞🏻🤞🏻




Beautiful 😍
Thank you so much Denise
Enjoy your evening, time for me to 😴😴😴😴😴


Those sun flowers looks beautiful!!

Here is my contribution to #marketfriday I hope you enjoy it!

Have a great weekend!!


Thank you, @rynow !! I appreciate your words and for you dropping the link! I hope you are having a great day!

I love your thumbnail shot!

#MarketFriday loves you!


Sunflowers ! What fun !

Love all your photos of the flowers and farm. Especially love the sunflower tire....LOL.... people are so creative.

What a lovely gift to receive.


Aren't they fun?? I have had such a good time with this passport! What a great deal to purchase, although there are many sunflower fields, I am pretty sure the farmers would not be happy if I picked them. :)

They used the same tire with the tulips! Same tire, different look. People are way more creative than I ever could be, but I love looking at the ideas and using them, although they never look quite the same, it has my spin on it. :)

Flower farms are not new, but, working so much prevented me from being able to use them so much. Now that I have, I never want to stop! It's all your fault for turning me towards them!

The passport was an amazing gift! Also, it allowed me to pass on that gift to others! Of course, the little vases were inexpensive and unexpected, so it made it all the more fun to spread the love.

Thanks so much for supporting the challenge!

#MarketFriday loves you!


That's pretty cool. Being able to pull that many tulips is never a bad thing I guess. They did an initiative a while ago where they were putting sunflowers in the grassy area where two expressways meet down the road from where I live. With all the drought they aren't doing as great this year, but usually they are kind of impressive.


That is my kind of town! Some places just want to put a road or wall up without any regard to how it looks to the people living there. When flowers, trees, and other seasonal things are added to make it more pleasant, I for one, truly appreciate it.

And it usually looks pretty nice too!

The drought/overabundance of rain has hit everyone this year!! Sunflowers planted like that are usually very impressive! Lucky you!!

Thanks for supporting the challenge!

#MarketFriday loves you!


Wow stunning photographs of sunflowers. Loved them all.

Greetings mam,

Here is my #MarketFriday entry you may like, thank you, stay blessed 💖❤️💗



Thank you so much @shohana1 !! That is very kind of you to say. I want to thank you for supporting the challenge and stopping by to leave your link! Much appreciated!

#MarketFrida loves you!


My pleasure mam, have a wonderful and blessed day 💖💗❤️


Hi @dswigle, it's been a while. As always, your flowers Are colorful and beautiful.

I found myself in a market today, and I have told my story. Here is the link.



Thank you! I love flowers, in case you didn't know. :)

You went to the market! Yay! Always fun to see you in the challenge. Thank you for supporting #MarkeFriday and for dropping the link!

#MarketFriday loves you!


I love the underlying message of your post. It's not always just about the money, but also about caring about people.

And I love how you demonstrate that by distributing all those flowers! It must have been a very happy, friendly, and colorful area😄👍!

Thank you for giving us the opportunity to share in this community!

You can find my post for this week here.


Thank you!! It is not always about the money. Hardly ever, actually. People caring for people. How hard is that? The giving away of flowers was easy, I love flowers and people that are kind. The smiles it brought were priceless, and the post office is one of my favorite places to do that to. I bring wrapped candy during the holidays, it always is a hit there. Everyone complains about the post office, but, I get great treatment from them.

They are always nice and go the extra mile.

Thank you for supporting the challenge and for dropping your link!

#MarketFriday loves you!


It's amazing how you get treated well when you are considerate towards other people...isn't it...lol? People are often so quick to criticize, and often about nonsense...but when something good gets done...the silence is deafening...

Enjoy your weekend, @dswigle!


In general, people are nice. There is the rare nut that gives people a bad rap, but I rarely come across people like that.

Thank you and enjoy your weekend too!


What beautiful flowers they have there! I have a friend whose favorite flower is sunflowers. She would just love that. 🌸

I posted today about one of our favorite places to shop - our Amazon returns store called Super Remate.


Thank you! Sunflowers are delightful! So sunny and smiling!

Amazon!!! Who doesn't love Amazon? I look forward to reading it. Thank you for dropping the link!

#MarketFriday loves you!


hello dear friend @dswigle good morning
What an interesting business, getting free flowers every day as many times as you visit, that sounds great, and how great that you have made a whole town happy
I love flowers, especially sunflowers.
I appreciate that you let us know these beautiful images

This is my link of my participation

have a beautiful weekend



Greetings @jlufer!

Flower farms are not new, but, working so much prevented me from being able to use them so much. Now that I have, I never want to stop! :) I know that you love flowers! That is one of those things we have in common. Sunflowers are happy little flowers, it is hard to not love them!

Thank you for your support of the challenge! I also appreciate you dropping the link! Have a wonderful weekend also!

#MarketFriday love you!


Wow! Lovely and clear images. I love sunflowers because I have always wonder how they smell. Flower pot is a cheap at your location but in my place it cost $7.16 per one. I enjoyed reading your post, it was vivid. When you go back at sunset to see the flowers, I hope you enjoy the beautiful sight. Thank you for sharing. Much love.

Here is my entry to the #marketfriday challenge.




They actually have very little smell, but I would say, more veg than floral. The storm is starting to roll in, so perhaps no sunset today. Tomorrow is another day!

Thank you for your words and dropping the link!

#MarketFriday loves you!


This is a truly wonderful place .
Thank you for the amazing photos dear Denise.
You can't see such beauty every day :-)

And now we have already started the grape season :-)


Wonderful beauty! I love the grapes! They make such a pretty picture! Are they real? They look so perfect!

Thank you for stopping by! The sunflowers have become more abundant in the last few days, so I look forward to going back!

Thanks so much for your support, Svetlana! @singa

#MarketFriday loves you!


It looks amazing and the passport sounds like a reasonable deal if one utilises it like you do.

Thanks for all you do with marketfriday Denise……..it is great to see peoples market experiences around the world on here :)


It is a great deal for me! Free flowers all spring and summer and photographs too? :) Did I happen to mention that I love flowers?

Thank you so much for supporting the challenge! I appreciate it!

I am with you on that! I love seeing what is going on in the rest of the world with markets!

#MarketFriday loves you!!


Definately a win win all around 😊


Great reading your post. It's opportunity to be be here @dswigle. I would like to drop my here finally:



Thank you for reading the post and for dropping your post here, Have a great weekend!

#MarketFriday loves you!


My pleasure 😁 for your quick reading and reply.

Please is #MarketFriday only posted in Fridays or one can post in any day?


You asked last week. I thought I answered. Do you mean can you post every day on it? Or, if you miss tge Friday, can you post on Sunday?


Or do you mean can you post any day you want?




It is meant for Friday (#MarketFriday) but I tend to accept it a little late. Because most post on Friday, I tend to stop looking for them after a few days. I know lately, I have been having a slew of people posting on Monday, Tuesday, and Wednesday. I may have to change how I do it to accommodate everyone sometime soon.


Gosh! This is so amazing! I would to visit Burnside Farm when a chance is given to me. 50 acres of sunflowers are feast in my eyes, definitely!

I wonder how much time it consumes for caretakers and gardeners to maintain such a vast field of sunflowers. Visitors would love the view and cannot help, but to adore and take pictures of it.

Beautiful blog! I had fun reading it.


Fifty acres of beauty! I went by after these were taken and in a few days' time, so many are popping now! It is amazing! A feast for the eyes! That was well put!

I am pretty sure that much of it is maintained on its own, left to its own devices. I don't see anyone ever out there weeding. Once they start growing, I am pretty sure the stalks take up all the extra space :)

Thank you for stopping by and supporting the challenge!

#MarketFriday loves you!


Now those are really pretty flowers there. In the flower field I could write a whole novel. The joy that those beautiful plants brings and their fragrance is heavenly to me. I'd definitely love to visit the Burnside farm soon but I hope there are no crowds🥺.


Thank you, they are lovely! Who doesn't love the sight of a field of sunflowers?

Sunflowers have a very subtle smell, I have to concentrate on it to even smell anything, but a slight veg aroma would be a fair estimation.

Crowds? It depends on when you come! :) Thanks for stopping by and leaving your words.

#MarketFriday loves you!


I love #markerFriday too even though I haven't had anything to share yet but I definitely will soon☺️.


No worries! Whenever you are ready! FYI! It is NOT all about food markets!

Rules of the Road to Join #MarketFriday!

1.Go to the market, or anywhere that you pay money for a service. Museum, art gallery, bowling, barber shop, or hairdresser. Cultural event. You are allowed to think outside the box!

2.Take pictures! Be creative!
3.Tell us a little bit about the market or the event. Where is it? What brought you there? What did you buy? How much did it cost? Was it expensive? Did it go up or down? I don't need 50 pictures unless you are willing to explain them all.
4.Post the pictures. Of course, you should tell a little bit about the ones you post. What seems obvious to you may not be obvious to all.
5.Use the MarketFriday Community Platform to post (#hive-196308) This is not required but appreciated.
6.PLEASE Drop the link into the MarketFriday comment section so I can find it!!
7.Following me and reblogging the post would be appreciated, but not a rule, more vision for more views on the #MarketFriday posts!
8.You must put #MarketFriday by @dswigle somewhere on your post. Please. Please.
9.Please check out some of the other #MarketFriday posts!

As always, please remember! #MarketFriday loves you!


Why is it that everytime I read your post Maam @dswigle it seems like I could hear you speaking with a soft and kind voice. ☺️

Hope you had enjoy your time in the Sunflower farm. The flowers look so lovely.☺️

I'll be posting another of my Market Experience soon.☺️


Thank you. I am glad you enjoyed the pot. The flowers really were quite beautiful! I had a wonderful time there!

I look forward to another market from you. Please drop the link here so others may find it. @callmesmile

#MarketFriday loves you!


This year has been so awesome, for me here, the weather is is always cool and cold. And also I'd like to say a very big Thank You for the opportunity to join the market Friday for this week. Here is my entry https://ecency.com/hive-196308/@royalpeek/quality-matters-not-money-only


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To support your work, I also upvoted your post!


Love those sunflowers looking so beautiful :D


Thank you so much. They do have this way about them, sunshine and happiness. I hope you are having a wonderful week as we head into the weekend!

#MarketFrida loves you!


busy busy one. A lot of work not a lot of party or rest :D But it is what it is ehehhe :D


Busy people are happy people, yes?


I think it depends no?? sometimes you are busy but not really with stuff you want to be busy with :P


Photos are nice. I like sunflower, easy to grow !


Thank you! It is true! A few seeds and soon you have a field of dreams!

#MarketFriday loves you!


Bang, I did it again... I just rehived your post!
Week 118 of my contest just started...you can now check the winners of the previous week!
