RE: Moja banieczka AI / My AI bubble [POL/ENG]


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When you lose track of time for hours on end, when you keep avoiding going to sleep for as long as you can keep your eyes open and then you can't wait to get up early even if you had just 3-4 hours of sleep to do the same thing you did yesterday, and the day before, and the day before the day before, the thing you are passionate about and keeps you engaged and inspired, that's a good way of specializing. I'm not talking about being addicted but about being productive, doing something that gives you satisfaction when you are productive and get it right, and then, even in the case of learning to code, it would not even matter if AI will become too good at it(which I doubt it will happen that fast, way many other specialized jobs would disappear before the software engineering ones).

Regarding AI, if you don't know about, you should take a look, it's a huge rabbit hole, tens of thousands of models and apps. I don't worry about AI, ill embrace it as much as i can or need, I do worry more about the huge number of tools available and coming up and I cringe and struggle to pick something when I have too many options, that's my bigger problem. 😁


That must be a pleasent experience. Yeah, it would be understandable to sacrificed all aforementioned things in that case.

I'm pretty sure, software engineers are not to be the first in the line in general, but it probably will be increasingly hard to stay afloat. Anyway, first there is a big gap of demand for coders to be filled with AI. What would be your prediction for the first widely available product that will allow create apps for anybody? I mean, when?

I just dabbled into Hugging Face, had fun with few models, didn't explore it more. Now I will, thank you!
