[Esp / Eng] Living with my children the rebirth of the traditions of my land "Carora".
After 7 years of absence, the patron saint festivities returned to my land "Carora" in honor of our Patron Saint "San Juan Bautista", these festivities gave rise to a series of typical activities of my region, which due to political problems had been suspended during this long period; But this year the joy returned to my city because since last Tuesday these festivities began with a parade which we call "Cavalcade" since the main reason for these is the riding of horses, floats and troupes with livestock style. From this day on there was a joy that had not been seen in the streets for a long time, the happy faces of the children, young people, adults and the elderly were contagious.
Seguidamente se reinauguraron las ferias ganaderas, donde todos los caroreños y visitantes se dieron lugar de forma masiva en las instalaciones del Parque de Exposición “Teodoro herrera”, mi esposa y yo estábamos muy emocionados ya que por primera vez acudimos con nuestros hijos Matthias y Juan Andrés a dichas festividades, vivimos 6 días de ferias, desde el 21 al 26 de junio de 2022; algo muy positivo es que vivimos a solo una cuadra de este parque y aunque no asistimos todos los días, podíamos disfrutar de la buena música desde la tranquilidad de nuestro hogar.
Then the livestock fairs were reopened, where all the caroreños and visitors took place massively in the facilities of the Exhibition Park "Teodoro Herrera", my wife and I were very excited because for the first time we went with our children Matthias and Juan Andrés to these festivities, we lived 6 days of fairs, from June 21 to 26, 2022; something very positive is that we live just one block from this park and although we did not attend every day, we could enjoy the good music from the tranquility of our home.
El atractivo principal fue las ferias ganaderas, son las subastas de animales, donde se dieron cita ganaderos de 14 estados de Venezuela, con los mejores ejemplares de ganado vacuno, ovino y caprino, Carora tiene la particularidad, que es la tierra del ganado vacuno raza Carora, uno de los mas lecheros del mundo por no decir el mejor, y es por ello que cuando se habla de feria ganadera, la participación es masiva, en la gran subasta del día sábado se vendieron muchos animales y entre los mas cotizados están unos toros Brahman con un valor de 5200 dólares; además de que en estos últimos años el mas cotizado es el ganado raza Carora, y ahora está en boga el ganado senepol, un doble propósito (carne y leche), que es un cruce de un ganado del Caribe, espeficificamente de Trinidad, con un africano de Senegal, y que esta dando grandes resultados entre los ganaderos hoy día.
The main attraction was the livestock fairs, the animal auctions, where cattlemen from 14 states of Venezuela gathered, with the best specimens of cattle, sheep and goats, Carora has the particularity that it is the land of Carora breed cattle, One of the most dairy cattle in the world, if not the best, and that is why when we talk about cattle fair, the participation is massive, in the great auction on Saturday many animals were sold and among the most quoted are some Brahman bulls with a value of 5200 dollars; In addition, in recent years the most quoted is the Carora breed cattle, and now is in vogue the senepol cattle, a dual purpose (meat and milk), which is a cross of a Caribbean cattle, specifically from Trinidad, with an African from Senegal, and that is giving great results among farmers today.
También hubo exposición de gastronomía caroreña, artesanos de la región, como dulces, conservas, queso, queso crema, hamacas, chinchorros, café, cerveza y sangría entre otros; entre otras atracciones estaban los juegos para los mas chicos de la casa, Matthias hacia tiempo no paseaba en estos juegos y Juan fue la primera vez que pudo disfrutar, los carruseles, las sillas voladoras, el gusano, los caballitos, el brinca brinca y la cama elástica.
There was also an exhibition of Caroreño gastronomy, artisans of the region, such as sweets, preserves, cheese, cream cheese, hammocks, hammocks, hammocks, coffee, beer and sangria among others; among other attractions were the games for the children of the house, Matthias had not been on these games for a long time and Juan was the first time he could enjoy the carousels, the flying chairs, the worm, the horses, the jumping horse, the jumping horse and the trampoline.
Los músicos de la región dijeron presentes en la tarima y amerizaron con buena música estas fiestas, música venezolana, rancheras, baladas, vallenato y lo que no puede faltar el popular raspacanilla, que es un tipo de música muy bailado en mi ciudad; los comerciantes también dijeron presentes en la expo feria de Carora, licoreros, panaderos, restaurantes y comida rápida, desde hacia mucho que había muerto turismo en esta región, pero gracias a este gran evento los hoteles se quedaron cortos con la cantidad de personas que asistieron desde varios estados de Venezuela, teniendo muchos que alquilar casas y anexos para estos 6 días.
The musicians of the region were present on the stage and they entertained with good music, Venezuelan music, rancheras, ballads, vallenato and the popular raspacanilla, which is a type of music very danced in my city; The merchants were also present at the expo fair of Carora, liquor stores, bakers, restaurants and fast food, for a long time tourism had died in this region, but thanks to this great event the hotels were short with the number of people who attended from various states of Venezuela, many having to rent houses and annexes for these 6 days.
De igual forma se celebraron las actividades religiosas en honor a nuestro patrono, con una eucaristía el día 25, seguido de la procesión y lo mas esperado de la noche, y otra cosa que estuvo suspendida por muchos años, como lo es la quema del árbol y el toro candela, que están compuesto por una serie de juegos pirotécnicos que dan cabida a una celebración única en la zona colonial de Carora, en la catedral y la plaza Bolívar, donde mis hijos disfrutaron, corrieron y se rieron muchísimo.
In the same way the religious activities were held in honor of our patron saint, with a Eucharist on the 25th, followed by the procession and the most anticipated of the night, and something else that was suspended for many years, as is the burning of the tree and the toro candela, which are composed of a series of fireworks that give rise to a unique celebration in the colonial area of Carora, in the cathedral and Bolivar Square, where my children enjoyed, ran and laughed a lot.
Mis queridos lectores me siento muy complacido de compartir estas experiencias con todos ustedes; una de las cosas mas importantes fue el civismos que mostro el gentilicio caroreño, ya que no existieron contratiempo ni problemas en ninguna de estas actividades y pudimos celebrar sanamente en familia, espero les haya gustado este pedazo de mi tierra, hasta una nueva oportunidad se despide su amigo el Drhueso.
My dear readers I am very pleased to share these experiences with all of you; one of the most important things was the civility shown by the people of Carora, since there were no setbacks or problems in any of these activities and we could celebrate healthily in family, I hope you liked this piece of my land, until a new opportunity your friend Drhueso says goodbye.
Las imágenes son de mi propiedad, fueron tomadas con mi teléfono celular Tecno Spark 6 / The images are my property, they were taken with my Tecno Spark 6 cell phone.
Translated with www.DeepL.com/Translator (free version)