[Esp / Eng] Enjoying a day in the countryside with my children to encourage their love and respect for animals.
It is difficult not to fall in love with the countryside and animals, as it is known by many on the platform I am a person who was raised in the countryside and I enjoy the most when I go to visit any country place and try to share with my children these moments when I feel free of stress and worries; right now I am on working vacation and I have taken the opportunity to visit my people, my family in a community called Agua Linda, a high and cold area of our state Lara.
En un espacio algo retirado de la casa construyeron una cochinera y tienen una puerca con sus crías, aunque están en una pendiente un poco retirada de la casa y ademas de difícil acceso, mis hijos se emocionaron por ir a ver los animales, nunca dudaron en bajar para ver a los 7 pequeños cerditos, Matthias Andrés fue el primero en bajar, después Juan Andrés con mi ayuda y la de mi esposa, llegamos los cuatro y Juan comenzó a llorar, le tenia miedo a los cerdos, después al familiarizarse con ellos se calmo, disfruto verlos comer y caminar en su chiquero.
In a space somewhat removed from the house they built a pigsty and have a sow with her young, although they are on a slope a little removed from the house and also difficult to access, my children were excited to go see the animals, they never hesitated to go down to see the 7 little pigs, Matthias Andres was the first one to go down, then Juan Andres with my help and my wife's, the four of us arrived and Juan started to cry, he was afraid of the pigs, after he became familiar with them he calmed down, he enjoyed watching them eat and walk in their pig pen.
A mis dos pequeños les encanta el campo, ya que además del buen clima, tienen mucha mas libertad de salir y correr por todas partes, ver caballos, vacas, gallinas, loros y puercos, disfrutamos de la buena comida de la tía, quien nos consiente con mazamorra, pizza, dulces de leche, pan de leche entre otras delicias; aunque lo único malo es que a veces traen es esas pequeñas amigas, las garrapatas que las vacas largan en los pastizales.
My two little ones love the countryside, because besides the good weather, they have much more freedom to go out and run around, see horses, cows, chickens, parrots and pigs, we enjoy the good food of our aunt, who spoils us with mazamorra, pizza, milk sweets, milk bread among other delicacies; although the only bad thing is that sometimes they bring those little friends, the ticks that the cows shed in the pastures.
Esta fue una experiencia muy gratificante, ya que Matthias como siempre me pregunto de todo sobre los cerdos, este es un tema que me gusta mucho y me recuerda los momentos de mi niñez en que mis padres y mis hermanos criábamos animales de este tipo, mi madre nos pedía que le diéramos de comer los desperdicios de la cocina y también el suero verde resultante de la elaboración del queso del día.
This was a very gratifying experience, since Matthias as always asked me all about pigs, this is a subject that I like very much and it reminds me of my childhood moments when my parents and my brothers raised animals of this type, my mother asked us to feed them the kitchen scraps and also the green whey resulting from the elaboration of the cheese of the day.
Aunque Matthias ni Juan quisieron entrar a la cochinera, tocaron un poco a la puerca madre y se reían al ver a los pequeños, por suerte en este caserío hay mucha agua y mantienen limpia las áreas, no había mal olor, ni moscas; igualmente el tío dueño de los cerdos nos dijo que ya los había vacunado y los baña regularmente, ya que estos animalitos los tiene destinados para la venta cuando cumplan 40 días de nacidos, aunque suena algo triste (como lo dijo Matthias) esta es una forma de generar ingresos y la familia se dedica a este trabajo.
Although Matthias and Juan did not want to enter the piggery, they touched the mother pig a little bit and laughed when they saw the little ones, luckily in this farm there is a lot of water and they keep the areas clean, there was no bad smell or flies; also the uncle who owns the pigs told us that he had already vaccinated them and bathes them regularly, since these animals are destined for sale when they are 40 days old, although it sounds a little sad (as Matthias said) this is a way to generate income and the family is dedicated to this work.
Amigos espero hayan disfrutado este maravilloso día de campo junto a mis pequeños; agradecido por leerme, se despide su amigo el Drhueso.
Friends I hope you enjoyed this wonderful day in the field with my little ones; thank you for reading me, your friend Drhueso bids you farewell.
Las imágenes son de mi propiedad, fueron tomadas con mi teléfono celular Tecno Spark 6 / The images are my property, they were taken with my Tecno Spark 6 cell phone.
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