[Esp / Eng] Delicious cayenne and lettuce tea, to enjoy a sweet sleep.
Many times after a long day of work, we lie down to rest and we find it hard to fall asleep, or if we fall asleep, the next day we feel that the sleep was not at all restful, and we resort to seek a treatment to help us sleep well and rest. In my case these last few days I have been taking a wonderful natural tea based on cayenne flowers and lettuce, because after the accident my father suffered I have been very worried, and somewhat nervous; likewise I have felt great physical fatigue by the multiple activities of my daily life, between work, the cures to my father and help my son Matthias in his homework, I have felt exhausted and this recipe has helped me a lot, so I want to present it to you. An excellent natural tea, simple and easy to prepare, that helps us to fall asleep and sleep like a baby, it is super economical, but with excellent results.

Ingredientes | Ingredients |
6 flores de cayena | 6 cayenne flowers |
Un puñado de lechuga fresca | A handful of fresh lettuce |
Una taza de agua de aproximadamente 200 ml | A cup of water of approximately 200 ml |
Una cucharadita pequeña de azúcar | A small teaspoon of sugar |

Preparación / Preparation
En una olla colocamos la lechuga deshojada, agregamos las flores de cayena, la taza de agua y la llevamos al fuego por unos 5 minutos, en este momento las hojas comienzas a perder su color y el aguas toma todas las propiedades de estas hojas.
In a pot we place the leafless lettuce, add the cayenne flowers, the cup of water and take it to the fire for about 5 minutes, at this time the leaves begin to lose their color and the water takes all the properties of these leaves.

Seguidamente colamos el té, y lo endulzamos con la cucharadita de azúcar, revolvemos, dejamos que se enfrié un poco.
Then we strain the tea, and sweeten it with the teaspoon of sugar, stir, let it cool a little.

Resultado / Result
Listo para tomar, y conciliar un dulce sueño, gracias a las bondades que nos regala la naturaleza.
Ready to drink, and fall into a sweet sleep, thanks to the goodness that nature gives us.

A mi me ha funcionado, tengo varios días tomándolo, al igual que mi esposa y hemos visto que dormimos bien, amanecemos relajados; amigos espero que les guste este increíble te, se despide su amigo el Drhueso.
It has worked for me, I have several days taking it, as well as my wife and we have seen that we sleep well, we wake up relaxed; friends I hope you like this incredible tea, your friend Drhueso says goodbye.

Las imágenes son de mi propiedad, fueron tomadas con mi teléfono celular Tecno Spark 6 / The images are my property, they were taken with my Tecno Spark 6 cell phone.
Translated with www.DeepL.com/Translator (free version)
Muchas gracias por el apoyo, saludos a todo el equipo @rutablockchain
lettuce tea is very underrated for its medicinal effects. I would never have thought of adding cayenne to it though. I'm inspired to try. Thanks!
I tell you that cayenne in my land is widely used to make these teas, we believe a lot in its properties and the truth is that it has helped me to rest a lot. Cheer up and try it, it's excellent!
I'll try it when I get some from the market
In Indonesia, it is called Raya flower which is usually used as a natural indicator of acid-base for school children's practice @drhueso