Discussing the current education system

Hola people. How are you all doing?

Lets talk about the current education system. I am going to keep it general rather than talking about the specific countries and how they teach. I will give the examples of my country as a reference because I studied like this.

So, in my perception, there are many flaws and shortcomings in the education systems globally. world is changing at a rapid pace. We have so many different fields and domains of education still unexplored and we are going at a slow pace towards that. I see that in future, multiple fields will be a part of the conventional classroom culture. I am talking about cinematography, AI, Digital Marketing, Local Governance, Sustenance to climate change and so on.

This means that we will shift from a conventional classroom set up to a rather digital one.

Growing up, I found it as a student that my teachers did not pay individual attention to my growth be it academic or mental. The teachers taught to us as a whole class. I see this as a flaw to some extent. I believe that it is also going to change in coming years.

The new infrastructure that is still absent in developing countries is going to play a key role in the teaching methods.

One thing that I have been thinking about lately is that the new generation has been questioning the value of education. They see a person going viral and all of a sudden has a lot of fame and money. I have myself seen such cases where illiterate people have earned millions through social media and youtube. It makes the young generation think that education system is a hoax. I presume this will be a known issue in coming years and will surely be addressed accordingly.

I am grateful to you for stopping by. What are your thoughts on this? Images and content are my own.
