Success On Hive || Success In Life

Generally Success Could Be Defined as an event that accomplishes it's intended purpose.

With this definition, we realize that success can mean different things to different people.


To a politician, Success Could Mean becoming the president of the country

To a teacher, success could mean attaining the highest educational qualifications.

To a footballer, success could mean becoming the world best player.

To A Hiver, success could mean getting the highest upvote on daily basis.

To A crypto enthusiast, success could mean getting a high value added to the coin you are HLD-ing.

To me success simply means inner peace, When you achieve your goal.


Here are a few tips you need to know to be successful on this wonderful platform.

"Setting Goals Is The First Step In Turning The Invisible Into The Visible." Tony Robbins


Now you've got to ask yourself, have you actually set your goals on the platform? Did you join the platform just to roam around without achieving anything? If you have no goals, then you are no where near success. Failing To Plan Is Planning To Fail

Therefore it is very important that you map out your goals on what you intend to achieve on the platform. Doing this, you will see yourself striving and putting more effort to achieve your goals.


After setting your goals you don't fold your hands and expect your goals to be reached by magic. Rather you work towards it. How does your actions reflect your goals? You don't set goals of making at least two quality posts a day, then you spend the whole day reading through articles. You are working, but then you are not working towards your goal..

"Our Greatest Weakness Lies In Giving Up. The Most Certain Way To Succeed Is Always To Try Just One More Time." Thomas A. Edison


What weakness is greater than giving up. Most times we hear about how people succeed on hive, and you think it is easy. You probably map out plans to come to the platform and pack millions in a matter of days. Then when things don't go as planned, you conclude that the platform is biased and you quit.

If only you know what people go through before they become successful on hive. Believe me it is not a journey of one day, rather it is a journey of consistency and diligence accompanied with hard work and originality.

"The Key Is To Keep Company Only With People Who Uplift You, Whose Presence Calls Forth Your Best." Epictetus

Now if you are on the platform you need to know the kind of friends you keep. If you are on the platform and you are not moving as you planned, you need to check the kind of friends and audience you are keeping on the platform.

My boss @espandorr once told me "Find The Right Audience". That is the simple secret, make sure your post is directed to the Right audience to the Right community.

Stop Chasing The Money And Start Chasing The Passion



Coming into the platform with the wrong mentality will lead to your downfall. Truth is if you come into the platform with the plan of packing millions, you are no where close to being successful on the platform.

A little word of advice Write For the passion Don't Force Yourself To Write Things That You feel will gain attention, rather write things that you have passion for. Things that give you joy as you write it.

The Only Place Where Success Comes Before Work Is In The Dictionary." Vidal Sassoon

I can't over emphasize on the importance of hard work on the platform. You can not plan to succeed without planning to work. Success is not really about gathering millions on each post. If you come in with that mentality, it is obvious that you wouldn't be staking your income. For instance if you earn some hive, POB or Leo on your post, you wouldn't stake tokens because your eyes have been to make as many profit as you can. Patience is an important virtue in the journey of success. Forget about profit at first, write for passion and stake as much as you can. Your profit and success will come in due time.

All The Above Tips Are Not Only Applied To Be Successful On Hive, They Must Be Applied If You Wish To Be Successful In Life Generally


This is not A storyteller's post without a story🙂

David was waiting for a bus under the rain when a flashy car pulled up in front of him. It happened that it was Michael his childhood friend and he offered him a ride. In the car they exchanged their stories.

   Michael's story

David has always wanted to be A doctor. After their graduation from school, Michael's uncle took him out of the country and introduced him into the entertainment industry. In A few months he became famous and wealthy.

    David's Story

David always wanted to be an artiste because he was an expert in drawing. After graduation, he was offered a contract to be the permanent artist for a company brand. He turned down the offer because his mother was very sick and he needed to take Care of her. Due to the passion he got from watching the doctors work on his mother, he decided to go and study medicine while still pursuing his artist career on the sidelines.

Who is Truly Successful?


Promoted post for this entry would be Skill Development - A Prerequisite To Success by @samostically

My best part of this post was this beautiful quote.

"Another thing in considering which skill you need to learn is PASSION because you have to be passionate about that skill because only that way you will be able to stay happy and and also reap the fruit of your hardwork at the Same time"

I love this part of the post because it kind of has something to do with mine. Without having passion for something, you can never fully put your mind in it and get the best out of it.

This Is My Entry For #DCC #TagContest Supporting #Success. Click HERE To Join The Fun.

Don't Forget To Join #DCooperation for much more.




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HiveFest⁶ Meetings Contest


One thing we need to know is that is not easy to be successful in any business before you will be successful, you need to work and create time for that Job you are doing. Soon you will see the success coming.

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