A happy Bajram ; Nje Bajram i gezuar

central park tirana

Happy Eid al-Fitr! People in Albania and Muslim countries celebrate the day when the thirty-day fast ends. They wish each other, go out with the family for a picnic, go shopping, visit another city from their hometown and of course go to the mosque. My country has a predominantly Muslim population; there a minority are Catholic and Orthodox; there are other times and beliefs which are related to each other by the same principles and deep human principles. The Islamic religion in Albania extends mainly to the north and southern Albania. Central Albania is inhabited by Orthodox and Catholics. Muslims have built mosques everywhere in the cities which are open throughout the day, while the churches have hours. Mosques are mostly built recently with funding from Muslim countries, while churches from Vatican organizations. In my country, religions have a complete coexistence among themselves, they each pray in their own places of worship, but holidays are an occasion to congratulate them among themselves. Then let us also wish them with happy words Gezuar;

versioni shqip

Gezuar Fiter Bajramin! Njerezit ne Shqiperi dhe ne vendet muslimane festojne diten kur perfundon agjerimi i cili zgjat tridhjete dite. Ata urojne njeri tjetrin dalin me familjen per piknik shkojne bejne pazar vizitojne nje qytet tjeter nga qyteti i tyre i lindjes dhe sigurisht shkojne ne xhami. Vendi im ka nje popullsi ne pjesen me te madhe myslimane; aty nje pakice jane katolike dhe ortodoksa; ka dhe herenj dhe besime te tjera te cilat lidhen me njera tjetren nga parime te njejta dhe principe te thella njerezore. Feja islame ne Shqiperi shtrihet ne veri dhe ne shqiperine e jugut kryesisht. Shqiperia e mesme eshte e banuar nga orotodoksa dhe katolike. Myslimanet kane ndertuar kudo neper qytete xhamija te cilat jane te hapura gjate gjithe dites, ndersa kishat me orare. Xhamijat jane ne nje pjese te mire te ndertuara kohet e fundit me financime nga vendet myslimane ndersa kishat nga organizatat e vatikanit. Ne vendin tim fete kane nje bashkejetese te plote mes tyre ata luten secili ne vendet e veta te kultit por festat jane nje rast dhe per te uruar ato mes tyre. Atehere le te urojme dhe ne ato me fjalet gezuar;
