Ocean Eyes || One Thing That Left me in Awe


I Finally got some free time after weeks if not months of work. I had to go visit a friend that just just back, let's call him Daniel, Daniel had been back for about a month and he asked me to visit. Obviously I couldn't before that time because I had to finish up the pile of work I had first. If not it'll mean no free time for me. I went to see Daniel and we talked for a while. He told me how school went and that he was on break that's why he could come in for a visit. Frankly I was overjoyed because I hadn't seen him in a year or more. After a while Daniel had to excuse himself to buy things so we could make lunch and eat.


During the time of our conversation Daniel's roommate/friend was in the room and for some reason I never really looked his way, it may have been over excitedness or I just didn't see him there. He tried to keep me company while Daniel was gone. Fun fact he was playing a mobile game I play too (COD) so I guess that was a conversation starter. Let's just say I was definitely occupied till Daniel got back from the store.


We made lunch and went back to a really long conversation. We were just catching up and all that. After a while I had to step out and buy something too. I think he ran out of water or something. His friend offered to escort me exile I go to get the water which made me feel better because I didn't know the area that much. ( for context the room was not so bright it just had the right amount of light that would aid you to move round the room but it wasn't dully lit)


When Daniels friend(let's call him AK) AK stepped outside into the light honestly I don't remwhat I turned back for buh I was stunned. His eyes were green. Not the regular Green eyes it looked like an ocean with waves. I stood there for a while staring into his eyes I'm pretty sure he got confused at some point. I got a hold of myself and we were on to get the water. I was pleasantly surprised and while we were on our way I kept pondering on the Billie Eilish song “ocean eyes”, it had a part where she sang “can't stop staring at those ocean eyes” and that's all I had in my head till we got back to the apartment.


I went back to catching up with Daniel although I'll admit I was less invested in the conversation because at that point something else had piqued my interest. I kept looking at the corner that's was slighter where AK sat and wondered to myself “how didn't I see those eyes since I walked in” finally summed up courage and told AK that I think his eyes look amazing and obviously apologised for staring like a creep. I'm African so I mostly get to see brown eyes. That was the first time I saw Green eyes in a long time especially one that looked so beautiful.


Come to think of it, I have never seen a green eye myself. I would even hardly notice since a pay very less attention to the looks of others.


That’s something. Trust me they are pretty
