A Day In My Life.

Hello everyone. Good evening. I had the most fun filled time a few days ago and I thought I should share it with you all. Firstly I hope you all are okay and you had a really good day.


Let’s get the context right okay? I had to go to my local government council hall to fill a form that has to do with the federation.


I haven’t been to that part though so I had to do my research to know how much it’ll cost and where exactly it’ll be.


After a few days I asked everyone and my last option was my best friend (sounds weird yeah but we rarely go out so I really didn’t expect her to know the place) and fun fact yeah, she actually knew where it was and I was actually relieved she was the one who knew the location.


We picked a day and we just had to patiently wait for it. It was a state holiday on the 29th so government offices were closed, my birthday was on the 30th and she said she won’t let me spend the day in a government office so we eventually went there on the 31st.


So I got up early on the 31st and headed to my best friend’s house. Waited for her to get dressed and we set out to the far away land as I’ll like to call it.


I was shocked at how large the bushes were over there.


The types of structures and the roads literally everything looked different over there and it definitely was not the same as it was on the parts I live in which was not so far from there.


I don’t exactly know how long it took to get there but we did and in good time too. Most of my images are from when I arrived at the council hall. I saw a pretty tree there. I had to take a picture of it because why not.


Got there by past 8 and waited til 12 or so till the officials arrived at the location. And it was a whole lot.
I did get to see different people and buildings and food too although I didn’t get a picture.


Going home was the fun part. I saw mud houses 💃💃💃 I definitely have not seen that in years. I saw huge valleys too.


And heaps and heaps of red sand. Every part of this whole journey exposed me to very beautiful views.


Oh oh oh I almost forgot. I saw huge trees. Really huge ones too. And I was like wow the entire time.


Got home really drained and exhausted from walking about all day but I also had loads of fun and I got to be in nature so automatically it reduces every amount of stress I felt before then.
It felt so good writing here and I can’t wait to bring more stories about my pretty adventures to you all.


Thank you so much for reading it all.
