
The intensity of feeling that comes with lusting after someone or being infatuated with someone has made people do some foolish things in the name of love. In the Bible, there are several examples of foolish things some people did in the name of love...Reuben slept with his father's concubine, Bilhah in the name of love, Samson revealed the secret of his power to Delilah in the name of love, David slept with Beersheba, killed her husband and took over her in the name of love. In our present time people are still acting foolishly in the name of love.

The following are some of the foolish things people do in the name of love:

  1. MAKING SOMEONE YOUR FIRST LOVE INSTEAD OF GOD: To crave for marriage without quality relationship with God makes you a big marital risk. Making God your first love is your heart insurance against heartbreak.

  2. DISOBEYING GOD BECAUSE OF RELATIONSHIP: Any relationship that changes you from a believer to a backslider does not hold a bright future.

  3. FIGHTING CLOSE PEOPLE BECAUSE OF RELATIONSHIP: There is no wisdom in fighting people because of your relationship. If your choice of life-partner is not accepted, prayerfully prove that you have not made a mistake.

  4. STRIVING TO BUY LOVE: It is senseless to spend money lavishly on a lady or a man in order to be loved and accepted for marriage. It is foolishness to turn yourself into a slave because you want a young man to marry you. "The way you get something, will definitely be the same way you will maintain it." When you get a relationship by spending lavishly, you'll need to spend more in order to sustain that relationship.

  5. USING PREGNANCY AS A TRAP: It is foolishness to use pregnancy as a trap to get proposal from a man or marriage approval from parents. The foundation of the marriage is already a faulty foundation.

  6. HAVING MULTIPLE RELATIONSHIPS: Multiplicity of relationships results to multiplicity of confusion.

  7. REMAINING IN A RELATIONSHIP WITH SOMEONE YOU KNOW YOU ARE NOT GOING TO MARRY: It is wickedness to remain a relationship with someone you know you won't marry because of some privileges you are enjoying in that relationship.



  1. COHABITING WITH SOMEONE IN THE NAME OF LOVE: Living together with a man or lady you are not married to is a big mistake. Cohabitation is 'enjoyment' on credit!

  2. GOING OUT WITH A MARRIED PERSON IN THE NAME OF LOVE: It's madness to go out with a married person in the name of love. There is no future in such relationship. You are sowing a seed that you won't like the harvest.

  3. ENTERING "METHUSELAH" RELATIONSHIP: A "Methuselah" relationship is a that has a beginning but has no end.

  4. DRESSING INDECENTLY TO A LIFE PARTNER: How you dress determines who you attract. Dressing half-naked to attract men is foolishness. No sane person will buy a biscuit whose sachet has been torn.

  5. ENTERING RELATIONSHIP IN A WRONG SEASON OF YOUR LIFE: So many young destinies have been destroyed badly because of dabbling into the world of relationships too early. There is a season and phase in life that relationship is not necessary.

  6. APPRECIATING THE COMMENT, 'YOU LOOK SEXY IN THE NAME OF LOVE: 'You look sexy' is not a compliment but an insult. It simply means you are sexually attractive, sexually stimulating and arousing. You are only good for bed.

  7. HOLDING ON TO THE PAST IN THE NAME OF LOVE: Using one year to mourn and organize the funeral service of a dead relationship is foolishness. If for any reason, the engagement was broken, please move on. It is not the end of your life.


  1. Make God your first love.
  2. Pursue purpose life partner.
  3. Enter a relationship only when you are ready to get married.
  4. Bring your relationship under spiritual authority.
  5. Define your relationship, draw boundaries and communicate accordingly.
  6. Reserve the privileges of marriage for marriage.
  7. Invest heavily in your personal growth.
  8. Dress decently and moderately
  9. Seek counselling.
  10. Remain a Christian with strong faith.


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