Sunday Vibes & Biriyani



Last Sunday was a busy one. It started off meeting up with a roof repair man at house we are looking to refurbish. This man was in his 70s but moved with much agility. He was accompanied by his wife I believe, who helped with the ladder. The roof needs a lot of Japanese roof tiles which aren’t that expensive but each tiles do add up.

From there is it was off to the park to get the kids to dispense some energy. But before that, shopping at the farmers market. The weather was warm with a slight breeze which made it actually pleasant to be outdoors.


The youngest went on this net thingy for the first time and had a blast. He can’t really play with his older brothers and their friend just yet, he still needs some special attention. So while my friend watched his kid and my twins, I watched Aijah. At one point I watched as they all ganged up on him ( my friend ). The punches get harder as they age.


I was surprised he could actually climb to the top without crying out for help as I was not in the mood to get on that thing. Later in the evening he came back to this spot but the only difference is his big brothers and their friends were there shaking things up. And this made him cry out for help. But I didn’t jump to his rescue, I told him to come to me so I could lift him down to safety. Hehehe.

There will soon come a time when the kids want to play with their friends alone and we the parents will be left wondering where did the time go. ( as my wife often reminds me). So it is best to get as much time with them now while they don’t mind our presence.


Sunday Dinner

While at the park my friend who owns an South Indian restaurant messaged me as it has been almost six months since we have met. So after the park I stopped by to catch up and have some beef biriyani with the family.

I ended up going over my budget for the week with this one, but it was worth it. Vejay is really good with kids and they had a blast joking around with him. Makes me wish I could be that kind of a person that kids really love to be around but I am usually the bad cop while others play the good cop. But hey someone has to do it.


We had a big platter of beef biriyani that was refilled about three times. I was surprised that the twins gobbled it up even though it was full of herbs and spices. vejay was delighted to see that.

The biriyani came with fresh yogurt, beans curry and eggs on the side. I really like that some of the beef in the biriyani still had the bones on it. It’s tastier that way.


I never fancy squeezing lemon on any of my dishes but the twins have a thing for eating lemons as is. I guess they get an extra boost of vitamin C and the food doesn’t go to waste. The herbs and spices used to make the biriyani really hit the taste buds. At times, when eating the rice alone it tasted a bit bland but then pockets of herbs 🪴 just seemed to appear from nowhere.

It was a good Sunday. And ending it by having dinner at Vejay’s was a great idea. And of course Vejay said the same thing he always says to me but with slightly different wording: “Time to start your own shit, this pond called Japan is too stagnant, we have to start some shit.”

True words and over the years I’ve started a lot of shit but now I want to start some smart shit.


What did you have for Sunday Dinner?

Have you ever tried Biriyani?



Wanna take part in #DashOutSunday? Read this post for details.


0.067 PAL


I've never had biryani, but it's on the list of "must-eat".
Though there's an Indian (South Asia) population in Suriname, it's not as varied as what India has to offer, because of the many regions and groups in India itself.

The food pictures and your description are mouth watering though hahahah

0.003 PAL

Yeah I'd think that it would be something that founds it's way to Suriname but as you said India is a big place. I never heard of biriyani before Vejay introduced it to me. Most Indian restaurants here just serve curry, nan and tandoori chicken.

It’s so good. I’m sure you’ll find it in Amsterdam.

0.000 PAL

Most Indian restaurants here just serve curry, nan and tandoori chicken.

The curry and roti are staples in Surinamese Indian kitchens, with aloo and other veggies, but tandoori chicken isn't. Could be that the Indian migrants who came as indentured workers back then were from a specific region.

Now there are a few Indian restaurants in Suriname serving biryani and tandoori chicken etc. but those are mostly run by "new" (more recent) immigrants.

0.000 PAL

Well done to the little boy, for climbing the net and enjoying that playground. Older ones like to mess up sometimes the things hahaha, I believe it is like that in all places and like forever 😅
The dinner you had looked tasty. Not to be said for my one, as we were not at home on Saturday to buy ingredients for two days in advance and yesterday everything was closed. Literally, everything 🤦‍♀
so, better not to talk about my Sunday dinner 😂

0.002 PAL

Hahaha but interestingly it's the big ones who think the little ones mess things up. They were call Aijah to get out the way and couldn't care less when he cried.

Ugh been there with the unworthy Sunday dinner 😂 but some dinner is better than no dinner. Got to be grateful right?

0.000 PAL

Got to be grateful right?

Absolutely :)

0.001 PAL

So it is best to get as much time with them now while they don’t mind our presence.

Enjoy while you can, man! I almost don't see my teenage son for days and we live in the same home... 😃 It's just the way things go...
I didn't try Biriyani, but I would like to try it! It looks delicious!

I have picked this post on behalf of the @OurPick project which will be highlighted in the next post!

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0.002 PAL

I think us men can appreciate that stage of growth in our kids more. Of course I’ll miss em but I’ll also get chance to catch up with me 😂.

Thanks man, I shall check this out.

0.000 PAL

Of course I’ll miss em but I’ll also get chance to catch up with me 😂.

Well, the thing that they will not "run to you", doesn't mean that our parenting is over... Small children, small problems... Big children, big problems... 😃
They will still mess up things that we have to fix... 😃

0.002 PAL

Don't remind me bro ( let me get the belt from now... oh yeah we can't do that in these days) 😂

0.000 PAL

Twins and Aijah getting big!
Special place for Dad, whether he's the fooling around kind or not 😍

0.002 PAL

Really big. Aijah learns some very unpleasant words form his older brothers 😅

That is true and I can be fun.... sometimes .

0.000 PAL

I had soba while on the road with a mini-don. The biriyani looks great!

0.002 PAL

Sounds good. I’m craving some Yakitori right now. The biriyani was great, I realize there is biriyani boom going in Japan now. But this guy has been serving it for years.

0.000 PAL

Is there a boom going on right now? I’ll have to go out and look around for it. I can’t remember the last time I ate biriyani.

0.002 PAL

It's getting quite popular after a news segment recently. Trickles down from the big city as usual though.

0.000 PAL

I never see such a rich biryani with eggs and onions, so good! And also good looking

0.002 PAL

It was expensive though. No wonder this friend doesn’t see me so often 😂

0.000 PAL