Doing good pays. Does it?


A lovely day to y'all. Hope you are enjoying the weekend. Today's post is about doing good. This is something we all know very well, but today, i am going to analyse some facts. So fasten your seat belts, and get ready to read this wonderful piece. *Lol! .. Let me not over hype my post jor 😂😂"*.... Now lets get started.

A popular adage made it known to the public that "doing good pays" another, rephrased it to "it pays to be good" . But is this even true? ... Is it paying me financially or is there any other means of payment i don't know about? 🤔🤔 a friend of mine would say "all these inspirational speakers won't stop confusing us" 😂

Someone once told me "if you don't want to give, don't give. Don't allow these quotes of 'nobody knows tomorrow' confuse you"

But does doing good actually pay? Here is a little story about me.

A friend of mine i met in higher institution. He is not that academically stable so he was finding it difficult to understand some courses. I am not the kind of person that will see someone with a problem i can solve and not do it. I took it upon myself to help him. We had study sections after lectures. I even sleep over at his place sometimes just to make sure he was prepared for each exam or test.

Sometimes, he will come to my place for our study sections.

There was something he said to me that made me proud of myself, he said "you are a good friend and i appreciate, i have never seen someone that taught me the way you did. You are ready to start all over again each time i tell you i don't understand without complaining or getting angry, irrespective of the fact that i don't pay you for this"

To me, what i was doing was a normal thing. something i would do for anybody else. But to him, it was gold.

Days passed by and turned to months. This friend of mine became successful. He sent me money for the first time, it was the money he wanted me to use and help him pay for something. He used that strategy to save my bank account number as beneficiary.

Few days later, i got an alert, his name was on the description so i knew its him. I called him and thanked him. We do keep in touch on social media. And he told me something no one has ever told me. He said "if you ever need anything, don't forget to tell me"

I replied the chat jokingly saying. "Lol! .. Anything? .. I am going to ask for a lot of money, a car and a house in banana Island 😂"

"He said, if its something i can do, i will do it, i don't mind using up my entire savings"

That was when i knew he was serious, i had to talk him off from it. I told him not to worry, that i was ok .. He demanded for my account number and i refused to send. Before i could close my eyes and open it, 15,000 naira was already breathing in my account. He said i should use it and chill for the weekend.

He sends me money every now and then, sometimes i had to tell him to stop but he doesn't listen. I had to sit down one day to think of what it was exactly that i have done for him to prompt this good reward. Just my good act of teaching him in higher institution. And someone will sit down comfortably and tell me "doing good doesn't pay"... My brothers and sisters, don't let anybody confuse you, **doing good pays** and the pay is good.

I have multiple friends that will do anything in their power to help me in times of need and all these is as a result of one very small good thing i did in the past.



Doing good pays off for sure no doubt.
