[WE 118] Nineteen Meets Ninety.


In the evening of Friday, I heard a knock on my front door, “That must be 90 year old me.“ I said. I was extremely glad Sir @galenkp gave me the opportunity to spend the weekend with one of the 10 people he mentioned. And without much thought, I chose to spend it with my 90 year old self. Why? Well because it's a "once in a lifetime" opportunity in which I'd get to know the future.


I've always been quite curious anxious about what my life would be like in years to come and that was a chance I couldn't afford to miss. Although, I was super excited and nervous at the same time. I was still musing when I heard a second knock again, this time louder. I really should've braced myself earlier before she arrived… “I'm coming!“ I yell from the kitchen.

On reaching the door, I took a deep breath before finally pulling the knob open and right there in front of me, was my 90 year old self. I was so much in awe and fascinated that I didn't even tell her to come in. We were both just standing and staring at each other, scanning through each other's face and body. I could see tears welling in her eyes, so did mine. She's me indeed, the emotional Dimma that hadn't changed. Except of course, she had aged a lot now and her beauty had faded too.

There was a sad smile on her face, one that clearly expressed how much she missed her young self. And at that moment, something inside me prompted me to give her a hug which I did. We were both overwhelmed and a hug was just what we needed. Can you imagine what it feels like to get a hug from yourself? Damn, it felt just right and wonderful 🥺.

Alright now, without further ado, let me take you on how our weekend went ☺️.


So, after I had invited her in, I offered her a drink. I asked if she wanted some cola but I was surprised by her answer; “Tea is fine”. She responded abruptly. Wait, what?? Tea?? So I do change after all 😳.

My 90 year old self told me how much her health started to decline with age due to the excess sugar she took in as a young girl. And she strictly warned me to cut out taking fizzy drinks and junk food. I felt so guilty and assured her that I would heed to her advice 😔.

Furthermore, I was given many pieces of advice on how to live my life. She said I should look after myself more, she told me to be more self confident in all that I do. She mentioned how she lost a job opportunity due to self doubt. I was also told to rid myself of overthinking and anxiety as it would only make things worse.
She told me that the future is bright but tough so I should brace myself.

“What about Mom and Dad?“ I asked while trying to swallow a lump that formed in my throat. “It's best I don't tell you now but don't worry... they lived a great life and they reaped the fruit of their labour thanks to I and my siblings. We became very successful with hardwork, that is why I must advice you to follow suit... Also, never give up on anything or anyone. Remember to keep your friends close and your enemies closer.“ She said whilst taking sips of her tea on intervals. Huh? Enemies closer? I didn't understand what she meant but she told me I would when the time comes.

“How is the world generally?“ I asked. I'd been asking way too many questions but she answered without complaining. I guess she must've understood my inquisitiveness. “Well, in the future, the world will change a lot more than it used to be, many things will go extinct so you must appreciate everything you see and own now.“ She responded. That hit deep and a tear rolled down my cheek. I proceeded to ask more questions and she kept answering them, some of her replies were vague and others were clear.

“You're happy right?… Do you regret anything?“ I asked once more. There was a pause and the atmosphere became solemnly quiet. My heart throbbed faster as I awaited her response. She sighed... “I am happy now… but there's something I regret most; traveling abroad and not being there at my parents deathbed… I also regret letting go of the love of my life. I hope you can avert that too in the future Dimma”. She said with a faint smile.

I didn't ask any further but I assured her that I would do my best to prevent the mistakes she made if possible. We hugged once more and she reminiced her past which is my present. She told me about the food, drinks, clothes, music, movies and people she missed. I made sure she enjoyed those things again and we laughed, cried, ate and slept together.


While we laid on the bed, I couldn't stop staring at her me. She had become grey, pale, wrinkled and weak. Some of her tooth were missing but her smile was still like mine. Her eyesight had now dulled and she depended on glasses to see. I felt so sad but I understood life a lot more. Seeing her reminded me to remain humble, live right and be more appreciative.

Sunday came and it was time for her to leave. “I must return back to the future now... Thank you for having me Dimma. I had such a wonderful weekend with you.“ She said with the happiest smile I'd ever seen. “Oh no, I should be thanking you instead ma… it felt weird referring to myself as “ma” but I just had to though. “You can just call me Mrs Benson”. She said with a chuckle before suddenly disappearing into thin air ✨.

Wow! For a bit, I was flushed. So I got married to a man with the surname 'Benson'? I wondered who it could be as I shut the door with smiles 🤭.

So guys, that was how my weekend experience with my 90 year old self went. I guess we can just call it; “19 meets 90” 😄.

P.S. This post is in response to the weekend-engagement concept [WE 118] for the weekend experiences community. You can read here for more details if interested. 😊

All images are mine and edited using FaceApp



So lovely. Great read!!! Quite creative. I loved the images you presented of you now and you at 90. Loved the questions you asked. It felt like it ended too soon. I wanted to read more. Lol!!! Really enjoyed it.
Great that you already know that you’ll be marrying a “Benson”. Make sure you pick the right one. Lol!
Thanks for sharing your experience with your 90 year old self.


Thank youuu!... Your comment is really encouraging, I'm glad you loved it. Lol I didn't want to make the post too lengthy, that's why.

Haha... I'd certainly be looking out for that "Benson".

It's my pleasure.


😃You’re welcome.

Haha... I'd certainly be looking out for that "Benson".



What a nice experience, you took the opportunity to know a little of what your life will be like at that age, what you long for in your present and it will come true, happy weekend, greetings.


Indeed it is... Yes, my dreams will surely come true 😃.
Greetings to you too!


Funny and creative, i love how you write, just reading through, i felt like meeting my old self,i wonder how it's going to be, if its going to be heartwarming as yours or...I don't know, let's see.


Thanks for the kind words 😊❤️ I'm glad you like it... 😂 I'm sure it'll be more heartwarming!
