Seasons: My Favorite, Dream and Personality. [LOH] #91

Seasons are divisions of the year with distinct weather conditions and day lengths. The four popular seasons in the world include spring, summer, autumn (fall) and winter.

All four seasons come with their own uniqueness, advantages and disadvantages.
However, my favorite season remains the summer season. Even though it may be the hottest, it certainly is my most loved season. “Why?“ You asked?


Well, that's because summer brightens the atmosphere, my days are never dull when there's sunshine. The sky tends to be bluer and prettier. During summer, nature is at its full bloom and fruits and flowers are plentiful. As a butterfly lover, the best time to see butterflies is during summer; the season with warm, sunny weather that sends colorful sulphurs, monarchs and swallowtails flitting through my gardens.

Summer is such a warm and energetic season, it has longer days thereby making me more productive. It's the only season where I can unlimitedly carry out my leisurely activities like, going on vacations, visiting the beach, going for a cold swim, having ice cream, taking a drink with ice cubes in it, playing dress up, wearing lighter clothes, exercising, etc.

Also, when I'm out in the sun, my melanin tends to glow more, and despite the scorching heat, the ultraviolet rays of the sun provide a natural nutrient for the body known as vitamin D. Although, moderation is essential in other to avoid too much sun exposure which could damage the skin, that's why I regularly use my sunscreens during the summer season.

Another health benefit of summer is that it increases my water consumption because I get thirstier during this time.
Lastly, it's a period when I can take a break from studying because I get a long holiday off school during summer.
In fact, summer is literally my happy season, plus I rarely get sick during this period.

However, asides summer, another one of my favorite seasons is winter. Weird right?
The truth is I actually love the winter season because of the snow but unfortunately my country Nigeria doesn't have such weather. I think it's safe to say that winter is my dream season and I've often envisioned myself wearing those thick winter jackets, head warmers, ear muffs, gloves and boots during winter.


I only get to see it in movies because I've never been outside my country before, so I've never seen or felt the snow. I wish to know what it feels like to see snowflakes, make snowmen out of snowballs and sit by the fire to keep warm. I also deeply wish to celebrate a Christmas with snow (I should definitely add that on my bucket list! 😄).

Anyway, apart from the snow, I wish to experience winter because of the refreshing chilly winds. I hear winter is calm and extremely cool. Although I'm not quite sure how very withstanding my body is to cold but I guess I'll find out when I eventually visit Canada or London someday.

Moreover, If I were to be a season, I think I'd be Autumn (fall) because studies say Autumn is described by vibrant orange, brown and red colors with cooler weather than in summer.


It is earthy, warm, reliable, loyal and associated with acceptance, adulthood and maturity. So, I believe it resonates well with my personality which is quite calm, romantic and creative. However, my mood can be a roller coaster of emotions full of changes. Yet, I tend to release serenity and I always seek peace in my life.

P.S.This post in my contest entry to the @ladiesofhive community contest #91 on the topic:

2️⃣ Winter ❄️ Spring 🌿 Summer 🌞 Fall 🍂
Which one is your favorite season and why? If you live in an area that does not have all four seasons, which season do you wish you could experience and why?
Optionally, if you were a season, which one best represents who you are? Explain.

If you wish to participate, do click here for more details. Meanwhile, I'd personally like to invite @philomenob and @princessbusayo to hop on this contest.



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Each season does have its own beauty, joys, and memorable experiences, personally I just like the Autumn best. Especially when the Maples change color here in Canada.

Thanks for sharing @dimmablogs 🍁


You're absolutely right, they're all unique in their own way... Oh I see, Autumn is a lovely season and yes I guess the the Maples changing color is what makes the season even more beautiful. I hope to someday experience it in Canada.

Thanks for stopping by! 😊


You are a very well rounded woman with your thoughts and reasons for why you chose your favorite seasons, as well as the one season on your bucketlist you have yet to experience! Autumn🍁🏕🍂

Reading all of the positive things you enjoy about summer gave me new perspective on how I should try to appreciate this season despite the unbearable heat and humidity we've been experiencing lately!
🌤🌳 🏊‍♀️🏃‍♀️🌴☀️

Autumn will be here in a handful of weeks followed by winter.

Thank you for your entry in the Ladies of Hive Contest Round #91 @dimmablogs


Thank you for your kind words ma'am! 🥰

Reading all of the positive things you enjoy about summer gave me new perspective on how I should try to appreciate this season despite the unbearable heat and humidity we've been experiencing lately!

I understand how extreme the heat can be sometimes but regardless it's a beautiful season and I'm glad I was able to give you that new perspective 😊. All seasons should be appreciated as they come with their own advantages and uniqueness ✨...

Oh that's great!

It's my pleasure 😊❤️.
