My Thoughtful Take On Parenting and the Need to Protect our Generation's Sanity.

Recently, I was having a chat with someone online and our conversation reopened my mind to many harsh realities of life particular to the term; “parenting”. And literally, I slipped into a whirl of melancholy from just hearing about his experience with bad parenting and how deeply it had been impacting his life 😟.


Now, this is a concept not many people think deeply of and hence resulting in diabolic consequences which often victimizes the offsprings of the careless union. In my opinion, parenting should be just as sacred as marriage should be 🙄. Before couples make marriage plans or even birthing plans, they should've done thorough assessment on whether they're both fit for parenting or not. Okay scratch that, no one is exactly born fit for parenting. But at least, there should already be this passion as well as keen interest in learning to become a good parent.

You know, parenting isn't just about giving your kids a decent home training. I think it's also about giving them a happy and comfortable life, making sacrifices and putting their interest first. Certainly, we're not going to live forever, our children will live on after us. So, securing their future, happiness, wellbeing and comfortability should be top priority.

I have this newly discovered theory of parenting which explains that; “parenting could be practiced unwittingly and without even having kids yet.” Yess! An example is when a couple wants to get married but they find out they're genotypically not suitable for each other. Or a scenario of a couple who aren't financially stable to feed themselves, let alone cater for a full family needs.

The former couple despite their deep love went ahead to confirm the test and took the decision to end their relationship. Why? Of course, because they had put their unborn children into due consideration. They could not rashly compromise on their child's peace and health because of their love. That's selflessness, that's thoughtfulness, that's compassion, that is parenting! The same goes for the latter couple.


Sadly, many people have had to grow up with traumatizing childhoods because of the rash actions/decisions of their fated parents. Even if they wanted to be reborn or have their parents replaced, they could never really do so. I remember I once said and I quote, “we cannot choose our parents but we can choose the kind of parents we want for our kids.” How? By marrying right and being upright! I know it's not easy. I mean, we cannot always know the right or the wrong 🤷. But you see, you and I don't have to be Mr/Miss Perfect. Just some level of good conscience, compassion, sense of responsibility and maturity within each other is enough.

Here's the crazy gist! A few days ago, I was going through my WhatsApp status and I stumbled on this video of a young man carrying an infant which I suspect to be his daughter. Can you imagine what he was doing with her?? 😳 He was repeatedly sharing a “blunt” (marijuana) with her ☹️🤢. More offensive, a woman's voice could be heard in the background and I suspect her to be the mother of that infant. It's sickening to think that whilst a man was doing such despicable thing with a fragile and innocent baby, all she could do was giggle and record the whole scene. How such video got out into the internet is still a baffling mystery 😐.

I just felt more sorry for the child because she was fatedly born to the hands of such irresponsible parents without her consent. Now, imagine how traumatic her childhood will be if she were to grow up with those two “parents”?? For goodness sake 😫🤦, nobody deserves bad parenting, not you, not me, neither do our unborn generation deserve it 🥺.


Conclusively, I believe that the world will become a better place once we start taking adequate measures to make our homes a better place first. Parenting should be taken seriously to avert the dire consequences because a lot of terrible things start off from broken homes. Also, it would really go a long way if we could spread more awareness on protecting our future and sanity of our generations to come 🙂.

