Taste of Extinction
The year was 2500, and the world had transformed in unimaginable ways. Decades of climate issues - or so the media had told us - had taken their toll, reshaping the planet and forcing humanity to adapt to a new reality. Among the casualties of this environmental upheaval was a beloved beverage that had vanished from existence: coffee.
The biggest fight back from the environment was by making the ground hostile to some of mankind's best indulgences, most notably, coffee. Having to navigate through the rigours of everyday life while still struggling to adapt to the new realities of the new world without coffee had been a difficult huddle that I was still learning.
Having returned from the day's work with wrinkled hand and tired legs, I was greeted by a beep of the latest bot upgrade which scanned my eyes before granting me access into my house. Again the feeling of imprisonment enveloped mw with disgust and disappointment.
Since the aliens took control of earth after helping save man from complete extinction as a result of the environment's revolt, we've been treated as nothing more than slaves. Machines were now man's best friend and our only companions were emotionless robots and the cry of children was replaced with incessant machine beeps as we were barred from having families and overpopulating the earth again.
Tired and in a bid to save my sanity from the unnecessary beeps, I decided to head to the basement where I still had some semblance of human occupation. As I fell face down on the small couch, I perceived a peculiar smell that I could barely place what it was or where it was coming from.
In a spontaneous search, I stumbled upon a momentous discovery while rummaging through the dusty remains of an ancient, long-forgotten storage facility hidden beneath what was once a cosy sofa. Amidst what I would describe as the the debris and crumbling comforts of a bygone era, I found a small, vacuum-sealed packet labelled simply as "Arabica Coffee Beans".
As I carefully opened the package, a burst of aroma enveloped me. It was a scent both intoxicating and nostalgic, like a long-lost memory of mornings filled with warmth and energy. The earthy, rich fragrance swirled around me, awakening my senses in a way I never I could still experience.
With trembling hands, I prepared the beans using the rudimentary knowledge written on its ancient instruction leaf. I ground the beans into a coarse powder and brewed them with water I had purified through the new machine complex filtration system. As the dark liquid filled the cup, I couldn't help but feel a sense of reverence for this beverage that had once been a cornerstone of human culture.
The first sip was a revelation. It was as if time itself had rolled back, transporting me to an era when the world was lush and green, and the simple pleasure of sipping coffee was a daily ritual. The taste was a symphony of flavours – a harmonious blend of bitterness and sweetness that danced on my palate. It was a taste of history, a connection to a past that had slipped away.
With each subsequent sip, I felt a surge of vitality coursing through my veins, as if the very essence of life had been distilled into this precious brew. It was a sensation of clarity and focus, a burst of energy that defied the limitations of this harsh new world.
As I savoured that cup of coffee, I couldn't help but wonder about the generations of people who had once enjoyed this elixir of life, unaware of the challenges that would eventually lead to its extinction.
In that moment, I made a silent promise to preserve - in any way possible - this last vestige of a fading world, to share its magic with others, and to remind humanity of what had been lost.
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The image belongs to millycf1976 and was manipulated in Canva.
A story that has at the end a hope with the last vestige of coffee and the lucky one who has the fortune to enjoy the unmatched flavor. An excellent story.☕
Thanks for sharing.
Good day.
Wow, living in a world without coffee is unbearable plus having aliens take over the world ? Pls let me remain here where I could enjoy my coffee and freedom.
Thanks for sharing this.