OBLIVION (Astor Piazzola) - Vibes Web3 Music Competition Week 12


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Un cordial saludo musical.

En esta ocasión les traigo una canción que aunque no lo parezca es un Tango, del gran compositor Astor Piazzola, se trata de Oblivion.(Olvido)

Oblivion: Una oda a la melancolía del tango

Oblivion, compuesta por Astor Piazzolla en 1982, es una de las piezas más emblemáticas del tango nuevo. Su melodía melancólica y conmovedora, acompañada por un ritmo pausado y cadencioso, la ha convertido en un clásico atemporal que ha trascendido las fronteras del género.

Piazzolla compuso Oblivion para la película Enrico IV de Marco Bellocchio, donde la pieza sirve para ambientar una escena de flashback. La obra originalmente estaba instrumentada para bandoneón, piano y bajo, pero con el tiempo ha sido interpretada por diversas agrupaciones y orquestas, enriqueciendo su sonoridad y alcance.

Oblivion no tiene letra, pero su música evoca una amplia gama de emociones, desde la tristeza y la soledad hasta la esperanza y la redención. Algunos la interpretan como una reflexión sobre el paso del tiempo y la pérdida, mientras que otros la ven como una celebración de la belleza y la fragilidad de la vida.

Oblivion es una obra maestra del tango que ha cautivado a generaciones de oyentes con su belleza melancólica y su profunda emotividad. Su legado continúa vivo en la actualidad, inspirando a nuevos músicos y artistas a explorar la riqueza y la diversidad del tango. 🎵

Con cariño, Rodnell.


Warm musical greetings.

On this occasion I bring you a song that, although it may not seem like it, is a Tango, by the great composer Astor Piazzola, It is Oblivion.

Oblivion: An ode to the melancholy of tango
Oblivion, composed by Astor Piazzolla in 1982, is one of the most emblematic pieces of new tango. Its melancholic and moving melody, accompanied by a slow and lilting rhythm, has made it a timeless classic that has transcended the boundaries of the genre.

Piazzolla composed Oblivion for the film Enrico IV by Marco Bellocchio, where the piece serves to set a flashback scene. The work was originally instrumented for bandoneon, piano and bass, but over time it has been performed by various groups and orchestras, enriching its sound and scope.

Oblivion has no lyrics, but its music evokes a wide range of emotions, from sadness and loneliness to hope and redemption. Some interpret it as a reflection on the passage of time and loss, while others see it as a celebration of the beauty and fragility of life.

Oblivion is a tango masterpiece that has captivated generations of listeners with its melancholic beauty and deep emotionality. His legacy lives on today, inspiring new musicians and artists to explore the richness and diversity of tango.

Love, Rodnell

My entry for Vibes Web3 Music Competition Week 12.https://t.co/Z7izPHnFyN#Vibes #Hive #Music

— Rodnell Matos (@rodnell) May 26, 2024



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0.027 PAL


Una peculiar versión, en mandolina, de esa emotiva pieza del gran músico Astor Piazzolla, que conocíamos en su interpretación en bandoneón, y que tú logras, en tu arte, transmitir en su emoción melancólica en esa admirable ejecución. Saludos, @digitalopus.

Tu post ha sido votado por @celf.magazine, proyecto curatorial y revista digital sobre arte y cultura en Hive. Únete a nuestra comunidad y comparte tu talento con nosotros.
Your post has been voted by @celf.magazine, curatorial project and digital magazine about art and culture in Hive. Join our community and share your talent with us.

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Great work! Your post was selected for curation by one of @curangel's dedicated curators for its contribution to quality!

...unfortunately, it had to be excluded from curation because of the use of a service (reward.app) to liquify rewards.Our upvotes are reserved for content which is created with a commitment to long term growth and decentralization of Hive Power.

This exclusion only applies to this and eventually other future liquified posts and not all your publications in general.

Take care and hive five!

0.000 PAL

Un cordial saludo, respeto su opinión pero no la comparto, pienso que la web 3 se trata de libertad.

0.000 PAL

Un perfecta ejecución 💯 y tema muy hermoso gracias maestro por presentarlo y poderlo escuchar en su mandolina

0.000 PAL

Gracias por apreciar mi presentación. Un gran saludo!

0.000 PAL

I love what I'm hearing, I watched this piece of yours almost five times and I'm please to let you know that I'm blessed with your performance, it's amazing.

0.000 PAL

Hey @digitalopus I absolutely loved this. This piece is one of my favorite by Piazzola and your version is so heartwarming:) I'm gonna paste a link to my go-to version by a string quartett and a bandoneon so you can enjoy it as well:) Wish you all the luck this week


Co-founder and judge at Vibes

0.000 PAL

Hello lady, thank you for the comment, I really like Piazzola, he have pieces that are master works, I have tried, humbly, to convey the feeling of this wonderful piece, as well as in all the pieces that I have played such as those of the great Bach. I appreciate your comment and that you shared that beautiful version! I loved it!

0.000 PAL

Hola amigo ví el vídeo y me pareció que hizo una buena presentación le felicito. Muchas felicitaciones para usted 🎉😊

0.000 PAL