What's on my bucket list?



Wishes and plans are a huge part of life. Wishes for the things we so desire to have for reasons best known to us and plans on how we'll go about getting those which we are certain we can get. Everyone I believe has or should have a bucket list.

Just in case anyone doesn't know what a bucket list is, a bucket list is a number of experiences or achievements that a person hopes to have or accomplish during their lifetime. A bucket list is oftentimes referred to as a wish list.
Today I'll be sharing with us all a few things that's on mine.

A weekend getaway to a hotel with my friends

It's been a really crazy year. First I was apart from my school friends for 8 months. Now that we are back together, it's been just two weeks yet we are beginning our examination on Monday. We've barely had the time to hangout. I feel it will be a really good idea to hang out together after our examination before we all travel home for Christmas.
One may be wondering, why a hotel? We have already discussed what we'd like to do during our hangout so we have swimming, eating, playing games and taking pictures on our list. A particular hotel around us here in school is capable of making all we have planned out happen so we'll go there.

An end of the semester photoshoot session

Apart from speaking, teaching, writing and all other things that I enjoy, taking pictures is just another thing I love to do. I love modelling. I have not been able to have my usual photo sessions here in school like I usually do but at the end of the semester, I hope to do that.

Travelling to at least 10 states in my country

I am a wishing traveller! I wonder if that makes sense to anyone. It just means I am someone who really wishes to travel a lot but hasn't really travelled to a lot of places. I can't wait for a moment in my life when I'll be rolling my box to different cities, learning about different cultures, languages, exploring, and of course bringing all the details here for documentation.

Take a trip to the Beach this Christmas

I have always wanted to go to the beach! But the beach is far away from home so it demands that I go in the company of friends. That way, we'll have more fun and my parents won't have to worry so much about me. Sad thing is I'm not so sociable so I don't have a lot of friends. Well I have now decided that with or without friends I'll visit the beach.

Surprise a friend this Christmas

A few days ago something really surprising happened to me. I was just talking to a friend and he asked me to show him around my apartment via a video call and I did. While on the call, I pointed out the things I didn't have and told him I had plans of getting them eventually. One of those things was a reading chair and table. We ended the call and days later, I was asleep in the afternoon and when I woke up I saw a text from him requesting for my bank details. He said he wants to send me money to get a reading chair/table as my exams are fast approaching and he did. My friends who know me so well know that I like to reciprocate gestures. My friend literally has everything he wants and I'm so confused about what to get him but I will get him something regardless.

Donate to the orphanage

I don't know how the orphanage works or how it's being run but I really wish to support any orphanage in any way that I can. It's already so sad that so many kids have no parents. Nothing would give me more pleasure than contributing to the wellbeing of these children in any way that I can.

These are the few things on my bucket list. Tell me about yours! I'll be thrilled to learn about them.

Cover image created by me on Canva



About The Author


I am a witty, adventurous and nicheless writer who loves to sing, take pictures, teach and travel. I am currently an English Education student at the University of Nigeria Nsukka. I am also a young children's teacher who homeschools kids during holidays. I love to share my life experiences through writing with the hope of inspiring as many people as possible on the Hive space.


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I am very well. Thank you for the curation. I will do well to follow your page. Happy Sunday!
